Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts

It’s not mental gymnastics, it’s common logic.
Current patch when warmode changes were made had the current raid as Uldir, heroic raid drops were ilvl 370 warmode quest reward is 370 ie equivalent to heroic raid gear in the current patch.

Patch when darkshore changes take place Battle for Dazar’alor is current raid, normal raid grants 400 ilvl gear, darkshore changes increase reward to 400 ilvl.
Therefore it grants the equivalent of current patch normal raid gear.

Honestly, you where you say “objectively easier” I say “subjectively easier”, warmode still utilises shard balancing to attempt to equalise faction balance for a start, which in general should favour balanced shards with outlier shards being unfairly balanced.
Secondly, warmode calculations are based on a weekly schedule and don’t account for regions, zones, or current active participation (not in town). It is quite possible to have a variety of balances throughout different zones on different days of the week that aren’t always in the favour of the Horde.
Thirdly, welcome to OCE where it is objectively easier to complete as Alliance as they are both the dominant faction and have access to the increased rewards.

The release schedule for the first raid had Uldir release on the same date as Alliance had control of the warfront. The Horde did not have access to the gear prior to the first week of the raid at all. It was simultaneous, however it was delayed as Horde had to undergo the contribution phase before assaulting Stromgarde which meant that they had access to the quest after the first week of raid release.

Horde “may” get a free piece of 400 gear a week after raid release but it is not still guaranteed. Alliance have not finished contribution phase yet, if contributions aren’t finished by the time the patch hits Alliance will instead get the 400 piece first and Horde will still have to wait out the assault phase and the contribution phase anyway.

It’s not like it immediately opens for the Horde on Tuesday anyway. If Alliance get it early they will still assault for 5 days before Horde get a 3-5 day contribution phase before unlocking the assault quest.
So the earliest Horde would get 400 gear is 1st-3rd February. After Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor has already been released.

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“Horde got three free days of a new warfront” is the new “We were on a break”.

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I find it funny of all these people whining .be them on horde or alliance .game is fairly balanced .some advantages are given to alliance and some to horde .

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Do you want to apologize for being an idiot now? Or you wanna save it for later?

Up to you.


It’s ok, I’ll just take the apology as a given until you come through in full.

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Alliance are not attack Darkshore yet though, this is what people are saying. You are in the contribution phase which started on Friday/Saturday, you are currently at 43% with slightly over 24 hours to go.

It is more than likely that Alliance will not have finished he contribution phase before the patch drops on Tuesday. This will mean that Alliance will be the first to attack after the patch has dropped, and thus get the increased rewards.

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Well us horde are sick of you alliance players getting a constant 30% bonus to everything you get and free high ilvl gear every week as well for killing horde players.

Also, even at the beginning of the game 340 was useless for almost every player. I’m casual and I didn’t need 340 in any slots… :roll_eyes:

Either address your own alliance bias in the game with actual unfair advantages or zip it.

I prefer alliance as well, Horde remind me of a bunch of trump supporters who can’t see past themselves and worships a despot “leader”.


Unless you are a world first racer and need every advantage you can get the Warfront cycle shouldn’t be that big of an issue for you. Part of what determines who has which warfront and when is based on PLAYER actions since we are the ones who feed into removing the gate to get things changed.

If more people turned on warmode it would help bring that 30% down. That shows how few alliance still risk going into pvp while doing other content that that is still so high.

Yet you have horde players constantly mentioning they’re running around camping world quests. Which is fine, they can do that but don’t be giving them an unfair advantage and allow them to do it.

Regardless, the rewards need to be fair end of story. It shouldn’t swing sides, just make it fair.

It’s going to have far more than 3 days left in the cycle. Alliance will not have the attack phase for a few more days in the NA servers. That clause was put into place to prevent people from doing it on the final hour to fish for better gear.

It can’t be fair because there is a substantial amount of Horde over Alliance. And if you have played both factions you would know this. It is more apparent when trying to group. I have characters on High Pop. servers for each faction. Open up the LFG tool, most of the Horde groups are M+8 and above while alliance is M+3 and above. Most raids are in normal while Horde have most pugging heroics. Theres just a greater pool of players Horde side, and its so painfully obvious despite Blizzards BS numbers. Just play the gd game and you experience firsthand. Their numbers are obviously wrong.


OP, you forgot that for #2, the time when Alliance supposedly got to to first, was actually when alliance could get one piece while horde could down a world boss over and over and over for loot pinata. Of course it was fixed by the time alliance got to kill it.

To me the bigger point is not complaining about horde vs alliance, but just the stupidity of designing systems that are often not available, and that treat players differently. If warfronts are fun they ought to be available to all players 100% of the time. If they are not, why bother in the first place. Either way you wouldn’t have these complaints.

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I thought Alliance players outnumbered Horde players. A lot of top end players jumped factions though. It’s more horde generally push content harder than alliance does.

It was fixed but so was the ill-gotten gear. Everyone who got gear from multiple kills had their gear restored so they didn’t benefit from it.
They didn’t get anything extra.

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I don’t think you guys can make Horde feel bad for you after the incident with WM.


Sorry, not sorry.


Where was this stated? Did I miss something?

All of this.

Came here thinking OP was going on about how hollow the Alliance “victory” at Darkshore felt, but at the end it is just them whining about crap gear which will be irrelevant in a few weeks.

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Bias in warfronts bias in story. Blizz devs and story lore devs content is shaddy. As a business one should be a mediator. Taking roles showing one side is tantamount to scamming. I want to have a game for once that factions have civil wars, unity. Cohesion, earthlings of azeroth we are one. Show me plotlines and flashbacks. Show me cliff hangars. By means no one should be disrespected by saying “you think you do but you dont” or excessive RNG shrugged off as normalized which it has become a pillar in Warcraft. Lol

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