Titanforging gone. Game harder?

I’m a heroic raider and I liked titanforging. I could get all the gear that the raid would drop over the course of a couple months of raiding it, but feel like I have a purpose in returning anyway because of the potential titanforged upgrades to what I already have.

Without titanforging, what reason would I have to keep doing Heroic Eternal Palace assuming I have every 430-435 piece I could possibly need from it?


Yes! Over half the bosses this last tier may as well have just not had a drop table at all for the overwhelming majority of the raid. You literally walked in the door outclassing all but like five slots, and they were all filled by the first two bosses.


Yes this is the problem - this corrupted gear doesn’t provide incentive to a lot of ppl.

And that was why ? Because people farmed mythic plus ? Or because people were just that lucky raiding.

I hear what you’re saying and it’s similar to what others are saying as well and I agree but that’s how it is because that way they can keep us playing longer.

TF was just a rare carrot on a stick. There’s so many carrots I never understood why everyone focused on just that one, hence my comments. Anyway, ty for the explanation.

I’m a bit mixed on corrupted gear, but I honestly don’t know much about it. Will have to wait a ways into the patch to really make an assessment.

I do know that my mage is a do-gooder who knows that void magic is bad news and will keep the corruption to a minimum, and probably purify everything. This warlock of course would embrace the power of his master N’Zoth and take on as much corruption as humanly possible. xD

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Combination of M+ TF, benthic, Mech rings, and crappy azerite.


Doesn’t sound like removal of titanforging was really necessary then since a large part of the problem was other systems.

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No problem. But for me, it played into burnout and just unsubbing. That carrot on the stick doesn’t need to directly correlate to character progression in the overall game. That being World Quests. As for Titanforging, I haven’t been educated on why it’s a bad thing to have 1 piece of gear that everyone knows drops from the instance and know that it’s the only version of said item.


If four different people set your house on fire, you don’t acquit one because he only beat the others to the living room.

Even if benthic weren’t a thing, I still have multiple 450-455 TFs in my bank that outclass the Mythic drops. Hell, I have a socketed 420 from Normal that beats the Mythic drops.

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Tf is whatever. If someone got lucky… good on them. Remember before BFA launched and they stated AZ pieces wouldn’t forge and weapons wouldn’t forge… and some people cheered?.. Just like with the nerfed LFR in WoD is wasn’t good enough for them they demanded more.

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I did bring that up.

Yes but you didn’t need to farm normal either.

I just think it is ridiculous other people’s game keeps on getting ruined because you people can’t for the most control yourself so you make your content redundant. Giving people different options to get gear doesn’t mean you have to farm everything.

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I agree but I don’t think that’s what some people in this thread were meaning when they said they were glad it was gone.

Jalen explained it very well in that it takes away from the reward those would get that put more effort into the game, trivializing the more dedicated therefore harder content.

I’m still thinking about that RNG though and what part it plays in the game. I don’t understand enough of it but wish I did.
Either way, if harder, more dedicated content is going to be a thing then the rewards should reflect that.

Idk if they do, though. I haven’t done any of it for quite awhile. Well, not really.

Just this week on reclear we killed Radiance and I got some 450 gloves and two people messaged me “can I get those?”. To both I had to respond “Can’t trade” even though I have zero intention of ever wearing them since i have 440 crafted gloves. Worth noting I have looted 445 gloves before (the same pair just not forged). Couldn’t trade that one either but it was super early in the tier so that should have been expected anyway.


That doesn’t really address the “need” though. You’re only clearing Heroic. What’s the need for Mythic ilvl pieces

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It’s nice to not be at the mercy of every mythic raider I come across in PvP, at the very least.

It still does leave the question though; if I have everything I could get from the current heroic raid, what is there to keep me returning?

You don’t play anymore what’s the “need” to throw your two cents in?

It’s a stupid idea to add forging to a game that is all about progression in the end game. To undermine that basic idea of progression of earning the power of the gear you have is strange. It makes progression partly an rng gambling minigame which promotes very unhealthy behavior.

I haven’t gotten lucky with Titanforging RNG for the gear that I am after, but I am also sad to see it go. I think corruption prefix is the same end though, hoping to get the right combination on the right gear and removing any excess corruption.