Tinker, Warden, and Necromancer when?

youre a draenei shaman


Blizzard doesn’t have the staff or resources to make any new classes. They are barely handling this expansion. That is why they went with hero talents. All new “classes” will be new hero specs.

New races based on already existing models, for sure, but no new classes.

Make them function like melee but ve at ranged. Mainhand weapon is a wand that deals autoattack damage on par with dk or warrior auto attack. Spells are insta cast just like melee classes with animation of flowing theough the wand.

They get 1 zombie/skeleton pet ala dks.

One class I think could work is the Sorcerer

We have had the introduction of Wild Magic - the crystal dragon in Dragonflight, a variable, unpredictable school of magic
Blood Magic - the use of one’s life force in casting spells, in lieu of mana
Anima and Summoning Magic - the use of summonable minions on a rotation to cast spells

Outside of that, we could try the Bandit - we have two thirds of a class that uses three weapon types: Crossbows, Guns, Bows
 We could get a similar lore to the Rogues, though less on the stealth and more for short-mid ranged combat with guns and melee abilities with three specs: Highwayman with a focus on mid to short ranged damage or a Brigand with a melee focus, that uses melee weapons, but has some form of debuff mechanic, rather than direct disables like Rogues

Little bro
using a diablo necro as a reference is goofy af

DK was one of the worst decisions made in the game. It started the easy-mode of the game. Crushing blows need to make a comeback.

TBF, the Tinker doesn’t fit with any existing class to become a hero tree,

necromancer is basically unholy death knight just
guys its never gonna happen.
you’ve been told this countless times since dk’s came out and yet you refuse to listen.
like this is only the 124382634546th thread asking for necromancers.
warlocks and death knights have that niche covered so

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So death knights?

Never. Tinker = engineer. Necromancer = unholy DK. Warden = druids.

Notice how there’s a DK and Druid class, but no Engineer class.


Tinker, Warden, and Necromancer when?

Earth 2

Not with what would be in the Blizzard world for a “tinker” - no.

Warden is a thing. People complain that it simultaneously doesn’t do enough to catch botters, and gave a false ban to their friend who was totally botting.

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I wouldnt mind a class based on the new cosmic void stuff, we also only have 1 bow using class, maybe put them togheter to make a class? Void Ranger, maybe have a melee spec that uses glaives too so we get more glaive using classes

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I would love a healing necromancer.

Something that uses bows, glaives and daggers. Hmm

We need a class that bridges the gap between Sylvannas, Tyrande and Alleria honestly. (Sylv throws daggers and no one else does this but Rogues) They all are kinda this hybrid hunter/DH/Rogue thing, but they use magic extensively compared to Rogue/Hunter. I think you could do something with this honestly.

I say DH because Tyrande basically became an Elune based DH. Glaives, Elune powered instead of Fel powered, completely fueled by rage and vengeance.

Is this what Warden would be? Bow/glaive/dagger?

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Because it wouldn’t make sense. It would be a glorified hunter with mechanical pets and throwing grenades- oh
yeah surv/bm hunters.

paladins are just priests in plate though


I still standby the idea that bringing tinkers into the game doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It’s basically making the engineering profession a combat class, and I don’t think it’s necessary.

This one I could kind of see them doing but the issue with it is how do you justify a Horde version of it considering how night elf themed it is. That the nightborne managed to convince night elves to help them out and learn it? Not to mention you’d have more people complaining about such an elf-centric class being brought into the game. Blizzard ultimately loses on this one in a lot of ways, and wins in some others.

It’s called UH DK.

I don’t think you know what overlap means if you think these classes overlap with one another considering they fulfill entirely different niches in a lot of ways. Just because rogue and druid are dot based and both smack things in melee range doesn’t mean they overlap just like because paladins and priests can both use the light doesn’t mean they overlap. Might need to revisit this line of thinking.

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