Titanforging gone. Game harder?

Yeah this is alot worse in power for my shaman so im happy for corrupted forge feels good man!

Game was better before there was rng on top of rng on top of rng. Good riddance to the endless hamster wheel of titanforging, maybe I’ll bother to play more now.


Corruptforged gear is worse RNG than titanforge gear. :frowning: Find out for yourself on patch day.

I can understand why it made people who actually require skill (let’s say Mythic +8+/Heroic EP) to feel worthless. When Johnny with 400 ilvl, doesn’t have interrupt on his bars and clicks gets a TF 430 WQ piece, of course it’s going to make players feel terrible.

Nah, because the corruption system leads to similar power gains - if not more, and adds further frustration to it.

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Corruption is just a different hamster wheel, though. Instead of straight ilvl, now it’s add-on effects, so you have to hope gear corrupts AND corrupts with the right thing AND isn’t going to put you over your comfortable corruption threshold.

I didn’t farm normal. I ran it once with casual friends to help them learn the fight; bam, gear proc. It wasn’t even an especially big one, but it’s enough to make it outclass 445s.

Solution is to give back PVP gear progression, not to fold PVE gear progression over the desk and whack it with a sledgehammer.

There are plenty of benefits to having a “finished” main. Most notably, you can work on alts with the same sense of organization and reasonable goal-setting, because you’re not incentivized to spend a huge chunk of your login time spamming low-level content hoping for a blessing from RNGesus. TF and socket procs is one of many things about BFA that’s been disrupting alt play.

Even if you added progression paths like valor that did incentivize running lower level stuff, just being able to see the goalpost and know how much you have to do is a pretty big benefit.

Yeah. But only at 445 and nowhere further in the dungeon (I did say you had like 4-5 upgrades and they were all from the first two bosses – weapons, trinkets, maybe a piece of azerite if your spec is lucky). Normal/Heroic caster trinkets are uniformly worse than cyclotron and compendium.

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That would be totally fine as well. Bring back resilience or templates, imo.

Not all of us play alts though. I play the game with one hyperfocused completionist main, only rolling alts when they will serve the main in some capacity (like leveling a rogue for a lockbox bot, a druid gatherer, etc).

As I mentioned earlier in the thread, another solution would be to return valor points and upgradable gear. Gives us something to continue to work on in a raid, no RNG necessary.

I’d be okay with valor and upgradeable. It’s something you can plan out and budget, and doesn’t just randomly invalidate future progression. Furthermore, it does let people who don’t poke into higher content get a couple pieces from it.

Hell, I liked the idea of benthic when it first came out. Upgradeable to raid quality wasn’t the problem, beating it outright, even at low upgrade levels or out of the box was.

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I think there are some tangible downsides to it being removed. People who play exclusively m+ will be a a severe disadvantage then those that do M+ and Mythic raiding. It’s mind boggling to me how they fixed the weekly chest but also screwed over people who, like myself, rely on M+ titanforges to stay relevant.

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Blizz designs the game around what players have available to them. Imagine for a second that no player could interrupt, do you think Blizz would put a boss in the game with a 100% self heal he used every 30 seconds? Of course not, so if Blizz removes titanforging and we assume the playerbase has a lower overall ilvl and thus lower damage/healing output you can expect encounters to require less as well.

This design reasoning is also why it amuses me when people say to remove DBM/boss mod addons. It won’t make the game harder blizz will make the fights easier to compensate for the lack of boss mod addons.

People that did both M+ and Mythic raiding were always advantaged over people that did only M+. Either for trinkets or Weapons, but since CoS they have added really unique piece of gear in raids.

To note also that both system are rng, and so there was a chance that you never get the right titanforge in M+ even if you farmed a lot.

It’s also to be expected that when you play on the pve side atleast that you will have to do more than just one specific content. It’s an mmo not diablo, the game isn’t balance on m+ only. There are reasons why raiding needs to have it’s own unique rewards. Same thing as high m+ getting more reward next tier.

You also have to consider that it will still be easier to farm corrupted gear in M+ because of the abundance of gear (and corrupted gear can be worth more than 15 ilvls), and that next tier M+ will also always reward better than heroic gear if you do +15s. Which is an upgrade if you were unlucky on your tf proc.

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But they’re not just removing titanforging, they’re replacing it with corrupted gear that can have some pretty powerful effects. Which leaves the question of whether they’re tuning it for players who don’t have their best corrupted effect, or are they tuning for players who won the corruption lottery.

Corrupted gear is what people deserve for complaining about titanforging. Not only that, but blizzard plans to keep corrupted gear and implement it on all gear in shadowlands if the rumors are true. Now you can grind limited resources to remove corruption on rng gear.

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Theorycrafting is showing that corruption bonuses are going to be much stronger than TFing was, especially as your cloak gets stronger.

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I would have no sympathy for someone like that either. But funny thing, I’ve been reading these forums for years, and I’ve yet to see someone actually say that. But you say you’ve seen it commonly? It would be great if you could provide an example. It should be a quick and easy thing to find one since it’s so common.

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you still have it instead of ilvl its corruption.

corruption is reverse titanforging.

This game survived for I’m not even sure how many years without TF, I’m sure it will be fine.

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Yes but ppl who raid mythic will have higher ilvl AND corrupted gear.

Honestly it will make me wanna play again since ill actually be able to have a goal knowing that if i kill this boss he will drop this item and i dont have to worry if the thing McForges. Or worse yet chance the carrot on a stick of going the only way ill get an upgrade is IF the item that drops happens to McForge and be useful to me.