Timewalking dungeons XP nerfed = useless now

As a player who had 64 max level (70) characters in Dragonflight, and leveled almost all with Timewalking… I obviously wanted to level alts with timewalking again - to 80.

HOWEVER, an ENTIRE dungeon gave me 1 tiny bubble of XP. This was with RESTED bonus AND a 25% buff for already having 5 max level characters. I got a few bubbles from the XP for finishing the dungeon, but the XP from mobs inside of them has been nerfed into nothing.

I did the math, I get more XP and faster leveling from War Within normal dungeons, even with less for finishing, due to all the XP I get from stuff inside. It’s why I only level when I have the 200% rested XP bonus. Want to know what 200XP bonus is on nothing? NOTHING.

Why after all these years make these changes? I already ignore the quest on my characters as a 597 normal raid piece is useless when I got my alts in almost all 603+ from Delves. Apparently they wanted to make timewalking go from the most favourite part of the game ( to me ) to something I just wont care to bother with anymore.

ON top of the nerf from 500 badges quest down to 200 for alts. Like what are they doing?


u have to get teh xp to lvl


I’m not running into an issue. It’s still the same roughly 4 dungeons per level.

Did the group skip a boss? Because then you don’t get the end dungeon XP.


That’s nerfed HARD. It used to be 2 max before things like the 25% buff this expansion brought. Legit in Dragonflight every 2 dungeons gave me a level with rested XP


No. It isn’t. It’s been this way for at least two expansions now.


64 characters… done them so much I have well over 100k badges. It’s NEVER been that slow or I wouldn’t have done it


I’ve got 39 that I’ve leveled through Timewalking over the years. It hasn’t been two dungeon runs per level in so long that I don’t even remember if it ever was.

SL, DF and now War Within. All around 4 dungeons per level.


I figured this out during BC Timewalking and switched at 71 to normal dungeons. It’s been that way since the start of the expansion.

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I skipped the BC one because I hate that one, those dungeons are always the over tuned/broken 1’s lol. I love Wrath though so I am deeply saddened.

No. I never skip a boss. And the only noticable XP I am getting is from end of dungeon, barely anything during. Like mobs = 100xp. What good is 100XP when you need like 400k lol


A shame how every currency and system is being nurfed hard this xpac. Wish I knew this was going to happen when I bought the game.


Yep. That’s how it’s been for some time now. End of dungeon XP is the massive amount. Mob XP isn’t.

BC Timewalking had the tank skipping a boss in Underbog and I’d be left with nearly no XP gain from the dungeon run.

Agreed. I was excited with the changes like Warbands which is why I bought it. Then they nerf everything like badges because of Warbands. This expansion quickly losing my interest. Fun being removed all over.


Did you forget last night already when I definitively proved that mob xp (and later, quest xp) has been nerfed from DF levels?

OP is 100% right and the rested XP bar proves it. You could level 5 times in TW through dungeons and burn virtually none of your rested XP.


Rep gains and currency gains were absolutely going to be toned down with Warbands. It’s either that or cap literally everything weekly. Which is what Old Republic does. And it’s less fun.

We still earn the badges, just at a lesser rate. We still have an advantage over those who don’t have alts.

I think i’d prefer it to be honest. I like what they did with brann. He had an XP cap = to doing 4 bountiful a day x 7 = 28 bountiful a week. A cap meant as an alt player I couldn’t “get ahead” but could play what I wanted.

A “cap” would help keep me, an althohlic more in check too. I’d hit caps and be “done” for week. It’s how I decide when to park toons for the week (crest caps etc)


That’s fair. I’m generally not a fan of weekly caps for most things, but I get where you’re coming from.

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Has anyone actually done math on this? You get 50% more completion xp at the end for Timewalking, does the experience you get from mobs and bosses in normal dungeons give more than that?

I’ve done the math comparing it to DF TW, not TWW normals.

For me, with rested experience, a TW dungeon would often give me an entire level up until about halfway (65ish) then it dropped off and became 3/4 dungeons. That was in DF.

But since TWW I haven’t run but maybe a single TW dungeon, just been doing the raids for quest completion and a chance at some rare mounts.

Towards the end of BfA, they had that Winds of Wisdom XP buff that coincided with a month of TW; you could get about 90% of a level from a single TW dungeon run.

IIRC, this was my experience as well.