Titanforging gone. Game harder?

Not really. It’s just been replaced by Corruptforging, which will give significantly more DPS than Titanforging at the cost of lower survivability since you won’t be getting the free stam from the higher ilvl gear.

So if Blizzard tuned Nya’lotha correctly, it’ll require more DPS, but deal less damage, relative to BoD or TEP.

It’s not a removal. It’s a rebranding.

It’s definitely a step in the right direction, the quality of gear should be directly proportional to the level of content. But it’s still going to have the same issue of needing a high roll to get an upgrade.

(But at least socket RNG won’t be as bad, which is definitely a huge plus).

I think Blizz is attempting the equivalent of methadone treatment.

At least some of the devs have realized the issues with the current system and would like to either massively revamp it or remove it entirely…but they simply can’t do it cold-turkey at this point.

Game won’t get any harder. The only major difference is you won’t see someone with a lucky roll.

You would need a ridiculous amount of TF to make any real difference in how difficult something is. If you can’t beat the boss/mechanic without TF, chances are the gear you are wearing has nothing to do with it. That is why TF is pointless and just makes other gear feel less rewarding when it doesn’t TF. Even without TF, the gear we get now a days is so powerful with baseline stats that the few additional stats from TF won’t make a major difference for most players. Titian forging was one of the worst things added to the game and needs to be pruned further. Not to mention TF biggest problem is it leads to giant power creep each expansion because there needs to be 15ilvl between tiers to make room for TF.

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I mean, that’s what the hopeful part of me thinks.

In Shadowlands, they’ve already basically said they’re looking at changing many unpopular design decisions, with the AP grind being moved to a more MoP style VP grind rather than the (functionally) infinite AP grind we’ve had the past few expacs, and they’re looking at actually unpruning classes rather than simply replacing temporary abilities with other temporary abilities.

But nobody besides the Dev Team knows what they’re gunna do post 8.3, so while I’m hopeful, I’m not expectant that Corruptforging is the last hurrah of Titanforging.

The good:

  • TF acted like a bridge between level plateau’s.
  • It kept people engaged in lower level content. Allowing more players to get to see content because those that already had, had a reason to help those that didn’t have it yet.
  • It added nice winning feeling when obtained on the right gear. (However the more gear you get the less percentage you have for what you need to drop, creating a very annoying gearing process and that compounds with TF.)

The Bad:

  • it kept people chasing possibilities in content that they no longer needed.
  • When you got a TF on a thing you didn’t need or on something that was still low level even when TF’ed it felt scummy.
  • It encouraged carries and burnt out the people doing the carrying.
  • Fear of intimidation over TFing lead to the system locking up-grades from being traded.

Without it I fear the following:

  • People that gear out fast will NOT help those around them and will cancel sub until next patch drop. Leaving guilds in a horrible place most times.
  • Players will get stuck on gear level plateu’s unable to leave.
  • Mythic plus will no longer get it’s weekly boost. This is kill all the one shot high level weekly key crowd and purge half the Mythic plus player base out. (However this may have the side effect of allowing more of the lower level players in, that’s good. But it will take a ton of time before players get over the raider IO snobbery for this to happen.)
  • No TF gear will allow them to un-lock gear for trades, However I fear if it is un-locked people may get harassed over legitimate gear-upgrades rather then warforged goodies.

What I would have done:

  • I would have put TF on a enchantment item that dropped/was earned and could be used on the item of your choice. I would have made it drop in all content at high levels to allow for the pursuit. I also would have put a time limit on the item so that people can’t put it in their bags for too long any only put it on the optimal gear, I want it used.
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Yeah… I think it’s going to be a matter of what argument wins at the game design table.

that’s easy to fix though. i left wow at the end of cataclysm, and only came back in the middle of 8.2. the biggest problem isn’t ilvl inflation itself. the problem is that every tier loot rewards and difficulty scale, for everything except base professions and reputation rewards.

i’m a scribe, and i get to make vantas runes and some 400 offhands. woohoo? i can’t make a single item appropriate for the current content tier, not even something BoP just for myself. my glyphs are cosmetic and my buff scrolls are pale imitations. apparently the professions making cloth/leather/mail/plate actually have some relevant patterns for making current tier BOP gear, but it’s only ever 1 or 2 slots, and BoE weapons cap out at 370. heroic dungeons drop 385s now, so that’s redundant. basically if you’re coming into BfA in the middle of the expansion, professions are useless outside of maybe alchemy for the increased duration on pots and flasks and the proc for extra when you craft them.

then there’s repuation rewards, which are probably the most egregious sin that’s never remembered. those are jacked stupid right off the get-go. reputation gear at exalted with any faction caps out at 350 ilvl.

my first toon to 120, my death knight, i levelled without heirlooms or shortcuts and simply quested my way along from 85 where i left off at the end of cataclysm. i was closer to 400 ilvl than 350 by the time i hit 120, between quest rewards and dungeon drops with “random” upgrades from green to blue and blue to purple. when i hit 120 i was friendly or honored with the various reputations. i was in 415-430 gear before i finished pathfinder, and i’m still not exalted with tortollan or rustbolt and i see no reason to grind the rest because ther’es no point other than paragon chests.

long before you reach exalted, you’ll be getting current tier gear from running content, so reputation only matters for pathfinder. and that’s stupid.

And 400 trinkets that outperform all but two 445s. But TBF that was probably unintentional.

You think that’s bad when you started at 8.2? Those were awful on release. Even in 8.0 you’d dramatically outgear them by the time the timegate let you get Exalted at all because the game rained 355 on you just as hard as you get 415-430 now.

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I disagree with every fiber in my body.


it makes perfect sense, because its a reasonable expectation of time for someone to acquire the same ilvl.

Also look at the time between boss kills, they hit several walls.

Blizz are whacking forging because so many people hate it and their sub numbers are dwindling.

Again, doesn’t matter. You’re almost certainly going to hit the ilvl of any given raid within a month or two at most even if you never get past the 4th boss. Raids almost always lead with 2-3 easy farm bosses who drop most of your slots, and this tier they outright dropped better stuff than the next 4-5 that would actually hang you up. You didn’t even have any reason to hang onto roll tokens.

How is this comparable to someone messing around in LFR and +4s getting average gear across all their slots that outclasses two difficulties higher than they’ve ever attempted? We’ve previously had systems like valor and functional professions that would let you get a couple slots at a good raid quality across a patch cycle – and I fondly remember every plate class in the game buying the ridiculous leather boots at Shattered Sun – but not the entire gearset.

Smfh ppl these days actually acting like titanforged LFR gear is their birthright.

Titanforging didn’t exist for the first like 10 years of the game and nobody was complaining they didn’t have the best gear despite not doing any content.

What happened to you people? Why would you even want to play a game that gave you the best gear for doing a world quest, or AFKing LFR or a warfront? That sounds like a terrible game.


Yeah, god forbid they make a game that all different play styles could enjoy…

What do you mean? People who only do open world stuff etc can’t enjoy the game without forging?

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What happened was that Blizz opened Pandora’s Box.

And now they realized that it was a bad idea, but they have no idea how to close it again.

C’mon now… They -need- a potential Mythic raid ilvl for killing crabs!

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :skull:

What I am wondering is at what point does corrupted gear surpass benthic gear with gem slots?