Tinker Class - With all of these machines everywhere, now IS the time! (MEGATHREAD)

Machinery is all throughout Azeroth, it IS Azeroth. No more “they wouldn’t fit”. If Evoker can exist after being pulled out of thin air, the class with over 2 decades of established lore absolutely can exist. Currently, it exists as an NPC-only class, in which they display prowess far beyond the capabilities of the very mundane Engineering profession.

They fit from a gnome/mechagnome/goblin perspective. (Goblin/Gnome/MG Tinkers)
They fit from a Dwarf/Dark Iron, Human, Kul Tiran perspective (Engineers)
They fit from an Orc, Mag’har perspective (Iron Horde mechanics)
They fit from an Undead perspective (Apothecaries)
They fit from a Draenei/Lightforged/Nightborne perspective (Artificiers)
They fit from a Blood/High Elf perspective (Arcane Tech)
They fit from a Vulpera perspective (Scavengers & Scrappers)
and now, they fit from an Earthen perspective (Machinespeakers)

To say that the ‘Tinker’ class couldn’t exist because Engineering already does, would be to say Mage shouldn’t exist because Enchanting already does, that Monks shouldn’t exist because Inscription already does, Shaman shouldn’t exist because Alchemy already does, or that Demon Hunter shouldn’t exist because there are already Warlocks in the game.

There isn’t any other class as broadly spoken for in WoW that isn’t also playable at this point. That is an anomaly in and of itself. We’ve gotten an entire spec mid-expansion before, as well as a plethora of new races an entire year after launch.

Blizzard- now is the time: After the Iron Horde, after BfA’s delving into World Soul & Titan machinery, and now these new engines of the planet itself- the Earthen mark yet another race in the game with extremely evident & justifiable connections to machinery, and by proxy, a Machine-based player class. The time to finally introduce the Tinker; a class that dabbles with machinery, turrets, gizmos, gadgets, exo-suits, and more.

The Tinker class- whether it’s called that, or “Machinespeaker”, “Mechanic”, “Artificier”, “Engineer”, “Technician”, or anything else- many have said that the class wouldn’t work unless the expansion involved heavy themes about machinery. Well the first time Machinery was blatantly plot-centric was when the forces of Alternate-Universe Draenor launched an assault upon us- with immense and overwhelming technology. When the Mag’har finally joined the Horde as an allied race, it is absolutely possible that many of those were ex-Iron Horde mechanics & technicians, who would likely collaborate with the Orcs to share ideas and blueprints.

The second time was when we discovered the Isle of Mechagon, an entire civilization of machine-like beings so deeply rooted in Tinkering, that their technologies threatened the entire planet itself and required the combined forces of the Alliance and Horde to fight back. The real absurdity is that when the Mechagnomes finally were playable as an Allied Race, the only class they couldn’t be was the one class they should’ve been the most.

And now? We delve to new regions, discover a new NEUTRAL RACE, who are heavily ingrained with machinery to a level on par with the Mechagnomes themselves- where it is their lifeblood and culture. But for the Earthen? It is of a religious extent that their kinship with machinery exists.

And just like how we learned the ways of the Monk from the Neutral Pandaren race;
& the ways of the Evoker through the Neutral Dractyhr race;
Story, logic, player demand, and all other signs point to the ways of Tinker-hood to be taught by none better than through the Neutral EARTHEN Race.

As mentioned before, the many denizens of Azeroth that are already proficient with machines, but the Earthen offer a very unique and central angle to the Tinker class; which is by a more hollistic means- by teaching the races of Azeroth that machinery is not just a matter of ingenuity and craft- but also the very core of the planet itself.

Many people (myself included) have their own ideas and spins on how to do a class like this (mine is just below), but all ideas and concepts share a constant theme of Exo-suits, Guns and turrets, Bombs and Minis, and lots of gunpowder, explosions, fire, and electricity. Depending on the angle Blizzard could take? The class’ resource bar might be Azerite, which we’ve seen can power machinery extremely well to immacculate results. If not? Fuel, Charge, Electricity, or even an “Ammo” system… or it could be the first resource-less class, instead leaning into the fantasy of being really resourceful and improvizational in the lack of any magical skill or prowess, and utilize ingeniuity as a compensation for the lack of magical prowess.

