Timewalking in 11.0.5 Scaling Up

If it ensures we don’t have another incident like Head Crack instant cast giving a stamina penalty bigger than the scaled stamina of a tank, I’d much prefer this approach.

Ugh. TW was a quick and efficient way to level alts; this change will make it a total slog

I loved paladin tanks for magister’s terrace, but the reason they weren’t wanted was because they broke CC with consecrate.

I also suffered discrimination as well, being a paladin healer and having no aoe heals.

People like this who are absolutely DESPARATE for every single element of this game To Be ChAlLeNgInG (aka not be challenging just take longer to do because bullet sponge) are cancer. Y’all have no chill and spend too much of your life trying to base your personal worth on video game achievements.

If somebody wants to learn how to tank and wues up in time walking dungeons on garbage gear, they can do it and the group can normally still make it through. Ditto healing. Y’all just DESPARATE for “challenge” everywhere when it’s not needed. Go ruin m+ or whatever you do and leave the relaxing content alone.

No one’s learning to tank in timewalking facerolls.

I also never said it needed to be challenging. A timewalking dungeon taking ~20 minutes instead of the chaos that it currently is wouldn’t hurt anyone. In fact, it would probably make the game and the playerbase a fraction of a percent better, both as humans and as players.

Like I pointed out, timewalking wasn’t difficult when it was first introduced, but it wasn’t a “go go go” rush to the end where you don’t ever see the content itself because you’re so busy trying to just run to the last boss.

Learn to read.

Timewalking shouldn’t be hard and should be a faceroll. It’s old content. No one wants hard. We want to spam through it and get done what we need to get done.


You sound like you’re real fun.

And you sound like youre not.

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This is a great way to make more content that no one does anymore. TW was rocking all week. In 2 years they will look around and wonder where everyone went too.

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Say what? Ain’t nobody tank facerolling Blood Furnace or Shattered Halls. The mobs there stun the tank and the tanks get blasted if they’re facerolling.

Blood Furnace is broken. Shattered Halls is fine if you don’t pull like an idiot (pulling like an idiot is something half of these morons in this thread want, it seems). The only really dangerous mob in Shattered Halls is the dog because the debuff it puts on the tank is brutal and can stack. Stun and kill them first, everything else is A-OK.

the irony of this post while you complain that timewalking should take 20+ mins for content thats been out almost 2 decades. go play m+ and complain about irrelevant nonsense there. timewalking isnt for you if you dont like it.

yall the reason gaming is so terrible now.

Impatience is the reason gaming is terrible now… which is the team you are squarely on, apparently.

im on the team where not everything needs to be some timewasting sweatfest, some people out there just want to log in, turn their brain off, and relax as they faceroll the screen.

People who base their entire self worth on performance in a video game and incessantly need every little element to “show skill” are embarrassing. stay in your lane, play m+, and leave timewalking alone.

No, that person is correct.

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Who are you even talking to at this point? You just sound angry and are directing it at me.

I never said it had to be difficult. If 20 minutes playing a video game you supposedly enjoy is a “waste of time”, then maybe you should find a new hobby.

Can confirm Blood Furnace is broken. Ran it last night on my Guardian Druid and saw mobs hitting me for 3-4k (max HP on my tank 4.3k). Scaling is super bad but I don’t think the answer is to scale the dungeons up. Seems like a cop out.

You’re allowed to be wrong.

No, they’re talking to you because of the things that you’re typing.

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These two dungeons are my favorites because of the wolves in there. They can one-shot players apparently do to a scaling issue? Or some form of a bug. :innocent: