Titanforging gone. Game harder?

You don’t know me, you don’t know what I like, hate, care, not care about. This is an incredibly daft statement and overly dramatic, like many of the complaints that are made over next to nothing.

It’s not my fault you can’t verbalize well.

It’s not over nothing though. There are big issues with TF. Just because they aren’t an issue to you doesn’t all of a sudden negate them.


How could a rare drop of a item adversely affect anyone? No one has ever explained that.

Read the thread.


I did. You read the thread or answer the question or not.

Yes it does because he has to deal with people queuing for iLvl activities beyond their capability. He has to run raider IO amongst other things and filter groups just to avoid them. It is a total waste of time especially since those people don’t even need that iLvl to do LFR or <10+.

I’m glad its gone. If I hit a wall at say 13+ this new season so be it. I’m OK at my limits. I’m not going to burden 16+ people because I brute forced my gear up.


My answer began with post #12. Others have given their reasons, as well.


Already explained, not being able to trade stuff thats trash for you cause you got “lucky”, but you dont know how big of an issue this is since you probably arent in a progression guild and probably neither on a m+ group, otherwise you would.

The game is not harder because of gear. It is harder when they make it harder. :man_shrugging:

People that could kill mythic bosses will keep killing mythic bosses and etc.

If you think they didn’t balance on titanforging and other power gains, well that happened in Emerald Nightmare, never after. One could say since then we have seen some of the most hard bosses. Like Kil’jeaden in ToS, or Uunat in CoS.

Corrupted with it’s insane potential might actually make it harder for them to balance which might make it easier like Emerald nightmare, people are gonna be doing double the dps if not more that they do when they enter the patch.


Because how does it feel good to kill a Mythic boss and then go to do trivial content like World Quests and get a piece that’s better optimized and has the same ilvl? At that point why try? Also like I stated it was made worse when forging caused me not to be able to give pieces to others.

Also if your answer is “well doing harder content should be its own reward” apply that to any difficulty including the one you partake in most. If I were to remove gear from your content because “it should be for its own enjoyment” would you be happy with that?


I really don’t care about how anyone is geared, but I think titanforging as a gear design philosophy created some messiness with class balance. I feel there’s a problem trying to simply adjust damage factors to balance across ilvl, gear sets gave them another knob to turn.

Corruption is just as much RNG and power gain as TF, game won’t be any harder.

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It’s replacement “Corrupted Gear” is just as bad if not more convoluted.


It has different problems but it does solve the ilvl issue largely

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Being a “casual” I personally hated titanforging.

It I think it’s impacted the quality of players in even the most trivial of content and It’s completely unmotivated me to raid.

Titanforging should never have been a thing when we have 4 versions of raids, 2+ dungeon difficulties and a scaling world.

2 levels of raiding are basically dead because of titanforging, heroic and m0s are basically dead and all 4 of these difficulties are the training for the higher ones, yet there completely irrelevant easily with in a week of not doing them.


I want you to know I don’t care about TF’ing. It doesn’t affect me.
I also don’t make games, have no experience in making them and can’t comment on tuning, etc…
I do know that many others also don’t make games, either.

Since 2011 I’ve seen people talk about running dg’s, raids, etc… to gear up.
Also, nothing is required in this game except to pay the sub fee. That is the only requirement.

So is the problem that the M+ raids are too hard? And if so, then why aren’t people asking for that instead of getting riled over TF, a thing that’s fairly rare?

I don’t think TF is going away. I think they changed it from TF to corrupted gear.
I don’t think any of it is going to change.

But 8.3 is a raider patch from what I’ve seen and read so far and it seems interesting so far so that’s something.

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That’s one way to look at it. Another would be “hey, here’s an extra avenue to get something really good” but instead, it becomes a status issue, people take it personally and are insulted.

I thought most people who ran raids and mythics liked those.
If I liked to group up, I’d probably do them. If you don’t like them then why are you doing them?

This I agree with. I know why they changed it to PL only but I also think it would be good if people wanted to, they could give it to another.

But you’ll always have those who pressure others and create conflict because control and dominance and now, here we are.

Of course not but is that what’s really happening? I’ve seen people talk about the RNG and how some seem to get more lucky than others ingame.