We have now seen The War Within’s release patch extensively, and machines are the narrative focus, and evident through cosmetics, mounts, additional gamemodes, dungeons, and more. With 11.1, we will be venturing to Undermine, the goblin city that is a marvel for being the home of their iconic crude, rusty, oily brand of Tinkering. This marks 2 patches consecutively that effectively communicate Tinker culture across two wildly different races to the players who still may not understand, and may still think “Engineering” as a profession, is enough (it never was).

In between these two patches, there will also be a cosmetic unlockable set in the Siren Isles, that looks like the most steampunk, tinker-coded outfit that has ever existed in game. Which is profoundly unique again given the theme of this expansion. To put it all flatly, the last time an expansion had this much consistent iconography of a single class was Wrath of the Lich King, when the Death Knight came out, Mists of Pandaria, when the Monk came out, Legion, when the Demon Hunter came out, and Dragonflight, when we get Evokers.

All of that said; the Tinker as it currently stands is a cake waiting to be baked, all of the ingredients are there, prepared, ready. There is no more any speculation as to “what” a Tinker could possibly look like", or why it should exist alongside the Engineering spec, because now we see it in plain sight. We see NPCs of various different cultures, walking around with wildly different mech suits, or having exo-suit backpacks like Speaker Brinthe, or creating Machinery that matches the races’ Aesthetic. It’s all there, hiding in plain sight. No matter how Blizzard choose to take all of those ingredients, I am extremely confident that what will be baked up will be rich with substance, full of goodness, enjoyment for everyone, and for those who don’t like cake? Completely ignorable if it’s not your preferred flavour.

This is not a matter of if, anymore but when.

Narratively, if for some reason Patch 11.1 doesn’t seem like the justified time to release this class, 11.2 could be, and if not then, The Last Titan is another perfect window in the climactic finale of the Worldsoul Saga, where we will return to Ulduar, Mimiron, the OG Tinker himself will likely play a major role in the story as he helps us navigate the immense complex machinery of the manifold, and we likely get Order Halls and Artifact Weapons 2.0, as we need them again to square off against the Titans themselves.

Spitballing; but the Tinker Order Hall could be; The Corridors of Ingenuity in Ulduar, King Mechagon’s (former) throne room, A Skybreaker-inspired floating geek club for all brilliant minds, a pocket dimension like the Council of Reeds (or Ricks) from Marvel Comics, or even something as ballsy as retrofitting the now-defunct Frozen Throne to be a sky high Inventor’s society much like Stark Tower.

The Tinker class could even see unique weapons much like how Bows are for Hunters, Warglaives are for Demon Hunters- Tinker’s unique weapon could be “Cogwrenches”, a unique weapon type for them that serve as their weapon for repairing their own Turrets, Torbjorn style, or to pummel enemies that come in close range while their turrets back them up. Alternatively, their primary weapon could be Guns, and their Wrenches would function similarly to the Outlaw Rogue’s pistol. However when Transmogging a Tinker, you could still transmog any known mace, axe or sword into your wrench. Despite not having one equipped.

Their Artifact 2.0 weapon could be “The Hand of Mimiron” a legendary wrench that is one of Mimiron’s very own discarded arms that he no longer needed due to personally upgrading himself. Alternatively, their Artifact weapon, if a gun, could be “G.G.E.Z - The Ultimate Hybridized Gnomish & Goblin Explodey Zapatron 9001”. There’s a lot of potential here, but I digress.

Obligatory “Blizz, Pls”. Give us the Tinker class we’ve been wanting since the dawn of this game. Just like with player Housing, the edging can only go on for so long before we hit a fever pitch.

(Metzen, Hazzikostas, I know you two can see this!!!)


actually engineering is a profession in the game :smiley:



Races: Dwarf, Dark Iron, Earthen, Mechagnome, Gnome, Human, Draenei, Undead, Blood Elf, Orc, Goblin, Mag’har

3 specs.

  • Gearmaster: Melee DPS
  • Artillery: Pseudo-Ranged + “support” (like Augmentation)
  • Pilot: Exo-suit Tank.


