Timewalking Changes: RIP Timewalking Sets 11.0.5 Changes

Does this mean that level 10’s are going to scale up to level 80 and be completely worthless or does it mean they’re version of the dungeon is going to be lvl 10 and they can just one hit kill the entire dungeon in a single pull, looks like a huge buff for exploiting a level ten

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I experienced them all in Vanilla. Timewalking is like re-living Vanilla. I didnt faceroll them in Vanilla until later phase.

It didnt meet my expectation. But Classic did.

If i could do those dungeons with similar experience without stepping to Classic, that would be great.

Gsme devs literally are anti fun lol

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You know, on the flipside, I’m cool with not having to go fetch my TW set out of the bank and swap it when I run these anymore.

Not that I had to, you know, but there’s no reason to, so that’s neat.

lol what are they doing?

Timewalking is the perfect time to use gear that is otherwise obsolete and fits in perfectly with the spirit of the event.

Why would they ruin this?


Weird change imo. Could understand if they were making tw’s a weekly thing, but yeah, no reason to make unnecessary changes for an event you get maybe two times in a months’ time.

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I’m over 7000 kills for the timereaver and this change just makes me want to give up.

Most time walking dungeons are filled with alts who have no idea how to play. If I can’t carry the dungeon it’s going to be a miserable experience.

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They could add new transmog items from the tw vendor(s) at the very least. Every so often.

Because somewhere on WoW reddit, a level 79 in quest greens, cried about a level 70 in DF raid gear doing more DPS than himself, in a levelling dungeon.

It would be cool if when they rolled a time walking event out, they added those reps to warbands.

If you have alts, you’ll get the higher of the reps. Sounds amazing.

I have very good news for you.

The Timewalking Raid Quest to kill the end boss (Illidain, Yogg Saron, Ragnaros) gives you a cache that gives 1/6 hero gear AND a 25% chance at the Infinite Timereaver or one of the following mounts:

  • TBC- Ashes of Al’ar
  • WotLK- Invincible and Miniron’s Head
  • Cata: Dragon Soul and Firelands mounts

And the cache won’t drop a duplicate mount you already have. So if you have Ashes of Al’ar you can only have the Infinite Timereaver drop from that cache.

Furthermore you only need to kill and loot the final boss, so there are alot of Skip groups in pre-made group finder where they are at the final boss which falls over in a few minutes usually.

To be fair, I am beyond tired of the roller coaster of time walkers each new expac/season either being mind numbingly easy or absurdly over tuned and difficult. I personally think this is a good change HOWEVER-- Put that pitchfork down, Carl, I see you… I do think that they should make legacy legendary weapons scale up during that expansions time walking as a compromise.

And for anyone saying “Nah, Timewalking is fine!” no… its really not. We got lucky with it being incredibly under-tuned for the first time walking of the expansion but the inconsistent fluctuation of difficulty ranging from incredibly easy like it is right now to sometimes feeling harder than low mythic’s is rough. I would much rather take consistent balancing over a once in a while gimmick.

I appreciate the advice, but I already do that every time there’s a time walking raid available. I’ve already done this weeks raid 3 times and I’m even in a a community that lists skips.

I don’t even expect it to drop anymore, honestly.

i saw this coming a mile away after they disabled tier sets. was surprised it didnt happen sooner.

Nothing new when it comes to WoW. Blizzard hates fun, they love grind and dedication.


there were people complaining too easy and blizzard should be ignoring those people but can never help themself. All content must be made for people who want things tedious.

timewalking is like reliving vanilla…

no its not. i just what is this argument even? it isnt even close. half the dungeons arent even what they used to be in vanilla.

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didnt proc when i was in BT TW the other night, and neither did the onyx ring

Well on the bright side, it’s 500 more timewarped badges which you can now transfer to other characters and we are getting more mounts for 5k badges for TBC and WotLK. So your just stockpiling.

:frowning: be nice if they scaled the gear up to then. because time walking is the only place to really use some of those old Super powerful items that took months to years to obtain.

did BT raid last night on my warlock was fun to put on S4 DF T set, + L staff, + Mop L cape + WoD L ring + a couple old passive trinkets i just enjoy using ( not exactly the best but i like for fun)