Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts

I read this like you copy and pasted this from somewhere.


If you’re a child and are whining about this I understand. If you’re an adult whining about this you sound pathetic.

Enjoy your free 370s which are actually relevant gear though.

Well I’m just going to say that now more than ever I am glad I switched to horde not because of the storyline I really love the alliance Heroes like Varian Magni, and Bolvar, but because of threads like this. I think if Varian and bolvar were actual people they would be rolling over in their graves to see this.

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Filthy horde!

Your first point moots itself as two days of unrestricted access to 340 gear (plus one piece of 370 for completing the first warfront) for all max level characters let people gear as many as 2-3 (based upon my Gfs old guild…before she quit the game) alts to Normal and LFR ready in that time frame.
The second point is also met with the fact that the whole Darkshore Storyline (leading up to the Warfront) involved invoking Mile-thick Plot Armor to save Nathanos, bashing on the Night Elf Players even more and finally the Horde also received a Questline with a Branching Ending that allows Horde Players to actually have agency over how their character interacts with the story (and they’re set to get another in 8.1.5).

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Welcome to the horde.

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Whoa thats uncalled for. I bathe every other week

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Thanks, but considering I would probably only play either a belf or an undead (or a San’layn or a Vulpera if either became playable) I doubt I’d be accepted as a “true” Horde member anyway.

Do belves Lok’tar? Hm…

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We only went there because that’s where Sylvannas was hiding out after burning the world tree. If she was hiding somewhere else, we would have gone there, instead.

But she chose to go there and setup traps in hopes of wiping out Alliance command by blowing up the city. Which she totally attempted to do, and would have succeeded, had Jaina not Deus ex machina’d into there with a floaty boaty.

Undercity was 150% Sylvannas’ doing. Don’t even try to put that on Alliance.


Would still be there if you never showed up

GJ alliance you destroyed it


we do and that was really are true horde there is a video on what happened how the blood elves became horde and once you do level a blood elf and do the Heritage armor quest You’ll see exactly what happened it’s actually very sad story and made me really glad I am playing if what else I was once human but I’ve become fully horde since then

You realize that regular Mythic dungeons also rewarded 340 gear too right? You realize people could get the exact same crap from mythic dungeons? Or are people too casual to find a group for that?

Oh wow. As if your story has no plot armor either? You literally forget that Anduin has the most plot armor right now because he’s the Mary Sue of the Alliance. 18 year old teenager and he’s the commander of the whole alliance and can’t make any mistakes right? Gets saved by Jaina during Undercity when they were going to lose. You killed a Valkyr, one of Sylvanas’ extra lives. That’s good enough.

I’m sorry that the Alliance is so unified that their story doesn’t require them to have any choices. What choice will you have? Who’s shoe you’re going to shine? Anduin’s or Jaina’s? Haha yeah let’s go with that.

Nice job ignoring my other point, that the Alliance get 30% extra War Mode bonus and a free ilvl 370 gear every week.


Ok, let me get this straight:

You’re glad you switched factions because a thread posted by a member of your voiced their dissatisfaction due to them feeling like their faction is neglected. Furthermore, you have voiced this after jumping to an incorrect conclusion (That I actually want people to be out of jobs) when I was trying to point out that Professional Accountability was thing?

Developer attempt at an apology without openly apologizing (and thus admitting fault for all to see…with every professional consequence that comes with it).

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No, when we’re told we get even but we don’t, that’s a bias.

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You should make a thread about the Bias. Would be really original


Riiiiiight. Okay then, by that logic, Alliance didn’t break the ceasefire in Legion. It’s not Genn’s fault the Horde were there in Stormheim. If they weren’t there, they wouldn’t have gotten attacked.

Oh and that “genocide” he “committed?” Not his fault Sylvannas was in that cave with that lamp. If she didn’t have the lamp with her, it wouldn’t have gotten destroyed. So you see, it’s totally Sylvannas’ fault, not Genn’s.

Does this “reasoning” sound asinine to you? Well it should, because it is. Just like your “reasoning.”

Why would I make another thread about bias?

Nope sounds perfect. Glad we cleared that up

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God forbid anyone want to express how they feel…? Why don’t you guys just march on OP’s house with lit torches and pitch forks?

Welcome to GD where anything you say can and will be utterly trolled.

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You shouldn’t care what others think or let them influence your decisions.
Keep them guessing. Nothing gets under people like that’s skin more than making them suffer from not being able to get under yours.