Titanforging gone. Game harder?

Also the fact that Mythic raid drops couldn’t even titanforge, so titanforging was a bonus available to everyone in the game EXCEPT for mythic raiders.

Most people don’t even know that.


Damn, can’t wait to cash in those sweet ilvls for instant wins and stuff.

Yeah, that was really annoying…and not only might the piece I already had have better stats for me, it could have better stats and a socket, and be way better except for a few points of primary stat and stam, and an ilvl number.


It isn’t gone. Corruption Forging is here. Also, get used to it because they like the idea of themed forging.

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From what I read, you can still get Titanforged gear in 8.3, but only from older content up to 855. So its still possible to get items with Titanforge from Eternal Palace and below, Emissary loot, World Quest rewards, and Assaults.

Not really, tf has no real impact on the game.

Some of the forum whiner’s would like us all to think TF simply ruined everything.

It didn’t.


No, because your typical casual would have 1 or 2 pieces of TF’d gear at the most which would have little impact on difficulty and for the high end raider running with a few pieces of TF’d gear would still have a base ilvl high enough to cruise through content…

So in the end… removing TF will show just how little impact it had on the game outside of getting an elite’s knickers in a twist…


I’m actually surprised Blizz would remove it. The whole pretense was that there was a chance at an upgrade. It was incentive for running a WQ or whatever even though you didn’t need the item at face value. Now, people just won’t even bother. :man_shrugging:


And that’s a complaint I’ll agree with. Mythic raiders should have had the same opportunity to get lucky as everyone else.

I don’t really think we can blame Blizzard’s tuning issues on titanforging, though, not when lower ilvl gear with better secondaries keeps out-performing main stat. It really feels like Blizzard doesn’t understand their own math, sometimes.

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I hate it and gosh i wish they would take it out, then again I do not like the current loot system at all. Do 3 wings of raids and not see a single piece drop for me is retarded.

The problem isn’t Titanforging, the problem is that M+ is infinitely repeatable whereas raids are still on the same weekly lockout from 15 years ago.

But Blizzard doesn’t know how to fix the M+ loot gravy train problem, so they’re whacking xforging instead.


I couldn’t agree more with this “This is why people shouldn’t have complained about TF’ing”. Be Careful what you ask for. Chances are it could always get worse and here we go.


So dont complain about something in case it could get worse? that is terrible logic.


name checks out so much lol. unsurprisingly people have reasons to dislike things that seem to elude you.

if SL had only no TFing as a feature i would have preordered it 19 times

this awful stuff can’t get out of the game sooner


If you have played this game long enough, then you should know that suggestions go ignored and complaints to anything in game are usually quelled with something in game much worse. I am not saying the new system will be worse(I have no game time played with it to substantiate such a claim) but on the surface it seems it could be.

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Nah, I felt like it was gone when benthic did not have it (but Mechagon rings/trinkets still can, I guess.)

I liked TF too, otherwise. “Elite” Min/Maxer raiders/mythic people did not; Instead of just being happy that something improved, they then felt they HAD to keep getting it until it improved.

Titanforging is adverse to one of the main principles of an rpg: rewards for accomplishments.

It got ridiculous that normal raids could drop shut better than mythic quality and i dont have a character that hasn’t got something ridiculously titanforged so it’s not like it was all that rare an occurrence.


idc if its in game or not. It didn’t make content easier, it was more of everyone getting their act together.

Titanforging is gone in name only really.
My poor fox rogue got “lucky” doing world quests on the PTR today.

3, yes 3 pieces of gear received bonus stats, leech, speed etc along with a ahem healthy dose of corruption.

Bumped his corruption up to 60, bring a whole lot of not so fun problems with it.

Yeah, sure, just go cleanse it. gotta go grind that stuff out to do it.

it seems for those of us who thought “I don’t raid so I won’t have to deal with all this,” we were very wrong.

Sure the ilvl bump went away, but the power creep is still there in full force.


I think it’ll make high-end content harder for the wrong reasons.

M+ is infinitely scaling unavoidable damage, and people who ran it at very high keys had much more need for raw ilvl to survive it. They’re getting an ilvl bump at +15 for the top end rewards, but they actually relied on the spammable procs going up to or beyond raid level in a way nobody else really does. There’s obviously going to be a ceiling on infinitely scaling stuff somewhere, but the lack of useful itemization specifically for M+ crimps them more than most.

Mythic raid is half tuned around the assumption of M+ spam, and half tuned blindly because the testers aren’t especially great players anymore and the devs don’t seem to even sim loadouts much. I expect that to get worse before better, as corruption seems to double down on all the worst itemization decisions they’ve ever made.

As for me, I won’t miss TF. I don’t care what other people are wearing beyond maybe peeking at someone else’s armory/logs for ideas to improve my own play (or theirs if asked). The problem for me is that it screws up personal progression and rewards – getting a “lucky” TF from something easy means I have less to look forward to when we kill hard stuff. I got max 425 TF pair of gloves from Heroic Champions in Dazar – by the end we were looking at Mythic Mekkatorque, and his gloves would’ve been a downgrade from a borderline AFKable loot pinata the difficulty below. This tier I ended up getting a few 450s and 455s out of easy Heroic bosses which would’ve done the same thing…if benthic didn’t do it even worse. I ended up stepping into the door of Mythic EP with all of four viable upgrades for the next six months, nearly all of which were on the first two bosses.

Like, do you know how demoralizing it is to bring down a boss like Mythic Zaqul and see him drop downgrades? For the entire raid? That friggen hurt.