  • The tank would function by having an exo-suit like what Mekkatorque has. Every race that could be tinker/machinespeaker would have a unique exo suit based off of their race’s aesthetic (like Shaman totems and druid forms). But also have a universal customizable system like the Moonkin/Dragonriding/Storm Gryphon/Delve Seasonal Mount modular customization. Like D.Va, they would have brief moments outside of their exosuits, and would be less tanky (but still pretty tanky), but far less useful outside of being a meat shield. They would leverage heat and fuel like Rumble from LoL almost.


  • The Ranged “Support” dps spec would function similarly to Torbjorn from Patch 1.0 Overwatch. You would not be doing the damage, so much as your turret(s) would be. Instead, you’d be keeping them alive, repositioning them, and deploying the appropriate turret types (flamethrower, rockets, minigun, glue, nets, regular) when necessary. Alongside that, your gameplay would take inspiration from HotS, and you’d be able to “upgrade” the signature abilities of your allies (based off of spec), but with a mechanical twist. I.e Summon Infernal would become Summon Fel Reaver. Bladestorm > Buzzsaw Storm, Invoke Xuen > Invoke “X-U-3-N”, etc.
  • Outside of those enhancements, they would also use a ranged weapon for the moments where they can fight alongside their turret, and it doesn’t need immediate repair. Visually, it would be a themed gun, similar to Outlaw Pistol Shot having a fixed gun, however that default gun could be transmogged to any other gun.


  • Lastly, the Melee DPS spec would play akin to Gazlowe from HotS, and the “Scrapper” from GW2. You’d be up in people’s faces wearing a backpack (also race-specific and customizable like the exo suit) and using the marvels of science and machinery to beat the snot out of someone. Jet boosters, Buzz saw blades, close-range flamethrowers, deploying bombs, and pretty much a WoW-adaptation of the movie “Real Steel”. Except you’re right there with your mech.


  • Much like how druid weapons are more or less stat sticks that don’t actually visually play a role in combat, this class would share the same trend.
  • Gearmaster and Pilot would have weapons hidden, as their “weapon transmog” would be customizing and unlocking new knuckle/sawblade appearances for their backpack mech.
  • Pilot would be in a cockpit, so no weapon would be visibly needed, though for the brief moments out of it, they would wield a shield + 1h weapon.
  • As mentioned before, Artillery would only be able to transmog Guns, but also have a wrench/hammer (like Torbjorn’s) that they use to repair their turrets. The “default” themed gun/wrench for each race would also be customizable.
  • They’d roll on plate, by virtue that this is a class that is very experienced with all Metals.

wild how engineer can already do all that!! oh wait. bye troll


Seems lit!


I don’t think its about “They wont fit” and more “The barn is full”

Just my two cents- I think 15 would be the hard line in the sand.

Last 2 should be as thematically unique and different from the other 13 classes as possible, which a machine-centric class definitely is


Here is the direction I would start with when exploring the Tinker class. With some workshopping spell and ability ideas.

Tinker Class Ideas

  • Armor Type: Cloth
  • Mastery: Engineering (Same mastery for all specs)
    • Mechanic (Melee Tank)
      • Robotics - Increased duration
    • Technician (Ranged DPS)
      • Cybernetics - Increased damage multiplier
    • Chemist (Healer/Enhancer)
      • Mutations - Increase positive percent gain and reduce negative percent loss


  • Mastery: Engineering (Same mastery for all specs)
    • Secondary stat value increase by [Mastery percentage] of primary main stat.

