Timewalking Dungeon EXP nerf

Precisely my point.

TW is only running for toons from levels 50 - 60.

They nerfed TW a while back, and that sucked. Now, they have nerfed it even more by limiting when we can go in there.

When I first forced myself to learn how to tank, dungeons were invaluable learning tools, and this eventually ended up including TW. During BC timewalking (as well as the brief forays into dungeons during questing), for example, I was able to perfect my LoS technique. In Wrath, I was able to get a better grip on using AS to silence casters when tanking on pallys.

Effectively I can use your examples to argue the fact that by taking TW away from lower levels, and nerfing the XP gain, they are handicapping new players, by not providing them the tools to learn old content, how some of us veteran players did.

Actually, TW is for fresh alt gearing and weekly x4 for quest. Not leveling. This bug fix proves it.

What something is or is not for is decided by the person.

Yes, for the first time, not for alts. You can learn your class at max level. I was Arcane all the way until max level, then switched to Frost and had to learn that entire spec at max.

Also, why should we learn every class on an alt? I don’t level alts to raid or PvP. Your logic is very flawed.


K. You can’t even provide any kind of well thought out answer, besides anything that contradicts whoever you are currently targeting.

Begone, troll.

So you don’t fall over and die to a basic mob or rare due to poor rotation leading to poor DPS.

Not trolling, there’s a reason they put TW gear at max lvl and the weekly quest. If you truly wanted to level fast, you would quest. Questing is x100 faster then TW dungeons or normal dungeons.

I would argue that anyone that has played for years isn’t going to die to a rare mob on a class they’ve spent hours playing :laughing:

If they do then I would question whether they are skilled enough to not die to that rare on the same class as their main that’s equally geared

Now :laughing:

The mobs are so mindblowingly braindead, you can spam buttons with a blindfold and you’ll kill every one of them. You wanna force people to level every single alt for a long time for something THEY don’t need. Don’t tell others how to play their alts.

Not a korthia elite, you’ll die long before you come remotely close to killing it due to not knowing what your skills do or how to do a basic rotation.

There are still a few elite bosses I’ve found that were very hard to kill with no heirloom gear and also depends on class/spec. Mages get squished into nothingness since lack of heals and cc until certain levels.

Yeah ok you’re a troll. If your reason to force players to slowly level each of their alts is “they won’t know how to kill an elite”, then you are officially dumber than the Blizzard devs making some of these decisions. Congratulations.

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Again, I’m not trolling. The best way to learn your class is through leveling it and gaining personal experience along the way. You can’t simply boost to 50 and expect to know what todo after reading a guide, it takes practice…lots of it.

it’s like saying you can get a job and do excellent without knowing the skills for it - you’ll be fired.

I don’t want to learn my alt’s class, because I don’t use my alts to raid, PvP or do dungeons with. If you want or like doing it, go ahead, but don’t tell others how the game should be played.

YOOOO Sinelius, I have played for years, over a decade, I’ve played every spec in the game, I’ve raided as every role and would say I’m a pretty ok player. Yetimus in Hillsbrad Foothills stomps :laughing: That ‘little’ jerk is incredibly strong for non tanks/pet classes. I had to use every single ability as a 44 Ret Pally and understanding of the environment and his abilities to kill him. Yetimus is what every person who says they want harder leveling wants :rofl:

He is a joke on a lock though, I just stood there and pressed buttons and he died like any other mob died :man_shrugging:

This argument has a lot of variance involved, like you said ‘class/spec’ but if it is possible to kill a mob as a certain spec I’m confident I would be able to do it as long as it could be done with the gear I had and no extra stuff like I dunno, an engineering dummy to taunt for a second or something wacky like that.

What about DesMephisto


He’s the speed leveling world champ so he certainly has no problem with leveling fast but all he plays is warriors, think he has like 70 warriors (deleted max levels to exceed the cap), should he have to level slow (ignoring he’s a speed runner) so he is able to play his 71st warrior well?

Or what about like, some Method Affliction Warlock or R1 Gladiator who makes a new Aff Lock for whatever reason, does he have to level slow so he knows what he’s doing?

It doesn’t make sense to make everyone level slow on the grounds of ‘so you know what you’re doing on your alt’.

That’s different, running something for speed running is much different then someone who’s intending to level an alt to play it.

What? That’s not what we’re talking about. The point is someone like Des shouldn’t be slowed down on the basis of him knowing how to play the class.

lol, he keeps responding with bad arguments, I’m assuming?

cool - the thread keeps getting bumped! gg :rofl:

Doesn’t matter what all is said anymore, the big has been hotfixed and things are back to how it should be aka no more exploiting.

So your weak argument falls apart and you’re giving up? That’s not how trolling works sir, do better!

nothing to be confused about this.

blizzard want your money by buying lvl 50 boosts