Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts

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For the final freaking time, alliance do NOT get “free” gear. It is given as part of a quest which for me has always been difficult to achieve.

The fact that it can be left unaccomplished, failed, or otherwise undone means by definition it is NOT free.

The warfront gear could be called free because you could literally afk through the entire thing and still get it as it is virtually impossible to fail a warfront.

See the difference? From this point on I will just question the mental competency of anyone that makes this idiotic assertion.

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On ice is better than outright dead. Which Rastakhan is. Dead.


Mekkatorque is going to come back as the six million dollar gnome.

Better, stronger, faster!

I believe it.

Btf, it’s not one that mattered. With the death of rezan his days were already numbered.

 I play both factions.

Entire system is completely broken. I have made multiple suggestions to do them more in the form of PVP vs Player vs NPC with a rotating timer of 2-4 hours. It is silly that they ever thought this would be a system that would last.

Not sure what this obsessions with such short term thinking is.

You should create a Forsaken mage and play both sides.

I am really sick of blizzard pandering to alliance by giving them 2x more reward to participate in the same content that I am doing.

Not so fun being on the other side isn’t it?

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I am not notice any lack of fun, only Horde tears over something they have complete control over.

It’s an underdog bonus which just happens for alliance because you all relentlessly zerged them in the face for 3 months. Reroll, faction swap or simply just turn off warmode in protest and it will go away or possibly even reverse.

For what it’s worth i think the alliance whinging over a warfront cycle are being redonculous as well.

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That was just an example Ion used. Probably because he didn’t want to admit Horde was getting shafted out of BOTH. Alliance had the world boss first with Arathi at least.

Alliance WON’T be attacking until AFTER the patch. Not sure how much more simple i can make it but feel free to apologize for being an idiot now.

I’ve been seeing pretty equal numbers during incursions. That number is not adjusting to the under represented number. That number is static

Reported for Trolling. :pouting_cat:

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The way sharding works, you will see either fairly even numbers or one side having a massive advantage. For instance if you have 500 Horde playing and 100 alliance, you will have 2 shards where it’s fairly balanced, then 8 more shards where it’s pretty much just horde.

Those numbers are just examples, not a true representation of the numbers in a shard.

It’s anecdotal I know and hardly fact but I know several alliance players who JUST turn on warmode for invasions cause they can be reasonably sure other alliance players will be around to help them as the areas tend to focus players down into one cluster.

Goodness gracious, people take this game far too seriously. Op when was the last time you went outside and saw sunlight?

All you have to do is form a group and run around during an incursion. Sooner or later, you’ll pick off enough Horde players to complete the quest; I do it all the time.

“This is too hard for me, therefore it doesn’t exist” is a phenomenally weak argument. The fact of the matter remains that once Horde exhausts all avenues that grant them guaranteed high-ilevel gear, such as warfronts and emissary caches, the Alliance still has one venue open (the Overwhelming Odds quest) that isn’t available for Horde at all. You can at least attempt it, but a Horde player isn’t given that opportunity, and thus you are left in a relatively more advantaged position. You simply aren’t taking advantage of that potential.

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Mattering is a matter of perspective. The post I was replying to said that he would be happy if Horde at least suffered one loss, this is at least one loss.
Tbh I think his days were numbered by the plot long before that, it was like after the first walk up to his throne you immediately jumped to “so this guy is going to die at some point and Talanji will become reagent”.

I honestly thought it was going to be the classic Zul betrayal, and then that did occur, but then he survived and I was like “Oh!?”

I’m not sure that avoiding content that people like just so they “may” potentially get equal rewards is really the best way to go.
The whole implementation is just so wrong, the buff needs to be dynamic, it would actually function properly like that.
Oh you are outnumbered on your shard right now? Have a bit of compensation.
Ah, I see that sides have balanced out, excellent news! The buff will be rebalanced accordingly.

Not the whole 50,000 players were afk in Orgrimmar with warmode on last Thursday so you better believe this Wednesday the opposite faction will have huge incentives to come out in droves.

Like you said, and I believe I mentioned in another post, shards are meant to attempt to be self balancing. Allow the balanced ones to have balanced buffs and the unbalanced ones to provide proportionate buffs as required.
There is no way there should be situations of balanced populations with unbalanced offsets because some other shard you can’t interact with have more of one side than the other.

After reading OP I imagine a WoW dev calculating all these time tables setting up all these dates, timers and formulas in order to make sure they are letting the Horde stay one step ahead from the Alliance.

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