Hero Paths (Inspired/borrowed from Darkest Dungeon)

  • Mechanic/Technician = Bounty Hunter
  • Technician/Chemist = Plague Doctor
  • Chemist/Mechanic = Abomination

Bounty Hunter (Increased tools and gadgets to escape and control your enemies)

  • Marked for Death
  • Grappling
  • Caltrops
  • Collect Bounty
  • Come Hither
  • Flash Bang
  • Uppercut
  • Stasis Trap
  • Electrical Shock
  • Sentry Turret

Plague Doctor (Dark science mixed with Poison/blight attacks)

  • Noxious Blast
  • Blinding Gas
  • Battlefield Medicine
  • Plague Grenade
  • Disorienting Blast
  • Indiscriminate Science
  • Magnesium Rain
  • Smoke Screen
  • Emboldening Vapours
  • Invigorating Vapours

Abomination (Mad science experiments resulting in a Rampaging/raging beast infused with poison/blight)

  • Transform
  • Corrosive Bile
  • Devour
  • Rake
  • Rage
  • Slam
  • Rampart
  • Withstand
  • Absolution
  • Festering Vapours
  • Fortifying Vapours


Mechanic (Melee Tank)

Types of abilities/themes to explore


  • Mechanized Robotic Exo-Suite
    Clad yourself within a mechanized robotic Exo-suit, increasing your armor and defenses while gaining a new arsenal of weaponry.
    • Strong Arm: You Punch every target in a cone in front of you, causing increased threat and shattering their defenses making them vulnerable to physical attacks by 10%, stacking 3 times.
    • Energy Barrier: While energy barrier is active, all damage is reduced by 20% and you are immune to physical damage in front of you. 10 second cooldown.
    • Magnetic Resonance: Draw in enemies within range of your attacks. 10 second cooldown.
    • Thruster Rockets: You are able to jump long distances and slow all enemies upon impact for 3 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
    • Smart Laser: You have a laser beam that splits its damage between all targets or creates a solid beam of energy for a single target, increasing its damage by 10% per second for 10 seconds. 10 second cooldown.
  • Assault Drones
    Deploy 2 Assault Drones that float by your side and shoot laser beams at your enemies.
  • Repair Drones
    Deploy 2 repair drones to repair you and your constructs for 15 seconds.
  • Defense Drones
    Deploy 2 defense drones that increase your defensive capabilities and reduce the cooldown of your defensive abilities 100% faster while they remain active. Lasts 15 seconds.


  • Sentry
    Construct a sentry to aid you in battle for 30 sec. Duplicates attack at 30% effectiveness
  • Pocket Factory
    Construct a factory that deploys a random robot to assist you for 10 seconds every 3 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
    • Flame Thrower Robot: Ranged Fire welding robot.
    • Oil Spewing Robot: Robot that spew slick oil to slow enemies and increase damage taken by fire.
    • Rocket shooting Robot: Robot that fires rockets dealing moderate amount of damage.
    • Sapper Robot: Robots that explode on contact with the enemy dealing damage and causing them to bleed out for 10 seconds.
    • Energy Robot: Robot restores your energy reserves, recharging your energy shield and energy beam abilities to full power over 10 seconds.


  • Shrink wave
    Send out a wave of energy that shrinks enemies causing them to deal 40% less physical damage for 10 sec.

Technician (Ranged DPS)

Types of abilities/themes to explore


  • Tesla Coil
    Your Auto attack becomes a Tesla Coil, chaining to a nearby target for 10% increased damage each jump up to 5 targets.
  • Tesla Laser
    Your Auto attack becomes a Tesla Laser, increasing the damage the target takes from your consecutive Tesla Laser shots by 5%, stacking up to 5.
  • Tracking Beam
    Your Auto attack auto tracks your target, seeking them behind objects or obstructions.
  • Enhancement Beam
    Shoot a target with Enhancement Beam, increasing its secondary stats by 50% for 10 sec.
  • Enlargement Beam
    Shoot a target with Enlargement Beam, increasing its health, damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec.
  • World Enlarger Beam
    Shoot a target with Enlargement Beam, decreasing its health, damage and healing by 20% for 10 sec.
  • Attracting Beam
    Shoot 2 targets with Attracting Beam, causing them to be positively charged and pulling them towards one another. Lasts 3 seconds.
  • Detracting Beam
    Shoot 2 targets with Detracting Beam, causing them to be negatively charged and repealing them away from one another. Lasts 3 seconds.


  • Cluster Rockets
    Bombards an area with rockets, damaging and stunning enemies for 1 second.
  • Homing Missiles (Channeled while moving)
    Launch a series Homing Missiles at the target, causing the target to receive additional damage from your explosives by 10%. Stacks up to 3.


