Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts


Devs play horde it’s not surprising horde are favoured

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Yes. This is the main issue with warfronts…and nothing else…

In all honesty? Why not do the pro active thing then, race change to Blood Elf Mage, I know so many people who iterally went Alliance for the 30% Buff and gonna switch back to Horde.

Really in the end it’s not about Horde biased or Alliance biased…, Blizzard knows people would pay for a faction change and back… you know how much money they will make when Zandalari release, literally half the Alliance guild I’m in are going Horde…They create situations to make people faction change, race change if you haven’t noticed.

I don’t think it really is about being biased, it’s about them making money, they soon will be adding micro transaction toys in the blizzard store… more money…

Sad to say but that’s the direction they going, soon their be Alliance biased and make more faction changes is a pattern.

Not just your thread the multiple threads of Alliance players whining it’s kind of embarrassing really and making me glad I’m no longer Alliance . If I were I would be ashamed to admit it.

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This hordearchal tyranny must end!

My fellow alliance victims rise up and demand justice!

I would like to suggest the creation of an equality panel with a community manager assigned by blizzard to resolve these issues of blatant horde privilege that have victimized the alliance. We will not be silenced!

To everyone talking about the plot.

I went to a bookstore today and bought a book. Its called harry potter. I think i wanna sue J.K for not making Harry turn evil and join Voldemort. Why should I have paid for a book and not have a say on how the story ends. I AM PISSED RIGHT NOW. How dare she make me pay for a book and not cater to the story how i WANT it.

Join me alliance, lets write reddit posts on why anything that is not ours but we paid for is not to our liking.

As for the loot, you have 0 sympathy from me as long as you hold onto the free 370 gear that gives you free residium every week.


It’s being trolled because it isn’t a real claim.

A troll post being trolled on GD? Color me shocked.

  1. Most Horde thought they would be able to do it for their characters on the weekends when school/work was done with for the week. Guess what? It got fixed before then so most people couldn’t gear up all their characters.

  2. Allowing both factions to get something before the holidays isn’t a sign of faction bias at all. It’s not like that Darkshore 370 changed anything.

  3. It’s a cycle, one measly piece of 400 ilvl gear will mean nothing. It will be easily replaced.

If this were true, Alliance would only get kill credit for their weekly if they’re not in a group and phased alone against a higher number of horde.


This isn’t my thread.


Horde bias.

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The entitlement is strong in this one.

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lol @ supposed horde bias

what a bad meme at this point

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Yeah because every alliance character logs on and is automatically awarded a free 370 azerite piece that Horde don’t get! Seriously, I assume you are talking about the underdog piece?

1: Most alliance never see it because it requires you turn on Warmode.
2: It’s probably not going to be Azerite, which are the residuum reward pieces.

Personally all this bias crying on both sides is getting f’in ridiculous. Horde whinging about an underdog bonus that probably effects way less than half of the alliance 120’s. Alliance complaining about a warfront piece (maybe).

You all sound like my kids complaining which one is the favorite.

Well, let me know when the Horde gets to RAID an Alliance city (and I’m not talking about a quest where we get to sneak in to Stormwind and then run like crazy so we don’t get killed).


You all sacked Stormwind once. I don’t know of the alliance ever sackign a horde city. I mean Sylvanas kinda sacked Lordaeron herself.

You also sacked and destroyed Gilneas, though it wasn’t really an alliance city at the time as they were isolationists.


When did Stormwind become a RAID instance?

And have you forgotten Siege of Orgimmar? What about the new one that’s smackdab in the middle of Zuldalar???

Bruh. You are trippin.


He must be using WC1 as the time the Horde sacked Stormwind.


muh bias. 10/char

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