Tell us something different than what we have read in all these other spammed TF, Wf threads.
The benefit is that I am responsible for that to have happened. Not RNG.
And? That’s not the same thing as what the OP claimed.
That’s one opinion. Another is that it’s fine as is.
Lol we don’t even have 200 pulls yet and gear on a tank doesn’t really matter. I’m guessing you are 1/9 Mythic but trying to talk trash on that shadow alt haha. Funny stuff.
I’ve geared up 2 alts over the past 2 months to ilvl 400. In both cases I was able to hit ilvl 400 in around 10 days.
Contrary to @Synsha’s claim that you can just run WQs to gear up that was the absolutely worst way I had to get equipment. The best ways I geared up was being carried into Raids. On my first character, due to gear funneling, I received 9 upgrades in a single night at ilvl 400. On the second character I received 8 upgrades in a single night through heroic raiding. The second way I got gear was through M+10 runs which are easily as hard, if not harder, than Heroic raiding. I got maybe 1 legit upgrade through WQs or emissary caches.
The bottom line is WQ Titanforges are measurably the worst possible way you could ever try to gear and someone gearing up in this fashion will take months, well past the point content is relevant, to reach the levels of even a heroic raider. This also addresses @Lumino’s point about Titanforging being a form of “gear progression.” That’s a laughable claim for anyone who can do math. Titanforging is a tax on people who can’t do math and you pay with your wasted time and energy.
A big push was made back in Emerald Nightmare to quantify the drops in the Titanforging system and what came out of that was an approximation of 1/3rd chance to +5/Tertiary/Socket on an initial drop and a 1/2 chance on each additional +5 or rolling your first Tertiary or socket after that. Meaning, if your target is an ilvl 400 drop off an ilvl 370 WQ, you have a 1/96 chance of that happening if none of the winning rolls are either tertiary or socket. In practice your odds are actually worse than 1/192 because the forging system appears to heavily favor sockets. Oh and by the way, that’s counting post-buff to WQ drops after the progression race was well over. This extraordinarily inefficient method of gearing was even worse during the progression race.
So what’s the complaint? Once or twice a week someone has a 1/3rd chance to get a ilvl 400 out of a cache (assuming only that their ilvl is already high enough for the emissary to even roll 395)? That’s another thing never mentioned. You actually have to have ilvl for the emissaries and WQ to be high enough to have these awful 1/192 chances at an ilvl 400.
Seriously, if you think Titanforging has rendered your Mythic or Heroic raiding experience or loot progression pointless you are just bad at math. And if you’re honestly grinding out WQs in the hopes that a ilvl 400 or (lmao) a 425 drops I just consider that a stupidity tax.
Because you CAN’T kill 8 sand crabs and get a 425.
That’s like saying “Why would I work when all I have to do is buy a lottery ticket?”
Yes you can, unlikely, but possible.
More like you could work 40 hours this week for a 20% chance at a $5000 paycheck or you could work 5 min this week for a 5% chance at the same $5000 paycheck.
Not trash talking, but I don’t care if you take it that way! Enjoy the recent nerfs to Jaina!
You are an example of someone chronically incapable of doing math, exactly as I described. Your hypothetical response to Wylkanth is so detached from anything approaching the reality of WQ vs raiding drops you’re off by orders of magnitude. We have to literally change the way we examine numbers to show how off you are in your characterization of the situation.
Personally I use the McForge stance on the whole thing. It’s not only funny but provides a perfect stance on how the current gearing situation is flawed.
Someone could take 40 hours of play time to kill a mythic boss then get the same piece of gear from a 5 min emissary. Are you saying that is not a possibility?
If you want video game rewards to be like real life then “time spent” is absolutely a reality. If you make $100,000 per year (mythic raider) and I make $25000 then it takes me 4 times as long to earn say $15000. But applying your stance on gearing to RL means I would be somehow limited to say $10000 no matter how long I work. So you can’t really say you’re not just trying to limit what others can get to make yourself feel better.
Let’s stop the real life comparisons and just look at pretty much every RPG ever made. You fight harder enemies, you get better rewards. Let’s just keep it simple and get rid of this RNG slot machine garbage.
I think it’s hilarious that the guy terrified to show random online people his armory, (to the point that he pays for another account to hide) looks are other peoples armories.
I don’t care what you think at all about my forum character! I am glad you enjoy my posts from my third account!
I wouldn’t mind it if they got rid of TF but their MAUs would tank even farther almost instantly.
With a super casual guild and the way m+ works, after the first week of a new season I would probably end up playing 30 minutes a week max.
What are you afraid of tho honestly?
I am not but I am amused you are so worked up over it!
Just curious, never understood why people use shadow alts other than to troll
Yeah you’re right, and it’s not from titanforging. All my gear is from doing 15 keystones. None of it is titanforged WQ gear.