  • Impact Mine
    Toss a Impact Mine at target area, 3 seconds later it will explode dealing minor damage and knocking back enemies a short distance.


  • The Big One
    Toss a heavy damage dealing bomb at the targeted location, exploding on impact dealing a massive amount of damage to all targets. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
  • Dirty Bomb (30-60 yard range)
    Launch a long range bomb, exploding after 10 seconds from landing dealing a massive amount of damage to all targets within 20 yards.
  • Mana Bomb
    Enemy Mana cost increased by 100% for 10 seconds.
  • Sticky Bomb
    Bind all targets together with sticky fluid for 5 seconds. Targets stuck together may not move further that 5 yards from each other while under the effect.
  • Flash Bomb
    Blind all targets for 2 seconds. 10 yard radius. 30 second cooldown.
  • Acid Bomb
    Melt enemy flesh causing damage over 15 sec, stacking up to 3.
  • Plasma Bomb
    Ignite enemy flesh causing damage and slowing by 30% for 10 sec.


  • Pocket Workshop
    Construct a Workshop that deploys random sentinel drones to assist you every 3 seconds for 10 seconds and recharges your energy based weapons and refills your bombs and explosives. Lasts 30 seconds. 2 minutes cooldown.
    • Lightning Lasso Sentinel: Channels a beam, Immediately immobilizes an enemy attacking you for 5 seconds.
    • Tesla Coil Sentinel: Marks your enemies to all take the same damage from your Lightning based beam attacks simultaneously.
    • Oil Slick Sentinel: Spews oil on your enemies causing them slip and fall down periodically and take increased damage from your fire based attacks and abilities.
    • Overheating Sentinel: Restores your and your other Sentinels health by channeling a cooling beam.
    • Overriding Sentinel: Attempt to reprogram enemy constructs to temporarily be under your control.


  • Shrapnel Surprise
    Targets bleed out for 10 seconds.


  • Rocket pack
    Fly around in short bursts for 3 seconds, increasing speed by 100% and nullify all movement impairing effects during the effect. 10 second cooldown.
  • Return to Sender, with interest
    Reverse all damage taken in the next 5 seconds, dealing twice as much back.

Talent names to modify abilities

  • Spare parts
  • Caution to the wind
  • Never cross beams
  • What’s that smell?
  • Uh oh…
  • This is fine
  • Press the Red button
  • Cut the Blue wire
  • Flip the Green switch
  • Pull the Yellow lever
  • Why is the clock ticking down?
  • Under Construction
  • Work in progress
  • Slave Labor
  • Let her rip!
  • Now we’re in business
  • Just kick the thing
  • Not again!
  • Oh no…
  • This is it!
  • Ignore the sound
  • It will be fine, I think…
  • Goggles First!
  • It’s all in the writs!
  • Ouch… That’s burns!
  • Practice makes perfect
  • If you fail the first time… just cheat
  • It’s not stolen, it’s permanently borrowed
  • The heck is a Samophlange?
  • Where are my tools!
  • All these squares makes a circle
  • Calculations? Nah…
  • Lets try this…
  • It’s alive, it’s alive!
  • Well that didn’t work
  • Never had any doubts…
  • Pssh… who you think you’re talking too?
  • Is it really that simple?
  • The last place I looked!
  • Why is the Red light flashing!?
  • What Parachute?
  • Backup plan?
  • Shh… don’t tell anyone
  • Come on… you can trust me
  • Everyone’s a critic
  • Whistles…
  • What goes up… uh hello?
  • Wait for it…
  • It’s a prototype
  • Please sign this NDA
  • Would I lie to you?
  • My word is my bond
  • Is this normal?
  • Uh… ignore that

Chemist (Healer/Enhancer)

