Will the removal of TF make harder content, harder due to no cheesy gear boosts from lower content?
Will it make ppl leave sooner due to ilvls being more static and predicatable?
Will it make weekly chests less rewarding?
Thoughts on the removal of TF?
I personally hated it, but feel like ill be hard stuck once im heroic geared (dont raid mythic due to work) so once im heroic geared and start falling behind guildies in mythic gear ill kinda feel bad and leave, idk…
This is why people shouldn’t have complained about TF’ing. I liked it, it didn’t bother me that it was ingame.
It didn’t hurt my game play, didn’t affect my life and I suspect it affected no one adversely.
So why did they complain?
This is why I think complaints must be thought out first before being posted. When people get together to complain in an effort to change the game, sometimes it backfires.
Big time.
I think that’s what will happen here. I could be wrong. We’ll see.
Titanforging was fine and it didn’t matter that other people got decent gear randomly unless you are trying to be better than everyone else.
That is exactly why they complained.
Sounds like unwarranted self-importance then.
When I saw someone get a great titanforged item, I congratulated them on the nice win. It was fun.
Apparently you and I are the weirdos of the game then as I do the same thing.
Are you guys addressing my post or just having your own conversation about something else?
I’ve always thought it would be better if we only had one and not two. Titanforge/warforged, remove one
I’m having a good conversation with this friendly enemy factioner about being a good person.
Now, removal of TF will not change difficulty much, because even a 15 ilvl increase didn’t do much for stats overall.
TF should have been here to stay. Those who don’t enjoy it, can roll around on Classic touting how amazing old systems are.
Whether it makes the game easier or not will depend on Blizzard’s tuning. Historically, they’ve lagged at least 1 raid behind in their tuning, so the answer is probably “no, it won’t make things easier” in the short term.
Let’s look back at Emerald Nightmare. That was the first raid where M+ gearing was a thing. It was massively undertuned because it never occurred to Blizzard that people would spam M+ for gear before doing the raid.
Starting with Nighthold, and in every single raid since then, Blizzard has tightly tuned the raids on the assumption that everyone will be spamming M+ for gear. And since the tuning is so tightly tuned, this means that if you DON’T spam M+ for gear, the raid is overtuned for you. Which makes spamming M+ for gear a requirement.
With TF going away, Blizzard should be tuning them with the removal of this assumption. However, spamming M+ for gear will still be a thing (and still be required), it just won’t have as big an impact since we won’t have access to an infinitely repeating source of TF gear anymore. And Blizzard SHOULD be tuning the raids with that in mind.
But given how badly they botched the EN tuning, they probably won’t.
But, but, all of those LFR heroes fully decked out in mythic ilvl gear from titanforging were invalidating the efforts of the cutting edge raiders!
I mean, I never saw anyone fully decked out in max titanforged gear, but they must exist because there has been no end of complaining about them on the forums.
Run 15s and stay geared to keep mostly in line with your mythic buddies. 465 end of dungeon loot and 475 in chest.
Until they start farming mythic N’Zoth that is.
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Well, let’s compare myself and Darrisoc, as an example.
I’ve cleared 8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace and have a bunch of +16ish M+ keys done on time.
Darrisoc is 2/8 LFR and hasn’t done anything else, and has never timed a +10 key.
Keep in mind that the ilvl gap between each difficulty is 15 points. So for somebody running content 3 difficulties below me, you’d expect an ilvl gap of around ~45 points.
Yet my ilvl is 448 and his is 432. He’s the equivalent of a full-clear Heroic player, but has only done a couple bosses in LFR, and has never timed a 10 key.
It’s isn’t JUST titanforging that was leading to a gravy train of gear causing power creep, it was also things like easy gear from failing M+ runs, and even simple warforging, which is still a +10 ilvl boost. Removing WF is at least as big a deal as removing TF.
But him having 432 didn’t impede your ability to achieve your kills.
Ilevel wasn’t going to indicate much skill. Gear stopped at 430 at 10, so folks running 24’s aren’t much better geared - ilevel wise - then someone constantly running 10-13s
I have seen players with lots of warforged/titanforged gear do poorly regardless of their ilvl, I don’t think that aspect is going to change they just wont have an ilvl to hide behind.
You’re not listening. Blizzard over-tunes the raids because of the infinite accessibility of higher ilvl gear from endlessly-repeatable M+.
Fights like Mythic Azshara, Mythic Za’qul, even Mythic Queen’s Court have COLOSSAL dps requirements. BECAUSE of xforged gear from M+.
And that absolutely affects my gameplay.
If Blizzard didn’t overtune the raids because of M+'s existence, I wouldn’t care. But they seemed to get really offended when people said Emerald Nightmare was easy, so they’ve overtuned the raids ever since.
The worst part of forging was not being able to give stuff to my friends when loot dropped they could make better use of than me.
Ah, yeah, I wasn’t listening. My apologies.
So your contention, and to repeat for my edification, is that titan forging was an assumed outcome and thus, was “built in” to gear thresholds on fights?
When I look at Felinator - world best M+ Prot Paladin (unless it’s changed in last month, though I see he faction changed horde)
And compare my ilevel, they’re only about 6 off depending load out.
But I’m definitely not pushing anything above 16 - highest completed was a 17.
So, my apologies for misunderstanding, but ilevel has always seemed like a minimal metric
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