Hey it wasn’t working as intended, so they implemented a fix!
That just goes to show you that they ARE actively working on the game!!!
Hey it wasn’t working as intended, so they implemented a fix!
That just goes to show you that they ARE actively working on the game!!!
I am pretty sure its a directive from higher, not just them.
Now if they would only work on the game that would actually make people want to play, so far they’ve had alot of broken promises.
Blizzard I love it when you include overpowered and fun content for a time that doesn’t hurt the player such as quicker experience gains whilst levelling? Can you please consider reverting your hotfix so I can enjoy time walking rewards? Else I find timewalking very unrewarding to do…
Tw’s have been a horrible way to level this entire expansion. Did they nerf again? Geez reminds of the dungeon xp nerf thread that was made before the new forums started. They blame everything on bugs
With lootboxes? Come on man. WoW has some real monetization issues being P2W, having a sub fee and a store, and all the rest of this nonsense but lets not defend a game that sells actual loot boxes. Lots of games can be crap in this department at the same time.
With how dead the wow servers are and how full the ff14 servers are you think wow would be trying way harder to keep people playing this steaming heap
That’s the thing - I presume it’s been tuned by and for the very people who don’t actually want to play it (hence the crap gear rewards) but think that everyone’s idea of fun is “all challenge, all the time.”
It’s a fundamental problem with the overarching design of the game right now. But that’s what we get when a mythic raider with a pocket guild is the game director, I guess.
It’s sad when people don’t want to put in the work to make progress.
Actually think its really scummy instead of selling loot boxes they got other players carrying people for token sales. and High Priced auction items, its crazy.
I assure you I put in alot of time into the game, but time walking is a waste at this point. It had something fun to for the brief time that it had but I find more reward for running mythic 0 at this point then running TW.
What’s fun about zooming through a dungeon so fast that you don’t even appreciate the work out into the encounters, just so you can get a couple bars of experience?
Slow down, enjoy the ride!
Is this a game or a job? Get the hell out of here with this nonsense take.
Is this your first day playing WoW?
Well at least we really found out why they been coming out with overly priced mounts in the game, look at what mounts cost back before the token and look now and how long it takes you to make gold using game mechanics.
If this were classic I could agree with you, but when so many people see the game starting when you reach max level, and so many other bugs plaguing the game why was it so important that they fix this one so quickly compared to all the broken crap people have been complaining about for months that haven’t gotten fixed yet?
Here is the absolute absurdity of this.
First, TW is a timed event. It’s scheduled. Save for when they fall on things like patch week, they set up the scheduled months in advance, and TW “just happens”. Nobody has to mess with anything.
TW XP has been set for the entire expansion. This is not the first TW event this expansion, and it’s not as if BC would give “different” XP than MoP or WoD or Wrath. It’s all the same.
So, it BOGGLES THE MIND that this bug was introduced in the first place. This is a stable subsystem, and yet, they managed to introduce this “bug”.
But then, lets talk about what’s going on in the world of Blizzard.
We’ll keep it short, let’s talk about the GOOD news.
The optics of this fix are HORRIFIC. They could have “fixed” after the week. Nobody was “cheating”, nobody was “exploiting”, nobody was getting anything that would overpower them to anyone else. No World Firsts were accidentally ruined. This was a “victimless” “bug”.
They could have held off on this fix. The bugs they “choose” to fix “instantly” are telling to the players. The attitude it portray is telling to players.
Remember leveling in Invasions in WoD? How fast was that. Heck, not only were my toons leveled, they were geared better in 3 weeks than any of my “played the entire expansion” characters.
Remember leveling during the AV event? How fast was that?
It’s not like they haven’t had these sort of “leveling holidays” in the past.
All this hurts is boost sales, yet at a time like this when there are figurative torches and pitchforks on the forums of unhappy people, and literal placards and signs OUTSIDE OF THEIR HEADQUARTERS, not to mention senior executives leaving and pending lawsuits. This was a bone they could have tossed the playerbase with minimal impact, but with great goodwill. EVEN IF THEY FIXED IT AFTER THE WEEK WAS OVER, it would have left a lot of goodwill with the playerbase. “Goodwill” is something that’s circling the drain right now.
But, nope.
Blunt object optics.
Awful. Really terrible.
Certain Classes couldn’t use invisibilty potions rendering certain competitive mythic+ routes invalid: 2 weeks to fix
People having fun leveling alts quickly to catchup and play Blizzard’s max-level content: Instantly shut down in less than a day.
It’s incredible honestly; it really is.
It’s quite possible that someone just fat fingered a decimal point. Easy fix!
took them 5m to fix this but 15 years to do anything about that harassment