Timewalking Exp nerfed

Ever notice how a nerf for us is basically fixed the next day, but whenever it would benefit us, it takes like six months and a weekly reset?


It doesn’t take very long to level to 50. Why are people so resistant to putting in a little effort? Leveling used to be hard work… Now, I can spend a day in the Chromie timeline and be done. That’s just how I did it - there are multiple ways to level.

You are confusing ‘hard’ and ‘tedious.’ At no point in this game’s entire history has leveling ever been hard.

If you have to described something as “not that bad” and “It took me 26 hours to hit 50”, then it’s probably that bad dude… lmao

I’d rather level a character in old versions of the game and have fun along the way, than spend 60 levels spamming dungeons or doing boring questlines with 0 chance of death.

This bug was best thing to happen to WoW this year.
That’s the speed they should go with for once a month event.

Fun detected had to be nerfed, do you even want people playing the game anymore?

Aww, it sounds like someone’s a lazy butt who doesn’t wanna put in effort or time into something! Want a diaper change and a back pat, too? lol

This game operates on your time played and that you keep coming back. I am working on gearing a third toon in Shadowlands because I want to. The time it takes, now, to level, is nothing compared to what it used to be - and I’m grateful for that. You just gotta be willing to put in effort… but yeh, go ahead and complain some more on the forums instead of spending that time leveling an alt.

I was having fun leveling a new class last night in tw because shadowlands leveling is so boring. It gave more to do in a already boring game. Imma get aotc then I’m out. You’d think with all the bs that’s going on right now, making the players happy would be a good thing, I’m just lost by this decision

Try out the Chromie method. I loved going around and questing like the content was current.

And, yeah, I died a few times along the way.

Result to personal insults after stating a fact about the problem with old world leveling, lmao okay,


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No, bad player!

Go to your corner and grind, while you think about what you have done.

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I did, I got 40-45 characters. It sucks, it’s boring.

Aww, you can’t even tell a male from a female! Is it time for your nap, lil orc? Don’t worry - mama Lyka is here with all your pampering needs. Would you like me to bottle feed you or are you capable of holding the bottle yourself?

Just play the game and stop complaining.

But… that… is exactly… how leveling used to be… There’s always PvP… Seige of Boralus gives you a currency that will allow you to get exp potions.

No, it’s not.

Leveling used to feel engaging because you had to learn new spells, mobs could actually kill you, you had downtime drinking or eating. Now you just run through and near one shot everything.

There’s near 0 chance of dying, it’s boring.

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Yup, play the game, don’t complain at all. No criticisms needed here guys. Big daddy Blizzard got us with the hot nerfs when something actually does something good for people :slight_smile:
Don’t worry about the bots, the gold sellers and numerous bugs of 9.1 in SL in general aren’t problems they should be concerned with. They are at least a 9 month fix guys, stop complaining lmao.

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I see you’ve chosen the “mommy, i need help holding my bottle option”…

I mean you don’t play the game either, you bought AOTC lol.

I see you’ve chosen “i don’t have a real argument option”

Lol you’re playing the wrong game then.

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