How do you know that it isn’t because you run all those instances that you’ve actually made it so your RNG is better than say, mine? And that’s why you got a TF whatever from a wq?

corruption forging will be a much bigger power boost then titanforging ever was and so its kind of a monkey’s paw. We get all of the lottery rng that made titanforging awful where upgrades aren’t upgrades unless they are THIS forged, main difference will be that you will be aiming for specific types of corruption like crit damage, or % extra your best stat here.

And for those doubting that corruption will be consistently stronger than a high titanforge, consider the following: one of the basic corruption types is percent more stat, with current gear scaling and the possiblity of late game having an entirely socketed set its not impossible for the player to have 2.5-3k of their best secondary stat. assuming 3k haste the haste boosting corruption can give 6/9/12% more haste. at 12% thats 360 haste per piece with that proc and a significant chunk of corruption. But still 360 haste is a ring’s mainstat worth of haste at current ilvls, so two pieces with this proc is like having another ring with only your best stat on it, and with high cloak levels within the threshold. But with titanforging you’d be barely competing with sockets(50 good secondary stats) with a 20 ilvl tf on some pieces, namely bracers and rings.

Corruption is gonna boost player power super high, the best farming method for it that I can think of is actually m+ since you can go in with 4-5 people with the same armor type and share gear based on bis corruption, and 15 ilvl will probably lose to optimized corruption. Mythic gear with bis corruption procs will be painfully rare, but also super worth it.

Honestly corruption gear feels like a monkey’s paw, i know but i’ll say it again. In all the ways that titanforging was bad, corruption is as bad or worse. Rng on getting a proc, rng on proc level 1-3, rng on type of proc, its like they made tertiary stats go beyond meme value and made them real value so your gear ain’t gear if it don’t got that +15 ilvl and avoidance and socket. However it also looks 1000% more fun then titanforging conceptually, it goes from destroying the meaning of ilvl forcing players to find alternatives to ilvl when eyeballing the potential of other players, to giving players the option of making really weird sets that could be potentially busted, and making ilvl less meaningless but still a bad metric of player potential.

Each of the stat type corruptions basically boost the scaling a stat, that might open up thresholds to make bad builds good. Its going to introduce nightmare mode to the “is this an upgrade” game. But because of that we’re getting super meaningful gear choices, we’ll be able to make dumb sets that do dumb things, wanna hit 100% crit consistently with chorus to madness on your shadow priest? Go for it. Wanna take 100% more damage from corruption, but also have 40% extra crit damage on your fire mage and do legion damage, go for it. Do you want to hit 100000 or so attack power on your tank by stacking some ungodly amount of mastery between sockets, gear, and azerite traits and also 120% bonus mastery, go for it. Wanna hit 50% haste on anyone, sure go ahead. Wanna build a vers set on your fury warrior and tank eternal palace, probably won’t work, but not because of mitigation.

I’m torn about it, I predict its going to be so much more annoying to farm then the passive boring tf system that made random gear randomly good. However by virtue of how varied and weird the upgrades are I suspect its going to be a lot of fun pushing corruption to the limit and making your character do corrupted dps. I think i’ll be glad when it comes in with the patch, and I’ll be glad when shadowlands removes it for completely different reasons.


Nah the game will be harder because people will equip corrupt gear and kill everyone around them.

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Because I did like them, until what they did in BFA. And I refuse to look at it in that light. Essentially as someone who was doing top end content I’m being told that I can get “lucky” if I just do trivial content and could possibly get pieces that are better than the ones that I’m wiping +100 times on. Which is also what I’m required to do because at the time it was essential to be able to even use abilities from the artifact pieces.

To me, that system is dumb.

And now everyone loses. Except players who only care about their own progression and either aren’t a part of a community or just say screw others.

I’m not stating that that’s what’s happening. I’m combating what I’ve been told before. That I should be grateful that the content exists at all and the reward should be killing the boss which I call BS on.

And it has nothing to do with whether or not I’ve manipulated the RNG cycle. What it boils down to is that the game is saying that a top end player is required to do World Quests as part of character progression. Which is flat out dumb to me due to the fact that it’s trivial content that’s meant to keep players on the hamster wheel along with TF.