Tinkers! And the problem with Goblins

So you won’t even entertain this point?

I’m trying to appeal to your logic.
You think Engineering is too limited because blizzard gutted professions across the board. Right?

So then, wouldn’t engineering function better as its own class? so that way It could have legitimate abilities that aren’t locked to unnecessary cooldowns and reagent requirements?

You don’t see how this would be a better way to fulfill the “Engineer” fantasy instead of keeping it limited forever?

Because there is no law or logic stating that a profession should be limited forever. The alternative answer is better. Unlock the crippling design that has been placed on profession sense around cataclysm. Let professions be just as important as class choice again.

Classes have always been more important than professions. Your class determines how you experience 99% of content in WoW.
It determines your abilities and talents.

This was Never The case

Professions were more important before cataclysm but they were never as important as your class. That’s completely absurd.

Professions are kept weak because your Class is always supposed to matter more.


Lotta tension between you and that Orc. Do I sense a ship?




Profession choice used to be an equally important choice, to say otherwise shows your ignorance and newness to the game. In WoTLK saronite bombs was a part of many rogues rotation. In TBC you profession was important for the bonus’s you was able to get on your gear. It also guided your choice on which reputation to choose. and In Vanilla, the gnomish death ray was used by many paladins in pvp. These was just a few of the meta choices but there was other strong choices to be made. Not to mention the additional passive bonus’s just having the profession used to add. Which was often times close to the power of your racials.

Ignoring Necromancer directly harms Death Knights and Demonology Warlocks… but is worried about a trivial profession.

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It harms neither the death knight or the warlock. Both would still have their niche. Paladins being a thing doesn’t harm the priests. Monks being a thing didn’t harm the rogues either, infact it benefited them. It ended up giving them combo points that stuck with them.

This is just wrong. But you can think otherwise as much as you want.
Your class defines your Character.
This is why it says “Gnome Death Knight” under your name.
Not “Gnome Engineer”

But they were still a Rogue. They had Rogue Abilities and Rogue Talents.

Again. That’s great. And I think that’s good design. But its completely irrelevant in modern WoW.

Again this is irrelevant in current content. It lead to imbalance issues and still didn’t determine as much as your class did.

All of this design is completely irrelevant to modern day world of Warcraft.
With everything Engineer was capable of doing, in the past. All of those abilities you listed. You honestly don’t think this will be better as its own class at this point?

You’re over protective of past design. This game isn’t the same anymore. In current wow it would do better as it’s own class.


Nothing is irrelevant to modern WoW. Specially when discussing older design schemes. Shadowlands is showing they are reverting back to some of their classic design philosophies. So if anything these things are more relevant now.

if you are unable to see they are reverting back to older ways of thinking then you are blind, although that shouldn’t be a surprise you being a demon hunter and all.

I still cannot see why I would ever need to use a shield on a Fury Warrior.

Have not looked at the new warrior toolset but if they brought back some of the old toolset along with that shield. It is so you can offtank. Warriors tanking without a shield are garbage.

So you really Think that an entire fantasy archetype would be better represented in World of Warcraft by pushing it to the side as profession, where it must constantly be plucked and pruned by the balance team because every single class has accsess to it.

You don’t think the fantasy of being a Tinker in a mech suit would be better represented as a Class with a mech suit. You really, honestly, think it’s better being a few utilities and bombs that any class can have?

Actually if anything. Because everyone has access to it would be reason for it to be less limited.

Ignore pain and Enraged regeneration and Warpaint all disagree.

And again. You really think a major Warcraft fantasy archetype is better represented as a profession? Mind you, a profession that does not have the Tinker abilities from Warcraft 3?

Yes you do, you undoubtedly do


You clearly don’t understand how Class design works.

Professions are made limited because they need to be balanced around everyone being able to use them.
I’m sorry that you really miss vanilla enginerring.
But claiming that IT was supposed to be a Tinker is just Wrong.

No mech suit. No pocket factory. No missile barrage.

And still, there’s no Mech suit, no pocket factory, no Missile barrage.

Quiet, Mongaloid.

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Not every archetype gets to make it into WoW as it was designed in Warcraft apparently. Because ya know Death knights is how necromancers got in apparently. Just as Engineering is how Tinkerers got in.

Isn’t that the goblins racial?

These new class threads needs to end. There are 12 classes in the game 36 specs, many of which haven’t felt like they belong for quite a while. Blizzard has their hands full balancing and making everything attractive in multiple avenues of content let alone needing to add another class. I would much rather they finish making everything work currently before adding more convolution in the form of a class (tinkerer) that is literally just survival hunter.