Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

I have a feeling in 9.2 we will be crafting legendary weapons.

Maybe they let you slot 2 legendary effects into it or something new.

It’s the same team that did legion so I could see a similar system being used.


Why do you think everything is an argument if im involved? Maybe thats the problem and not be pointing out that to be able to use the Blades of Azzinoth, you had to first acquire the Blades of Azzinoth. Frostmourne is no more, its done, over, shattered. People trying to make some work around because they want it does not mean they should get it because they got the “toothpicks” in Legion and they hate it.

time travel is a wonderful thing


What is shattered can be reforged. We have the reforged remnants of Frostmourne as the Blades of the Fallen Prince. I doubt it would take much to reforge the Blades of the Fallen Prince back into the original Frostmourne (likely without it’s original soul sucking tendencies).

Not to mention we are getting legendaries made by the guy who probably made the blade in the first place.


Time travel is not a wonderful thing because it involves a lot of paradoxes that just cannot be reconciled. Go back in time take Frostmourne and then what would that do to the rest of the story? Its the entire reason why good or bad outcome or actions, the Bronze Dragonflight wants history to stay how it is because the repercussions can be great.

Just touching Frostmourne kills you and gobbles up your soul so going back in time to steal it wouldnt work.

And that reforge is never the same let alone I highly doubt that anyone wants another repeat of Arthas. Ignoring what the weapon actually does doesnt mean that we should just get it.

No one would actually be able to touch it without being consumed by it as in it just literally eats your soul.

do DKs have a soul to steal?

as for reforging the twin blades we took out nur’zul and what was left of Arthas in them so.

we could add stuff to the blade to block us from getting destroyed by it

Yes death knights do have souls to steal.

And yeah, the blades are no longer Frostmourne because Frostmournes story is done. We used the shards to create a new weapon and so it would be a part of the Ebon Blade and they could keep watch over it so another Arthas event couldnt happen.

The only people that were able to stop Frostmourne from taking their souls were its creators, the Nathrezim.

is it?

i dont think so

not true it was the Runecarver guy we get our legos from. and we dont really know what he really is so at this point NO he isnt

Yes, it says so in the book in the class order hall. It says Frostmournes chapter is closed and its time for the new weapons to create its own story or something along those lines.

Well the Ebon Blade did not want other people to gather the shards to create their own weapon out of it.

The comment about the runecarver had absolutely nothing to do with what was quoted.

Again, the Nathrezim created Frostmourne and the Armor. They created Frostmourne, so they knew how to protect themselves from it. Its why the Nathrezim always came back after they were cut down by Arthas in the WC games. They would return to the Twisting Nether instead of getting their souls eaten by the blade.

I also didnt say that the Runecarver was a Nathrezim, just that the Nathrezim created Frostmourne and the armor and the like. See what time travel and changing things does to a otherwise cohesive story, it ruins it.

legion was legion and its Shadowlands time now so it can be revisited

thats not what i said. you said Nathrezim did it and im saying the Runecarver did it and is not a Nathrezim at this time till we know more

Legion is still part of the story. Changing the story whenever you find it convenient is not a good way to tell a story.

The Nathrezim DID create the armor and the weapon until they needed a way into the SL as a mortal and for some reason chose the items made by the Nathrezim, which is in Blizzard books and lore by the way. The Shadowlands lore is absolutely garbage so far and is just a retcon of previous lore that was already good in itself. This is a story about the lack of free will and “The Purpose” and it is absolutely bad because there are so many holes in it.

would you tell Blizz that? help em learn a thing or two.

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They are professional writers and should know that if you kill off martin in the second chapter, he shouldnt come back in the 3rd like nothing happened.

If Frostmourne was thrown into a lava pit (like the One Ring in Lord of the Rings) then yes, returning it would make no sense. Except Frostmourne isn’t “killed” or destroyed. It is now in the form of the Blades of the Fallen Prince. A form that can once again be changed. We could even use the artifact as a base of a questline to reforge the blade as an example.


It was shattered and unable to consume souls anymore other than keeping the souls that were permanantly bonded to it within the shards. By all means, Frostmourne is no more. Its why so many people are trying to make work arounds. Not to mention that everyone using it, would mean it loses its luster. If everyone had a 13 million dollar house, it would mean nothing to have a 13 million house anymore. It wouldnt be prestigious it would be just a common occurance which it what Frostmourne would be. Just like Ashbringer lost all of its luster that I see no Ashbringers anymore.

You must be not looking very hard cuz i see them every now n then

It’s gonna happen eventually weather you and your crusade like it or not

You see them every now and then, and there is my point being agreed upon. They arent everywhere because it lost its luster. The only reason you guys want Frostmourne, is because you cant obtain it. If you could no one would be using it right now.

At least it will be a MOG and there when I want to use it

Also it might look ever more baller with an illusion

I would certainly transmog to Frostmourne if that was an option. The only reason I am not using Ashbringer on my Paladins is because Draenei have a weapon more iconic to them than Ashbringer.