Titanforging and corruption are failures

I would like static stats and gear with its own abilities like in classic and BC as well as a revamp of crafting. I do like corrupted gear though, its at least interesting.

WF/TF was fine, it just needed to be toned down.

Gear should only be able to TF to the next highest level of content gear. IE heroic can TF to base mythic. Max M+ loot woud be heroic level with the possibility to TF to base Mythic level.

That way, mythic raiders truly have access to the highest gear levels in the game, but those that can’t commit to a mythic raiding schedule could grind M+ and reach base mythic levels over a significant amount of time.

Corruption is stupid.

Having base level gear is also an outdated concept. In classic, gear level is all that mattered and content was tough because you chronically undergeared it. But once you did get gear, the content was a joke.

Retail is the opposite, its easy to get gear but the content is much more challenge - which IMO is a much better playstle. No longer are you a ‘god’ because you can play 100000 hours per week. Now everyone can gear up quick and it comes down to player skill that get’s you the achievement.

I have some close friends who have been crying from the sky about TF for a while now… then when we orchestrated a ‘normal’ run this week and no one wanted to go they were flabbergasted… No one cares about normal because there aren’t any upgrades to get from it.

Yeah you can.

It’s a hyperbole. You can, but its not optimal. You have to grind to make it optimal. Thats the joke

Uh ? I think you have a misconception of what the cloak does.

It removes the choice (Read: negative effects) from equiping corrupted gear, seems pretty obvious to me.

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I mean, BFA would be bad regardless of how they changed the loot system.

That being said, I explained my reasoning. Titanforging gave relatively minor upgrades compared to corruption. Which, as far as I am concerned, makes it the lesser of two evils.

I just highly, highly doubt that they will totally get rid of the rng loot they love so much.

which goes without saying was faulty. If you think that because corruption is worse that somehow makes TF better you’re wrong. period. Leave lesser of two evils for presidential elections and stop making excuses for activision to continue making this game worse.

You’ll never remove the negative effects entirely, nor would you want to.

The Cloak merely allows you to wear more, or wear higher ranks of corrupted gear while not triggering the negative effects at unmanageable levels.

But baseline with no cloak, you can still use and wear corrupted gear, there is no special “Can’t use this without cloak!” corruption.

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He’s saying that TF is comparatively better than Corruption.

Not that TF somehow became objectively better because Corruption was introduced.


corruption resistance already is making the negative side of corruption irrelevant

meaning we’re just left with a worse form of titanforging

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That is your opinion. It’s usually shared by raid loggers and people with over-inflated egos that get tilted because someone else got something nice.

Just play and take advantage of the soft nerf that corruption/ tf give.

Corruption being worse makes titanforging RELATIVELY better. That is how something being worse than something works. Is titanforging better than no rng loot system? No. It is not. Is it better than corruption? Yes. It is.

If I had to choose between the two, I would pick titanforging. If I could choose any loot system? I’d pick late-game MoP’s.

I just highly doubt that they’ll get rid of RNG loot in-general.


Do you know what a hyperbole is?

Also, this. Thanks.


Rank 15 cloak is 50 Corruption resistance, combined with the +10 from an Essence (unique), that gives you a max of 60, in about 8 weeks.

Currently, people are limited to 37 corruption resistance.

Twilight Devastation Rank 2 is +50 on a single piece. Rank 3 is +75.

The cloak will never make the negative side irrelevant unless you simply don’t wear corrupted gear.


I think it’s bad as a non-harcore player who doesnt even look at logs because I’m getting gear that is 15 ilevels higher than a corrupted piece that gives me passively more dps than the higher ilevel piece

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Titanforging was at least exciting. What they should’ve just done with titanforging is to make it smarter and give you things you don’t have or real upgrades.

Corruption is terrible, people who have infinity stars outshine others who don’t…my dps is suffering against those who do in raid and the difference clearly shows and its sad 1 or 2 items puts anyone in top 5 and others not who are normally top 5.

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That’s not Titanforging though. That’s Warforging.

Titanforging allowed your belt from WQ content or wherever to turn into a BiS item that outclasses anything Mythic Raids would ever drop, and ensured that the BiS items would never change, you’d only have to farm a new one each tier.

A random item going up ilvl isn’t super relevant when it’s 5-10 (unless it’s on a really OP item like Azshara or Ashvanes trinket, or weapons). A random item, going up 30-50ilvls based on nothing but sheer RNG? That’s a problem.