Titanforging and corruption are failures

Oh I’m a BM Hunter. I don’t do anything on my DK anymore.

Corruption reminds me of Legiondaries. And not in a good way. Isn’t the world first race coming up? Will be funny to see tanks dealing 30% of their damage with Echoing Void.

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Shoot, probably even easier if your azerite is in order.

Disagree about WF/TF, but corruption is certainly crap. The best you can hope for right now is an item that might be useful later, but you can’t use it until you scrounge up enough resistance, which takes effort. With WF/TF I got an immediately useable upgrade, subject only to secondary stat alignment. Now I can’t even use it on an alt that gets lucky without running at least part of the cloak questline, and to do so permanently removes the lucky roll that happened in the first place. This is beyond normal stupid, it approaches quantum stupid. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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A vengeance DH friend of mine had his twilight devastation crit a mob for 460k. A single mob. 460k.

It’s crazy. haha

Doesn’t the world first race start tomorrow? God that’s gonna be epic if Blizzard doesn’t fix this stuff.

It’s going to be amazing for all of the wrong reasons.

Amazing schadenfreude, total clown show event. Sometimes it takes massive public embarrassment to break through the Anti-Feedback wall Blizzard has around their Dojo.

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Yeah… a tank with T3 EV or TD on fights like hivemind is going to tear up the meters.

Take that 460k crit my friend had and now have that hit 10 mobs at the same time. Some huge numbers are incoming.

No. It wasn’t.


Relative to what we have now? Yes. It was.

I didn’t say it was a good system. I said it wasn’t bad–the current one is actively bad.

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Yes it was. It was absolutely bad.


What’s funny is item level has basically never mattered.

It sure as heck doesn’t matter in classic when blues are blowing by epics.


The patch Classic is running with was after an update that roided out dungeon gear.

So for MC, this is true - however, this is going to change very quickly in the coming raid tiers.

BC did have a funny case, though. Warlocks had a crafted set that was bis from 60 to tempest keep.

Relative to corruption it wasn’t bad. lol

You want to try actually contributing instead of making statements with no reasoning behind them? There has been some good discussion in here but you’ve thus far contributed nothing.

Do you think corruption is better? If so, why?

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I was really excited for the removal of TF and WF, this is worse. First you roll for corruption then hope it’s the right corruption. Gem slots sent a factor because they can be added.

Just leave corruption and ilevel as set amounts per difficulty…so simple

Sort of.

The 2h sword and plate belt off Rag are BiS until Naxx.

AV ring and Lionheart helm are BiS forever.

A lot of stuff like that.

BWL only has like 5 upgrades for Fury (my classic toon).

I thought I read in the hotfixes that they changed the scaling on some traits to scale off the items item level now?

Too bad you can’t equip any of it till you grind your cloak :wink:

Relative to :poop: garbage doesn’t smell bad either. I’ve contributed more by definitively saying that titan forging was bad an atrocity without stating reasons anyone who has played with and without can see than you have the entire thread by making excuses for because corruption is worse.

  1. Make tertiary stats profession obtainables. Blacksmiths make items indescructablet, enchanters scribes or engineers could give avoidance leech and speed jewlcrafters give sockets ect. (reestablish disenchanting skill requirements so that the market isn’t flooded w mats)

  2. Make the only RNG on gear whether or not that piece of gear drops

  3. Make essences BOA

  4. Remove reputation grinds from professions.

  5. Make WQ only give AP / explosum / gold instead of gear after a certain ilvl.

Look i fixed BFA everyone.

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