Timewalking question

Talked a friend into joining for the free weekend. Got them leveled up to 63, We made sure we leave chromie time but even in the dragon isles now I cannot see them due to phasing. It says “Timewalking campaign: You can’t see them until they leave Timewalking or you enter it. Talk to chromie near the embassy in Stormwind”

We are not in time walking, We have triple checked that we arent. (I’m 70 so can’t join it anyway)

Tried UI reset. Leaving and remaking group, Changing party leaders ect ect. The only place I am able to see them and join their phase is in Stormwind. Can’t see them at all in Valdrakken or anywhere in Dragon isles. Any suggestions?

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Doesn’t Timewalking last until level 70 now since TWW prepatch hit?

Same problem here: Chromie time bug or changed? - #4 by Chlonala-stormrage

The solution was getting to 70. Everything worked fine after that!

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Keep in mind this was only in question during the pre-patch period. Once TWW proper launches, Timewalking will go to 70.

Still a problem!

My wife and I were leveling together, but I have 25 % extra from having 5 80level characters. So, when I hit 70 she is still 62. Suddenly, we are phased from each other. This is current, December 10, 2024. 11.0.5 patch so, whatever the “fix” was didn’t work.

I can’t even see her any longer due to the phasing issue, there is no chromie time in play here. Any help?

Edit: Also, tried party sync from either account, still does nothing.

You’re describing the exact same situation as OP, so it applies to you as well.

Your wife will be unphased as soon as she hits level 70, which was the fix mentioned above.


That’s not a fix. That’s a sorry, you are out of luck. So, I have to wait around while she levels for 8 levels is the answer.

This is a terrible way to keep my spouse or other friends engaged while I am just hanging out waiting on them… WTF was the point of me leveling with them if just removes me before we finish?

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That is an unfortunate effect of a new player playing with an experienced player. You have system benefits, they do not. While that technically indicates that the system is not broken in this manner, it’s just how different systems interact with each other and can benefit one player over another.

Your easiest option is to hop on another character around that level and party sync to continue. Or, as you mentioned, wait.

You’re also welcome to utilize the in-game suggestion feature if you have any constructive ideas that could benefit. Though I would recommend not along the lines of “disable the Warband experience bonus in Chromie Time” because I’m fairly certain there would be a lot of pushback on that. A user-enabled option for that, on the other hand…?


Party sync MIGHT help. It’s a finicky system but fun when it works right.

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They had already stated in their first post that it didn’t, unfortunately.

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