Tired of blatant horde bias for Warfronts

Wow you want people to lose their jobs over what you perceive as horde bias? And they say horde are the bad guys. Smh.


I think only Blizzard can confirm or deny your accusations. We are all just people here, with our own opinions and ways of seeing things.

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I never said I wanted it. I just pointed out a possible, and increasingly likely, consequence of events.

You can cause all that by yourself?

At this point, I donā€™t have to lift a finger to accomplish. The Dev Team and Writers will do it themselves. But if push came to shove and I wanted to do itā€¦Childā€™s play.

What Human Beings are actually capable of here and now is actually terrifying. The most terrifying people are the ones who recognize this fact.

Want easymode? Transfer!

Do it then. I am intrigued


Id say you arent playing with a full deck of cards but that isnt true, its just nothing but victim cards


Yeah, the bias is so bad that Ivus the Forest Lord only drops loot for the Horde!

grumble grumble. Horde Bias! grumble grumble.


Horde can have the PvP stuff if theyā€™re outnumbered. Iā€™m not seeing how that is a good defense.


I think itā€™s trying to tell you that you got the gear before it could and now that itā€™s getting the gear itā€™s totally justified.

But who am I to say what it thinks.

Doubt it will make you happy, but you get to kill Rastakan.

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Yeah, but we lose Mekkatorque (goes on ice) in the process.

And it never will. But can these ridiculous posts please end?

Donā€™t worry, all the other races in the Alliance also feel like second-class citizens. Youā€™re not alone!

Clearly the developers do.

Good luck with that. Start a petition, forum moderators love those!



Maybe the population will swing the other day with fotm players and youā€™ll get it.

If anything, some devs and writers will get fired not for this blatant, ā€œhorde biasā€ but because the game is just utter trash right now. It has nothing to do with bias. I really donā€™t believe itā€™s even a thing.

Letā€™s just take a look at some pointers here:

  • Horde got ilvl 340 gear for 2 days without ilvl restriction. They then hotfixed that and you needed to be a certain ilvl to queue for Warfront. Alliance at this time had a chance at 2 pieces of 370 gear from World Boss as well, and 340 ilvl gear from the rare spawns.

  • Darkshore Warfront, Alliance now has it first at a 385 piece of gear. They also get a free ilvl 370 piece of gear EVERY WEEK, and a 30% War Mode bonus compared to Hordes 10% and no 370 piece.

I donā€™t buy into the whole, ā€œhorde biasā€ crap because Iā€™ll tell you what, my Alliance alt has an easier time getting gear and azerite power than my Horde main.


Your perceived grievances do not inherently start as correct.

Not giving you credence does not prove you correct

You make claims but do not back them up any more than claiming a blue sky would equal Alliance Bias.

A planned out schedule has fallen against what you want.

A fix to an issue was applied before you could benefit from the fault, while unfortunate for you, it was an issue, not a handed out benefit unless you can prove otherwise.

You conveniently ignore the multiple benefits you receive every week that the horde does not.

You are just angry, you dont really have a case, or a point.


I tried to stick it out with the Alliance as long as I could. But now Iā€™m switching to Horde.

Oh, not because of any ridiculous bias. God, no, that doesnā€™t exist.

But if my faction is going to be constantly characterized by incessant and baseless whining, then it is not a faction I really want to be spending much time on. Iā€™m sick to death of reading these threads, and trying to use logical arguments and rationality to no avail when dealing with those who would point to a stupid Blizzcon joke as ā€œevidenceā€ that the devs donā€™t care about Alliance or who conveniently forget that the Horde hasnā€™t had access to level 370s for weeks because theyā€™ve been exclusively Alliance.


Guess Iā€™m full ā€œLokā€™tarā€ now, folksā€¦

Or maybe Iā€™ll just roll a belf.


Ok, you DO realize Horde owns the zone, which means you are currently contributing. That means next week when you finish contributing ALLIANCE will get the first quest which rewards the higher gear and begin assaulting, while we will STILL not get the higher ilvl IVUS because ours started before the patch.

Long story short, you get BOTH the higher ilvl quest, AND the higher ilvl IVUS before we do.


It wont happen. The balance is too uneven. Im also not saying you dont deserve the compensation, but its hard to buy into a horde bias while that exists