Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts

I guess.

But that was a different horde in a different game.

there was some person saying we “sacked” stormwind when zul caught some buildings on fire… i wish i got the memo… because i didnt steal anything.


judging by the OPs post you stole their pride

What I don’t get is that thos time they have two warfronts that semi alternate. Why no just bump the ilvl on both and make sure one gets one and the other side gets the other.

Could have avoided this.

On the other hand no one on alliance should have expected 400 gear from a warfront in week one. Mythic+ was capped at 385 for end of dungeon. That should have been hint there that they wanted only heroic dalar to be the only means of 400 gear in week 1.

The ilvl of that gear is meaningless when Stats that make up your Best to use is more useful then just higher ilvl. Trust me I seen it back in Legion, guy had 830 ilvl and I was out doing his DPS and Dmg at 770 because I choose stats that benefited me more then just going for the piece that had the higher ilvl. Warfront gear is mostly crap for stats and is only there for people to do something instead of the World Quests.

We didn’t sack Orgrimmar either. Vol’jin asked for help taking it back from your power trippin Warchief. So we helped.

Unlike when the Horde actually did sack Stormwind and murder most of the populace sending the rest running north as refugees.

(edit) well that was supposed to go to Yasudra but meh I can’t be bothered to delete and redo it)


False. You are really getting yourself upset over nothing. It’s Sunday night. Contributions towards Darkshore are at 41%. It’s not going to be done before the Tuesday reset. So Alliance will be attacking Darkshore after the ilvl raises and will get the first guaranteed ilvl 400 gear.

The “against all odds” quest for the 370 gear is NOT free. Feel free to read my post on the matter. Alliance have to work for it and contribute a fair bit of sweat and blood to complete it given we are outnumbered almost the entire time (hence the reason for the WM buff). You just come off as intellectually dishonest now when you make this stupid claim.

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I like you nelf. Hugs you. Now shhhh don’t tell anyone lol.

I mean, lets completely brush over the fact that Alliance actually kill one of our faction leaders in Battle for Dazar’alor.

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Who? The troll? Technically the Zandalari haven’t joined yet. Which by the way thanks writers for giving the Zandalari the final reason they needed to join the Horde!

Or do they kill Gallywix? Tell me they kill Gallywix?!

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Any chance you could show a link to this fact? I was under the impression it had nothing to do with Sylvanas and more of an excuse to mobilize and “retake” the former kingdom of Lordaeron?

I could very well be wrong but that is the impression I got.

They will have by the time it is available. But yes, Rastakhan.

Man I wish the same. You guys can have Gallywix on a rope. I mean, honestly take him, do what you want with him. He’s not welcome around here.
I would consider a loss of Gallywix a win for the Horde, and only THEN will I buy into Horde bias :joy:

It is as free as the warfront gear my dude.

It’s not like it was difficult for Alliance im WM at all. You just need to know not to go into an enemy raid group by yourself.

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We can only hope they get rid of Danuser and Alex along with the others! <3

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Oh yay guys, we get “free” 370 gear that will be the BASE level of M+ drops starting from next week, and we get 30% of almost nothing! Awesome!

Totally worth the trade-off for a free ilvl400 piece next week, which is actually relevant next week.

This is literally a joke.


I think you are looking at this wrong. Currently Alliance get a free piece of gear equivalent to heroic raid gear, and everyone is complaining about the fact that Horde “may” get a single piece of gear equivalent to current content (as per patch) normal raid gear.

The 20% increase bonus is heaps relevant in terms of Azerite Power over the scope of the expansion. It’s actually a really prominent buff.

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What utter nonsense.

This is a severe case of mental gymnastics to justify something that benefits you (a lot).

First and foremost, the war mode buff has nothing to do with warfronts. It is to encourage more alliance to take part in what was a clear and absolute unbalanced mode before the patch. It will switch sides the very week that it becomes beneficial to the point that alliance outnumber horde. Until that point, it is still objectively easier for horde to do world quests than alliance in war mode. The 370 gear from the quest is the same; it is determined by numbers balance, not arbitrary timing.

Secondly, whether or not you classify the gear as normal or heroic gear is entirely irrelevant; you’re trying to draw false importance in the categorisation. Gear doesn’t draw strength from what category its in, the only thing that matters is its strength, which is derived from ilvl.

In the first raid, the horde had a week leading up to the release of the raid to get a free 370 piece and endless 340 pieces without waiting through hours of m+ queues. The alliance got it in the late second week of raiding, after it had had an ilvl limitation put on it.

In the second raid, the horde will get a free 400 piece and endless supply of 370 gear. The alliance get… 370 gear the week before. Awesome.

It is an absolutely nonsense system and top end alliance guilds should be rightly annoyed.

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Ok are you just ignoring the answer you can’t argue against? I know it’s Sunday but trolls are normally better than this.

Right now, Horde owns Dark Shore, which means you are currently contributing. That means next week when you finish contributing ALLIANCE will get the first quest which rewards the higher gear and begin assaulting, while we will STILL not get the higher ilvl IVUS because ours started before the patch.

Long story short, you get BOTH the higher ilvl quest, AND the higher ilvl IVUS before we do.

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Im getting high blood pressure from a overdose of salt…