Timewalking Dungeon EXP nerf

The other day I decided to take my Hunter alt through TW dungeons to break up the boredom of questing and boy howdy was I shocked. 3 dungeons and she went from 52-57. Didn’t realize it was a bug.

Had I known I would had spent more time leveling my other alts. I can only take the same boring quests so many times. I still have 6 more alts to get to 60 to finish off getting every covenant set. FATE leveling feels faster in comparison but still boring.

Yes. They lowered the obviously broken amount of experience you were getting from time walking dungeons.

Sorry your exploit got hotfixed.

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Only a handful of players can do 1-50 in an afternoon, its unrealistic to 99% because they don’t play optimally/have a questing route.


You do know statements can contain data, right? :joy:

They said they ban thousands of bots daily. That is data! :rofl:

To add to this…if you only have one character, or you already have established alts for meaningful content, your not running 5 timewalking dungeons anyway, because the rewards outside of XP are pretty horrible.

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Nope it isn’t data it is a generic statement. This ultimately doesn’t help your argument in anyway.

Whatever you want to call it :rofl:

Still have not heard what your definition of data is though

It isn’t just a blanket statement though. They gave an approximation, in the thousands, for how much bots are banned daily.

Well there we have it, they use a mix between our reports and their software to ban people.

Straight from blizzards mouth :joy:

Let me know when you get some data that support your theory about bans due to reports.

Many games have “double xp” events. Monthly, yearly, etc.

And its bad.

Lol what? Is that you Ion?

Nah. It would be a good thing. A very, very good thing.

I’ve played tons of mmos since 2001, and many of them had double XP, triple xp, ect. it was bad because it took away from learning how to play your class and people didn’t tend to be on much after getting max lvl.

I believe leveling is part of the journey.

R.I.P Timewalking when it was first released :pray:

I wish I could see what Blizzard sees, I know people who were doing it before and leveled a few characters that don’t do it now (but still have characters to level). But my anecdotal knowledge means nothing, what does Blizz see I wonder :thinking: Was there like 40% more TWing participation prenerf and less after? Can they even see information broken down like that? Do they see that information and know but not care? Is it the case that there isn’t much difference between prenerf and postnerf?

Answers I’ll never have.

Cool, for new players, yes? That is different.

For those of us with multiple accounts, multiple characters of the same class, alts of other classes that have been played through multiple expansions… guess what?

None of that “learning” applies.

Sounds like a good ad for ‘Experienced players should have prenerf TWing and new players get postnerf’ :laughing:

Because you totally know how to play a new class right after character creation…right? Your DPS will be bad in anything instanced content. I feel sorry for the groups that have to deal with your refusal to learn your class and skip to endgame.

Dude, I have six accounts, with over thirty paladins. I have also had every single healer and tank at end game content, since Cata. During Legion, I leveled and played at end game on every single class.

I have that achievement to prove it. Go on, go take a look.

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You know…people make multiple alts of the same class and spec right?

So you know what I’m talking about:

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Its the not the Destination, It’s the journey.”