Timewalking Changes: RIP Timewalking Sets 11.0.5 Changes

TW isnt supposed to be a mega hard dungeon, just a chill fun quick thing for weekly/mount farm.


Blizzard’s visceral hate for Timewalking is finally reaching its apotheosis. It just took a lot of years of crapping on it.


It is absolutely NOT what was originally designed nor explained nor even asked for. It was never supposed to be some “chill fun quick thing.” It was supposed to relive the challenges of Heroic dungeons back in the day. That’s why it used the Challenge Mode tech for scaling.

Right here in the dev interview:

Timewalker mode would allow players to experience older dungeons and eventually raids at a challenging level.

That was the original intent, but as time went on it wasnt fun. So nerfs came in to make it short and sweet. No one wants to slog through TW as if its a M+.

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Which is exactly what I said. Twice now.

It was never the challenge they claimed to begin with.

False. There are absolutely players that wanted and still want the original challenges back. Not droolfest dungeons changed for M+ so they’re not even the originals.

Don’t claim “no one” when you only speak for yourself, thanks.


We also had M+ keys for Legion Timewalking too for a bit and they were quite popular.

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I mean, at best, that’s ancient history with the release of Classic nullifying it.

Supposed to be around heroic difficulty as when they were current. Impossible to get them exactly like they were though. But yeah, they are more or less a blast from the past type of deal. Didn’t do to many TBC dungeons back in the day, was mostly bg’s 90% of the time. I’d say a lot of players would skip TBC tw’s if they were tuned to exactly how they were in og tbc tbh. Wrath meh, the dungeons in wolk were a pushover even heroic the entire expansion until the ICC dungeons came out, and they were nerfed pretty hard not long after. Don’t get this everything must be mythic type challenging rubbish. It’s already there for those types. Tw’s are fine as is. If folks wanna run those old dungeons like they were, then they need to wait until TBC, etc classic rolls back around. Have a feeling thats blizz’s plan anyways, just repeat the classic versions over and over.

I’m still sitting on 10k badges

You spelled “not worth doing” wrong.

The timewalking raids are still okay because they drop decent gear (and qualify for both the weekly quest and the last boss quest that give a piece of normal and heroic raid gear, respectively), but the dungeons aren’t even worth considering, given that they literally drop gear worse than quest greens. Nor is the gear from the vendor worth anything…it’s literally worse than drops you could get from a normal dungeon while leveling.


for my edification, are they referring to character level, or gear level? I assume gear level, but it says it scales to current level, NOT level of the dungeon. The level of the dungeons we enter in TW aren’t max, so…isn’t that just saying we don’t scale down, the enemies…scale up?

I suppose that means if they scale up to us, than lower geared items are going to be gimped.

This is the REAL reason. Same reason they literally advertised Delves as taking the same time as making a coffee and then just boosted the health of everything. Blizzard is doing their biannual revert to making everything drag on and on and on. Once TWW flops because of this and ends up a ghost town by 11.2.0 they will do the same “WE LISTENED!!!” crap and then rinse and repeat next expansion


If you are level 80 you will be level 80 in the timewalking dungeon.

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It sucks for the people that really invested time on creating such sets honestly. While I wanted to have one I just never really thought to put all the investment into it.

Once again blizzard has to keep destroying old items, old legendaries, old set bonuses so players don’t destroy monsters too quick.


Its not just that they confirmed paret of the scaling will put them 15 levels above whatever ilvl the strongest player in the dungeon has to ensure a challenge and fun for everyone.

And I think the kicker is that the gear we like to bring (HoA, N’zoth cloak, etc.) won’t also be scaled up with us. So, that’s where the ‘soft nerf’ to TW sets - which are fun to play with - just won’t do anything. I wonder how that will work with lower char level toons? Sounds like their presence may just blast the dungeon with the way scaling has been.

Im so lost, Why do they care about tuning in LFG? Just make stuff a cake walk and call it a day. Who you hurtin by this? It should be a intro to PvE. Not the whole PvE content.

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Why? they don’t want people to clear TW dungeons too quick seems the most “dev like” reason…

In reality it’s another shortsighted decision by the anti fun squad yet again in killing old items and sets for whatever reason…

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No, it will be like MoP Remix where you had level 10 characters with level 70’s. The dungeon scales for everyone.

However your gear won’t be scaling so anything from past expansions is useless.

I don’t think you have any idea what you are talking about.

So how is it still timewalking, just old dungeons at lvl 80 lol

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