Types of abilities/themes to explore


  • Unstable Mutation
    Target becomes immune to all incapacitating effects but is unable to be healed for 15 seconds.
  • Chromatic Mutation
    Infect a target with Chromatic Mutation, causing a random colored mutation for 30 seconds. If the target gets infected with all 5 Mutagenic colors, they coalesce, combine and transform into Chromatic Mutation. 5 second cooldown.
    • Red: Burning, Healing received is reduced by 50%. Effects slowly fades away completely within 30 seconds.
    • Green: Drowsy, Movement is slowed by 50%. Effects slowly fades away completely within 30 seconds.
    • Blue: Lethargy, Spell and ability cooldown is increased by 50%. Effects slowly fades away completely within 30 seconds.
    • Black: Apathy, Damage dealt is reduced by 50%. Effects slowly fades away completely within 30 seconds.
    • Bronze: Comatose, You cast 50% slower. Effects slowly fades away completely within 30 seconds.
    • Chromatic: Epinephrine, You receive 50% more healing, you move and cast 50% faster, your spell and ability cost and cooldown is reduced by 50% and you deal 50% more damage. Lasts 15 seconds and you are immune to additional Chromatic Mutations during this time.


  • Vial of Poison
    Toss a vial of poison at an area, inflicting enemies with Nature damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, stacks up to 3 times. 6 second cooldown. Max 5 targets. Shares cooldown with other Vial abilities.
  • Vial of Vitality
    Toss a Vial of Vitality at an area, restoring your allies health every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, stacks up to 3 times. 6 second cooldown. Max 5 targets. Shares cooldown with other Vial abilities.
  • Vial of Slime
    Toss a Vial of Slime at an area, slowing enemies by 30% for 6 seconds, stacks up to 3 times. Max 5 targets. Shares cooldown with other Vial abilities.
  • Antidote
    Removes all Magic and Poison effects from the target.


  • Red Cauldron: Pick me up
    Restores health and mana over 10 seconds to any ally that drinks from the Cauldron (20 uses). Stacks up to 3. 3 Minute cooldown.
  • Green Cauldron: Stomach Acid
    Cauldron emits an irresistible odor forcing your enemies within 10 yards to drink and end up spewing their guts out for 3 seconds, incapacitating them. They are immune to the effect after 6 seconds from drinking. 3 Minute cooldown.
  • Blue Cauldron: Brain Freeze
    Drinking from this Cauldron causes your attacks to deal additional frost damage and slow the target by 20% stacking up to 3 times. 3 minute cooldown.
  • Volatile Convulsion
    Target takes damage and is periodically immobilized for 2 sec. lasts 10 sec.
  • Unstable Concoction
    Lob a container full of Unstable Concoction, causing all your periodic damage effects to erupt instantly for 50% more total damage and extinguishing the effects.
  • Liquid Fire
    Lob a container full of Liquid Fire, dealing fire damage in and area dealing instant and periodic fire damage.


  • Pocket Laboratory
    Construct a Laboratory that spews various chemicals at your enemies and instantly refills all your charges for your Vials, Fumes, Vapors and gas based abilities and they cooldown 100% faster while the Laboratory exists. Lasts 15 seconds. 2 minutes cooldown.
    • Red Chemical: Blood Shot, you have a 50% chance at redirecting your attack towards your ally.
    • Green Chemical: Acid, melts flesh dealing instant damage and damage over time.
    • Orange Chemical: Sickness, lowers your stats causing you you to deal 50% less damage and take 50% more damage.
    • Blue Chemical: Delirious, you have a 50% chance to redirect your heal at your enemy.
    • Black Chemical: Plague, rots flesh causing fungus to rapidly grow slowing your movement for 5 seconds before rooting you for 3 seconds.


  • Toxic Gas
    Smash a Vial of Toxic Gas in an area, enemies suffer 2% of their total health in damage every second for 10 seconds.
  • Hallucinogenic Gas
    Enemies start attacking each other randomly for 5 sec.


  • Slime Spray (channeled)
    Spray enemies in a cone with slime, dealing nature damage and summoning a toxic slime that will attack them for 6 seconds. 15 second cooldown.
  • Healing Spray (Channeled)
    Spray Allie’s in a cone with a healing mist, healing them.
  • Corrosive spray (Channeled)
    Reduces armor by 50% and increases damage taken by 2% per sec stacking for 10 seconds.


