Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts

I am so tired of Blizzard openly pandering to the horde when it comes to warfronts. It really sickens me. I would like to hear from actual responses OTHER THAN BELITTLING OR MAKING EXCUSES FOR THE BIAS.

  1. When warfronts first came out the horde got first shot at the free 370 gear and endless 340 gear when that gear level actually mattered. My main did not have all those slots filled with this level gear at the time and could have really benefited, not to mention all my alts from endless free 340/370 gear with no Ilvl requirements. Alliance didn’t get a shot at the warfront until 2 WEEKS later, when the gear had started to become irrelevant.

The hotfix to Ilvl requirement after the horde had benefited and before Alliance had a chance to participate was one of the most blatant and openly biased moved Blizzard had ever made.

  1. When the Darkshore warfront came out it was Alliance’s turn to have it first. Blizzard ARTIFICIALLY shortened the Alliance’s turn in the warfront to just a couple of days specifically so the horde could play it faster before the holidays. Is there any way in hell this can be justified as anything other than horde favoritism? Thought not.

  2. Now we are learning that with the release of season 2 blizzard has all but said that the Alliance cycle with the warfront, AFTER SEASON 2 DROPS, will still have the old item level caps, but when the horde get their turn soon after the caps will all raise and horde will receive free ilvl 400 gear for the warfront quest.

It never ends. It just makes me so annoyed at constantly being treated as a second class citizen because of the faction I chose to play. I don’t like the horde, I don’t like what they stand for, and I hate their elitist attitudes so I don’t really play them. I pay the same sub cost as they do, but am treated horribly by Blizzard (see the long and well documented treatment of Alliance players by blizzard devs in the past).

If this goes on much longer I demand that Alliance players have their subscriptions cut in half to more accurately portray the effort being made for them by blizzard.


or what???


And now you get 30% and 370 gear weekly that we can never get. You try too hard to play the victim when you are literally getting things we cannot get


I prefer having the 30% buff and the constant 370s tbh


Game might lose more subscribers. Stock might decrease in value. The Game’s Director, along with some Devs and Writers, might be scapegoated and sacked.


So because the horde got 1 370 item before the alliance theyre gonna quit? Feel like that wouldve happened months ago. And if they are despite having clearly better rewards then let them walk. they were out the door regardless


Blizzard has clearly hacked the Gregorian calendar to favor the Horde. SHAME ON THEM!


Here we go again folks

  1. Some did, so yeah it did happen.
  2. I was referring to Unchecked Horde Bias in general.

which bias? The one where only we get a 30% bonus andfree weekly 370s? Oh wait…


For a Patch that was advertised as “Alliance Gets Even for Teldrassil”…I’m seeing a lot of Stalemates in 8.1 and PTR 8.1.5


A stalemate means a draw. A tie, both sides being equal basically. So a tie= a bias?


If the Horde suffered at least one TOTAL loss…then it’d be even. Instead we’re getting two Stalemates. Score isn’t even yet.


Cannot make everyone happy. People will complain about anything in this game. Yes there are issues with this expansion but there will always be problems in a game.


But most importantly:
We’ll get half of the QQ threads!




You are upset that you didnt get to destroy the undercity with your own hands, But you did have it destroyed. If the alliance didnt take action and march on it then it would still be standing. We lost the undercirty, youre just upset that you didnt light the match even though you forced the hand that led to its destruction


Still havn’t heard one person address the points I brought up.

  1. I have seen, “well, it didn’t really matter”
  3. Oh, look another complaint.

I knew you couldn’t counter my points. Thank you for proving me right.


You should play both sides. That way you realise we are all just people, both sides have good and bad elements.

From a Horde perspective we have been tossed around by Blizzard Devs for many years. We never have stability, our stories are badly written. We are set up to constantly be belittled and looked down upon by the Alliance, to be patronised and derided. Our Leaders are not cohesive, and are tearing our Faction apart. Beloved, ancient Lore Characters are killed off or put in positions to force hatred. Here, it never feels like we are the chosen Faction.

I think you need to see both sides to realise your outrage is coming from misplaced, blind loyalty to a Faction in a Game. Sadly, Blizzard seems to have lost the ability to allow both Fctions to have pride, accomplishment and honour in what we do. Maybe this was their intent, going into a stupid War based expac.

But I think the Factions are dead. I just hope for an Elvish Faction one day.

Band’or shorel’aran.


Same QQ thread this forum sees 2-3x times a week. Go pick one and find your own answers.