The new elitists threads will be about why LFR shouldn’t award corrupted gear.
So because it didn’t affect you, we should put up with a badly designed system that does negatively affect our gameplay? I personally find it quite disgusting that the majority of our raid is well above 440, despite the raid itself only dropping 430.
They have. For years. Blizzard would not have made this decision lightly, and the solid reasoning behind the hate of TF has been very logically discussed since its introduction.
A 95th percentile class at 420 ilvl is doing roughly 30k, a 95th percentile at 435 deals 43k. Are you telling me that a near 40% dps increase isn’t noticeable?
In response to the OP:
Removal of TF likely won’t make content more difficult, but it will remove the ability for players to drastically outgear that content before they reach it. I’m looking forward to it. Guilds having to actually execute mechanics correctly, rather than simply getting to the 5th boss and being 10 ilvl above its loot table and just zerging our way through content.
Yeah this was a horrible feeling.
“We finally killed Mythic Jaina! … Guess we’ll just shard all this gear.”
Since when was the content any easier with Titanforging?
Game is gonna be the same, the same people that raid heroic will still raid heroic, the people that raid mythic will still raid mythic, the only diff this makes is that people wont wear “false ilvl” anymore, so pug life will probably be easier, the gap between bad and good players will be even bigger now cause of corruption min/maxing, but who cares.
No, this won’t happen. We have Corruption Forging. We will continue our “zerging”…
Wait are you saying mythic gear can’t titan forge now or before? Because I have seen 455 socketed gear drop in the mythic raid?
Yes but a mythic 455 was warforge, it cant titanforge cause 445 is only 10 ilvl under the cap, not 15.
Personally if Blizzard was so hellbent on making sure Titanforge remained in the game they should’ve just reverted to the Thunderforging system. Where the RNG can exist but if luck isn’t on your side, you can use a currency to upgrade your gear pieces.
What made matters worse was the change in the loot system which plays against forging and makes all progression a single player thing instead of me being able to help a friend who’s down on their luck.
How people defend this is beyond me.
That’s right. I had forgotten they were replacing a terrible system with a worse one.
I should have known better given Blizz removed reforging for being “too complicated” and then proceeded to introduce a slew of legendaries, essences, azerite, artifacts, NCL and other far more complicated abominations.
This is something I wonder about. I never understood the hatred people had/have towards TF.
My toons don’t even have great gear because I don’t run PvE instances, but I didn’t mind TF existing.
Cause they want their lucky procs, thats all that matters to them, “i want muh lucky titanforge back, MY TITANFORGE!!”, im glad ill be able to trade stuff with guildies and my m+ friends before being decked with unusable 450+ crap just so i can trade.
It’s been explained thousands of times, so I’d suggest you start by reading those. You can even begin with this thread, in fact.
I don’t know why the players doing the hardest content being guaranteed better gear than players doing easier content is a controversial issue. Titanforging doesn’t have to be removed but it does AT LEAST need to be capped. Like how it was in MoP.

This is something I wonder about. I never understood the hatred people had/have towards TF.
Well the question that gets presented is what’s the problem with getting an item on a certain difficulty and knowing that it’s the best version of that item from that instanced?
The great irony is that Thunderforging was deliberately made far more common in 25-man Heroic raids, because Blizzard wanted to encourage people to do the hardest and largest content.
Fast forward to today, where Thunderforging’s successor actually DISCOURAGES people from doing the hardest and largest content.

This is why people shouldn’t have complained about TF’ing. I liked it, it didn’t bother me that it was ingame.
It didn’t hurt my game play, didn’t affect my life and I suspect it affected no one adversely.
So why did they complain?
Just because you don’t care about the health of the game doesn’t mean that it’s not a problem.
Well with corruption pursuing your bis will be hard too, but at least i wont have to see anymore of “oh nice a 455, but it sucks hehe, at least i can trade stuff for that slot now” such a great system amirite.
Do we know yet if corrupted levels affect tradability?
I don’t mind so much when the final boss drops novelty trinkets and stuff, TBH – and Azshara is unusual in actually having good gear. They could drop a t-shirt and I’d probably be fine with it. But the entire middle 5/8 dropping garbage just hurts.