Timewalking Changes: RIP Timewalking Sets 11.0.5 Changes

As a spriest main I like doing more than holy nova, welcome change lol.

Except it will be the same as it is now. The dungeons will be tuned for 500 ilvl and most people will be 600+ ilvl and stuff will melt as it does in normal dungeons currently.

I’m baffled by their hatred of legacy legendaries. It’s like once an expansion is over, everything we ever worked for should be thrown away. What was so wrong with using our old legendaries in the appropriate content? Good lord.


You know, my warrior has several legendaries, and in TW I never went and used them in those dungeons.

I guess if they are still active/available I should do that tonight after work while I still can.

So long as that legendary is from that expansion or later on you can use it as it will have the same ilvl thats scaling. So you can use Shadowmourne for TBC and WotLK timewalking for example (until this change goes through).

another case of fun detected lol
not a single W so far this exp for the “developers”


No it isn’t. This is just a straight up lie.

How good is Chromie Time scaling these days?

Good until you hit level 67-68 then its hard to kill anything because of scaling.

There are alot of wins this xpac. Delves (when they aren’t broken because of an unintended bug after a hotfix) are a win, so is warbanks, warbound reputations, hero talents (for the most part) and other things.

Ugh, this is such a bad decision. Blizzard is once again killing emergent game play for really no gain at all.

For anyone unfamiliar, not all gear scales the same. So TBC TW (which is what we have this week) scales to level 30. So some items scale significantly better than others. This can make a big difference. And some people like to collect TW specific items to improve their effectiveness in TW dungeons and raids. Blizzard is effectively killing that.

Some people spend significant time building these sets. Some items take a lot of work like Shadowmourne. Another is the Unstable Arcanocrystal trinket. Thunderfury is yet another.

Except they’re not. They’re now confining TW gear to XP locked twinks. This will still be effecctive because the items will be good for your level. So what Blizzard has done is merely punish people who aren’t XP locking.

How does that make any sense?

I’d honestly not have level 10 TW and kill this planned change.

So it will be lower levels being insanely strong, and mid-high level if not max totally useless? That’s how Chromie time is.

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Pretty much, until you are 80 with gear because at 80 you aren’t scaled. The dungeons will likely be tuned to 500 ilvl and people will be 600 ilvl or higher meaning 80’s will be 3-shotting stuff like in current Normal dungeons.

yep “micro$oft” after all

nofuncraft strikes again.

Yeah I have all the mounts and still have around 100k badges still. The anniversary event is going to be a cakewalk for me at least.

I don’t like this change. I’ve done these dungeons so many times over the years there is no intrinsic value to me. What I did love was collecting legendaries and tier sets so that I could use my favorites again in TW. So much time goes into farming some of these items that being able to use them every now and then is a treat. I use TW as a sort of poor-man’s Remix; a time to have fun with old content and see big numbers fly. This change just means I no longer have a reason to participate.

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Really hope they reverse this change


Yeah it’s gonna suck if it works like this. I wanted them to do TW-style scaling in Normal and Heroic dungeons so people can’t overgear them.

They said it’ll be like Chromie Time, which caps at non-max so idk. low levels are still way stronger in ‘scaled’ content than max level

LF 29M for Ulduar lv10 only