Timewalking in 11.0.5 Scaling Up

Which you clearly are at this point and should stop embarrassing yourself.

You guys have the reading comprehension of children. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

Show me where I said that timewalking should be difficult. Go on.

I’m surprised someone who plays a worgen can read. Who’s a good boy?

This meme is irrefutable truth. WoW’s gameplay design is friction-based, for some reason players suffering endless abuse keeps them subscribing.

So if smooth content is detected, or heaven-forbid FUN content… it needs to be fixed to retain subscribers.

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You know exactly who im talking too.

There is no purpose to drawing out timewalking to 20 mins. What possible value does that bring? At all?

None. It just takes longer, which wastes peoples time. You are just arguing to waste peoples time, because you are bitter and angry that timewalking is easy… for whatever reason.

Stop basing your self worth on a video game. Its an entertainment product, not a life achievement. There’s no reason things should take longer just for the sake of them, there’s no reason almost 20 year old dungeons should need to be “difficult” in a limited time, fun event.

Go play m+ if you are desperate for dungeons that require planning and teamwork.

Yep getting 1 to 2 shotted to death is super easy.

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You’ve already wasted six times the amount of time replying to my comments than it would have taken you to run timewalking dungeons in this make believe scenario where you think I’m calling for timewalking to be bleeding edge content.

Maybe stop wasting both of our time? Since you’re so upset about it.

“I dont have an argument, and you called me out for my nonsense, im going to cry now”

It’s okay to be wrong.

Uh, no. You guys are basically suffering from a traumatic brain injury and have been non-stop inventing things that I never said.

I believe they call that “trolling”, right?

Good job, you trolled. Now go home.


It’s okay to be wrong.

The main issue I have with TW scaling up is that now your gear matters, which is the opposite of what you want from super casual content.


Why are you still here? Aren’t you afraid you’re wasting too much time?

Why are you so obsessed with how other people spend their time? Absolutely desperate to control what everybody does with their time. Yikes.

Just helping you out, man. Since you’re so pressed about how much of a waste of time an extra 7 minutes in a dungeon might be. You don’t have the luxury of sitting here on the forum replying to super elitist M+ players such as myself–who has only done a single M0 so far this season but we’ll ignore that for now while you continue to paint some idiotic narrative.

You don’t even have time to read this! Go go go, Azugren, you have things to do!

y’all arguing about this need to touch grass

i don’t think that breaking tw sets is the right move, but at the same time, it sure would be nice to be able to leeroy pull blood furnace without getting clapped by the first pack i jump into


just absolutely desperate to control what other people do. I bet you are the chair of your HOA huh?

Oh god yes, I’m learning to tank on a Bear tank. Heroics are just fine, yes I can’t grab everything to the first boss but never in danger of dying.
Blood Furnace and Shattered Halls…There are mobs in there that can hit for 3 to 4k in a single hit which is more HP than dps and heals have.
In Blood Furnace the mobs at the final boss hit for 3k each cast, my Bear dies if more than 2 target me when we run in, even with all CDs being used. I was hit with a 3k then another 3k, then a 4k with 2k crit all at the same time last night, from 100% to dead in a single global.

You’re not very good at this, are you? Better regroup and come up with something else, quick.

Still trying to control what others do. Yikes, you really cant help yourself, huh?

Only thing you can really do about that final pull in Blood Furnace is try to line of sight them around the corner of the hallway before the room. Then stun one, blow defensives, and hope they die before you do. Trying to deal with them in the room as they are is suicide.

Good luck finding people with enough patience to let you line of sight. Or who even understand what that means–Azugren certainly doesn’t.

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