Titanforging gone. Game harder?

I’d be happier if they just removed RNG from gearing all together and had things like sockets be crafted items professions can make.

Even Corruption could’ve easily been a system that uses a currency to “make a deal” with Xal’atath or infuse it with Titan mcguffin that grants bonuses. The RNG aspect just made gearing seem more frustrating because there is enough RNG in just getting the piece you want anyway.

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This is how much RNG there is

Getting the boss to drop loot ~20%
Getting the boss to drop the piece of loot you wanted ~25%
Getting the the piece of gear to corrupt ??%
Getting the exact corruption bonus you wanted 1 in 19
Getting tier 3 ~ 1/3 maybe but probably is lower

Due to all that RNG you probably won’t get the perfect piece of gear ever.

You’re going to have a rough time once you start raiding classic then when only 2 pieces drop for your 40 man raid.

I raid in Classic and gearing up has been just fine. I also dislike the current loot system in Retail.

This is the absolute worst thing about M+, to me: That you spend an entire expansion re-clearing the same dungeons for the SAME pieces of gear to replace the SAME item THAT YOU’RE ALREADY WEARING.

I don’t understand why there aren’t more complaints about that. People freak out if a raid tier lasts longer than 4 months (“I’m sooooo borrrrrrred”… “There’s nooo newwww connntennnnnt…”) but seem to have no problem farming the same dungeon for 2 years to farm the same thing to replace the same thing they’re already using, over and over again.


Not exactly. You get a guaranteed corrupted item now, which is very powerful in itself. You will likely just have to think about your gear a bit more. Some titan forged gear never allowed you to poop all over mythic content or whatever just by having the gear. Corrupted gear will require a bit more thought but nobody knows how the numbers work out yet. For all you and I know this can be even more powerful than some item levels from titan forging.

Personally I’m glad it’s gone as it gives a real sense of progression again, having each level of content have a set reward in item level.

Raids are completely static.
M+ affixes at least shake it up a little.

There were no affixes in Legion, but Legion suffered the same problem.

My BiS boots came from Eye of Azshara, for example. I had to farm up the boots from Eye of Azshara during EN, then farm up the same boots from Eye of Azshara during Nighthold to replace the same boots I was already wearing, then farm up the same boots from Eye of Azshara during Tomb to replace the same boots I was already wearing, then farm up the same boots from Eye of Azshara during Antorus to replace the same boots I was already wearing.

There was no difference in the dungeon from tier to tier, yet nobody complained. Except me, I guess.

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I mean the seasonal ones. Reaping, etc.

Titanforging creates an ilvl inflation that in my opinion makes the game design harder, because the devs have to acknowledge a broader ilvl delta when tuning the encounters. I suspect it is one of the reasons why ToS was such a mess regarding tuning.

So, yes, I am happy to see it go. It didn’t make any sense to have it whatsoever. It was just more RNG to keep you grinding like a zombie. You should be able to clear a mythic raid decked in full heroic gear. If not, then the fault is in the game design.

Corruption sucks and is bad for the game, but I believe we won’t see it in shadowlands.


You are at a tangible disadvantage regardless. If you are not also mythic raiding on top of m+ spamming they are still going to be ahead of you. Looking at just this toon you are timing 14s how are you being relevant or even competitive? If you are not competing with mythic raiders now with titanforging that won’t change on Tuesday.

You’ll be getting almost mythic quality of gear from m+, it’ll just take a 15 instead of a 10. Imo, from someone who does m+ way more than raiding myself, I’m looking at this as an incredible change and much less rng dependant than wf/tf PLUS we’ll get a guaranteed corrupted item in our loot boxes. I’ll still be farming the 2nd (?) boss for the agi weapon every week because that affix looks amazing for my bear but I’ll still more than likely show a lot more progression through m+ than I will the raid.

I’ll still be farming for the 2h agi weapon on heroic, and with any luck moving over to mythic, but I’d rather have the 460 version than a 475 I could get from m+ simply for the affix.

Titan forging isn’t gone. It’s just changed forms.

Instead of the raw ilvl form, it’s in the form of corruption effects.

We’ll still see pieces of gear that dropped from easier content outperform gear from the more difficult content based on what corruption affixes roll on the gear.

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Let the raiders tell you how useful their 455 TF gear from the M+ chest was. It gets to take up bag space while you use socketed benthic armor instead. Corruption is so much more powerful than Titanforging, it’s stupid. Plus you’ll be able to guarantee a socket on every piece of gear which is also more powerful than TF on every slot except weapon and trinkets, maaaaybe rings. I never once got a socketed piece from my chest this entire season.

Gearing system is butt. TF or not doesn’t fix the garbage gearing system in this game.

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Imagine clicking on someones profile and assuming you can see what that players account progress is, when all you see is that specific character


Nevermind the doubling down on the complexity of mechanics etc…

Btw… you’re on the GD forums… where they think stuff like titanforging is super, but they hate Raider IO… and they can’t make the connection between one and the other.


He wasn’t referencing account progress at all – he was pointing out the discrepancy between that toon’s own progress and ilvl. Even if the account was a Mythic raider, it’s still a bit janky that a character that’s done nothing but pretty low-end content is above Heroic raid ilvl. Hell, my alt was during Dazar, and I did nothing on that toon except emissaries and warfronts for gold and disenchant fuel.

And furthermore, Armory is currently showing all achievements account wide anyway, so…

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