Timewalking Changes: RIP Timewalking Sets 11.0.5 Changes

Basically, except you can have people who are level 10 and up in the dungeon.

Well hell my mop buzzsaw cape

This sucks

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Yeah, but in remix those low levels were cranking.

Still, to the point of the post and the main issue, the change sounds no beuno.

I can see the imbalance now

As well as those with maxed out gear.

So basically itā€™s a ā€œchangeā€ (excuse) to put lvl 10ā€™s with max levels? why not make it from the get go already and let people keep their sets?

Itā€™s basically a change because they think itā€™s easier to scale Timewalking Dungeons for max level than scaling everyone down (which is what we have had since WoD).

I mean its already there, why make more work

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I meanā€¦ max level is going to see the numbers we see on heroic dungeons right now and the low levels are going to crush the dungeons because their hp is so low back thereā€¦

Timewalking dungeons feel tuned as Normal dungeons (they give normal dungeon ilvl loot). So probably more like current Normal dungeons.

Wait is this why the que times for DPS are like 20 mins?

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Why I thought it was HEROIC version of dungeons? did this change at some point? or it was always like this?

I literally said, in my OP, 11.0.5 PTR changes. This isnā€™t live.

DPS queues are always longer at primetime as there are alot more dps queueing than tank/healers.

It is the heroic dungeons and their mechanics, but rewards wise its equivalent to Normal Dungeons loot.


Dumb change.

One of the original selling points of timewalking was that our old legendaries and such would work again.


hard to sayā€¦ but honestly right now the most efficient thing you can do is: BT raid and pick both quests you clear both quests and get two decent items at the end on top of the loot you get from the raid if youā€™re lucky.

But this paints ill for people that is looking for the timereaver mountā€¦

Oh my bad, I thought we where on that patch already cause curse kept saying it was updating to 11.0.5 on my addons. I donā€™t keep up with patch notes I guess.

itā€™s a terrible change. It completely kills the TW sets people spent a bunch of time building and replaces it with XP-locked twinks who will go out and get a similar set.

Honestly, it reeks of the kind of change made by people who donā€™t play the game.

If this goes through, you will see level 10-20s destroying TW dungeons.

Likely 20 as that was the level in Remix which did the most damage.

So there was a reason for that in Remix. Thatā€™s because you mostly couldnā€™t XP lock and using a trial account gave you a free level 20 capped toon. I did this. I ran 20 Holy Priests to destroy dungeons. It was fun. Level 10 wouldā€™ve been more powerful since all you did was Holy Nova anyway but you kinda couldnā€™t XP lock at 10.

I say ā€œmostlyā€ couldnā€™t XP lock in Remix because you technically could. Since the first month of Remix people had figured out how to escape Pandaria and then get to SW or Org. They were buying those guild banners with it for speed runs. You only got like ~6 seconds before the game kicked you back to Pandaria but that was enough time to buy from a vendor or lock your XP.

Most people didnā€™t know or didnā€™t bother though because it was a hassle.

It seems more likely that theyā€™re trying to design the game to be friendly to new and returning folks who didnā€™t obtain some of the powerful items like the MoP cloak or the WoD ring.

They were not an issue, you can get 3 set from BFA with HoA and 2 trinkets to mow through TW content. I had to refarm my TW set 3 times now due to changes/scaling over years, and I had blast using it everytime I could. Even this time around I had blast, but I wasnā€™t the top DPS, as people with TWW items were basically on par (DH doing 3x Fury damage on big trash pull in BT with just eye beam and no timewalking items).
So the only change this does is making people throw away all the timewalking sets, make mage tower even harder, and make all previous raids/dungeons just places you would run for transmog. Sure people who love Timewalking will soon find out perfect level to cap on and probably will take to farm the gear again eitherway, but itā€™s not a proper move.