  • Toxic Combustion
    Inject an enemy with a lethal toxin. After 15 seconds or if dispelled, the target emits a toxic gas cloud in a 10 yard radius that silences all enemies and reduces the chance for them to land a hit with spells and abilities by 50%. Lasts 10 seconds.
  • Chemical Rage
    Increases target attack and movement speed by 30% for 15 seconds. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Painkiller
    Instant healing and applying healing over time. Increases damage done by 50% of healing received for 10 sec. 30 second cooldown.


  • Meat Shield
    Summon forth an Ogre to ride for 10 seconds and increase movement speed by 100%. All incoming attacks are redirected to the Ogre for the duration.
  • Body Guard
    Your Ogre Meat Shield now counter attacks all targets within melee range and has a 50% chance to stun for 1 sec.
  • Transfigure (2 second cast time)
    Temporarily force a humanoid enemy to fight by your side. 2 minute cooldown.



  • Gnomes
  • Mechagnomes
  • Dwarfs


  • Goblins
  • Vulpera
  • Forsaken

Reasons to not include any other race?

  • Too big - Won’t fit in mech suit or on ogre meat shield.
  • Too dumb - Need a very tinkery mindset minded race that likes to build and experiment with gadgets and tools.
  • Too Proud - Would think the silly and scary aspects are beneath them.

Not all ideas are winners.
I just slapped some things together that I think would be new and interesting and fun to play around with.

Obviously some critical elements that would be required to fit into current day WoW are missing. But hopefully I conveyed a general theme/feeling as to the direction I would take the Tinker class if it ever became an official class.


Love it! I could also totally see them “grounding” the spec a bit (with magics) by involving Azerite also. The same way that Warlocks use Fel, Paladins/Priests use Light, Shaman use elements, Machinespeakers/Tinkers use Titan tech/azerite tech? Or not. Just spit-balling really.

World’s their oyster honestly. This class has so much potential past “lol durrr engineer already a profession”.


Azerite could be the “resource” system.

The “Tank” spec with a mech suit would treat the resource system like steampunk where you build up pressure using your abilities and need to release/regulate the pressure to avoid capping it or else risk a negative effect like getting stunned.

The other specs can just use Azerite like a system similar to Holy Power or Energy/focus or just be in place of mana.


There was no class announced, meaning there won’t be one in this expansion and likely none in Midnight or TLT, either. Tinkers, engineers, artificers, etc. also wouldn’t be a new addition to either faction. You can’t fit them into an expansion’s plot as a major focus when engineers already exist within both the Alliance and Horde. It’s time to wave the white flag.


Cut out this part, and love everything else about the idea lol!


Tinker fans forever in the denial stage of grief.


I play a Warrior, surrender isn’t one of our abilities unfortunately


Still waiting on my Tinker class!


Please wait for 3 surrenders before you start attacking


Coward Talk.

You didn’t get what you want, Time to give up?
Sorry, Momma ain’t raise a punk.


The Pirate and Mechanic classes were the two I always wanted in WoW.

Well we got pirate in the form of Outlaw! But no class (or profession) currently accommodates such a bold fantasy like Tinker the same Rogue could accommodate the Pirate fantasy.

I’d play Machinespeaker/Tinker in a heartbeat! Lemme build turrets and run around in a mech suit! Engineer profession can’t do that!


I’m assuming they’d only drop one class amid those 3 xpacs. Gonna call Sun Mage during Midnight

They can always fashion a reason.

I see a mighty big sword that needs a resolution.

It might be left up to a group of very tech savvy know how to work out a plan and be able to execute it without causing further damage to the world.

The current crop of tech boys might not be enough… they might have to recruit and/or bring the best minds together to innovate some kind of tech and execute the plan to properly handle such a massive undertaking. They may have to reinvent themselves to an extent to get it done.

Enter Tinkers.

Your welcome lol.


Hard disagree. We have FOUR separate classes (most of which are casters) who wield some sort of natural magic. Arguably 5 if you count Hunters.

We have zero classes who use any sort of tech. Hunters are the closest, but their “tech” use ends with guns and the use of mechanical pets, both of which are purely cosmetic choices.

We have Engineering, but being a profession means that it’s hamstrung in what it can do. It can never tap into the actual combat fantasy of tech in Warcraft despite there being a huge basis for it.