Timewalking Changes: RIP Timewalking Sets 11.0.5 Changes

It’s not just a current xpac max level gear thing.

This change seems to affect older unique gear as well.

It’s the overall mindset of ‘gear doesn’t ultimately matter Blizzard changes it later on’ that I was speaking to. Why put the extra effort in to acquire something special if it’ll be invalidated later on by Blizzard.

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For the millionth time, that’s not how that works.


Aww :frowning: that sucks!

The article makes it seem like a “going forward” situation. Since its easier to scale up mobs than scale down us.

yea will only be doing tw raids since is easier and more chance of getting more loot.

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Except it means that a fresh 80 won’t do much damage in a TW dungeon because while everyone else has 600+ ilvl gear they may have 520ish ilvl.


This has to be one of the worst changes they have ever done. Doing TW in TW sets was so fun.


That is kind of lame if it is the case, I liked busting out shadowmourne on this character and tarecgosa on my casters.


Yup, and Heart of Azeroth, Legendary Cloaks, unique rings like Soulwarped Seal of Menethil for DK’s etc.

Pretty much makes all of that effort worthless.


I don’t see this change being friendly to new players as they will probably have lower gear than others, and will be the first to be kicked in a dungeon if something goes wrong and the last picked (if at all) for the TW raids.

Also Chromie Time scaling is trash - the closer to level cap, the more the tuning works against a player - guess we’ll all be trying to invite level 10s to run stuff now.


On top of doing SIGNIFICANTLY less damage than someone who has over 100 ilvls higher than them because they may be a fresh 80.

If facerolling is fun to you, to me, it’s garbage.

If you like Tanks pulling everything even at low levels, ask them not to change it.

I wanted Timewalking to be just as difficult as it was when we originally ran those Heroics and those raids.

What I got was a snoozefest.

And now I get M+ revamped versions instead of the originals.

The only thing Timewalking is good for now is leveling alts.

Until they nerf that, too.

They destroyed Timewaking for me and many I know. We asked to be able to go back into the challenging dungeons as challenges. We didn’t get that. And then it just got easier and easier.

Still… screwing people out of using their old legendaries also screws over how Timewalking should work.

So they ruined it even more.


Well, that’s pretty lame.

If they’re doing this, they should add a new feature to Timewalking where we can collect famous effects and equip them exclusively for Timewalking content. (like you’d be able to get Thunderfury or Sulfuras’ essence from Vanilla TW, and use it in all TW content)

Kind of like SoD’s runes or Remix’s tinkers, but an extra menu with sockets that only function in TW content.

  • 1 weapon effect (pulled from legendary weapons, artifacts, and famous weapons)
  • 2 armor effects (pulled from old tier bonuses and Legion/Shadowlands legendaries)
  • 1 cloak effect (pulled from MoP’s legendary cloaks)
  • 2-4 accessory effects (pulled from famous trinkets, jewelry, and Heart of Azeroth perks)

Sorry to break it to you, but even if they normalized everyones gear in TW the good players would still faceroll and save you time.

All this change will do is raise the barrier to having fun in TW from running a few old raids to having current highIL gear.


I guess people are being too dramatic to read.

This has nothing to do with them wanting to break your TW set and everything to do with them not wanting to have to spend three out of seven days figuring out how to fix the scaling every time Timewalking comes up. Because it’s always broken.

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The whole game isn’t friendly to new players. Imagine you are stranded on a lonely island and have to quest there ALL BY YOURSELF instead of having fun in Northshire with everyone else.

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If you want hard content you’re gonna want to look somewhere that isn’t queued. This won’t make them hard or anything approaching challenging, just takes away some old items having a use in the modern game for memes.

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It also takes away an alternate to normal leveling that avoids the worst of the crappy scaling system and abysmal gear available while leveling.

It was nice to have a form of content that wasn’t so dependent on ‘must have full current gear or expect to suck’, especially while leveling.