Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

Folks, y’all truly believe they would give us the mog for the most iconic weapon on the game?

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mog would be a nice alternative to actually wielding it

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It’d be cool. WoW has never had good lore anyway so it is a non-issue.


They let shamans have Doomhammer and you can get Gorehowl from a raid boss.

Those are two of the most iconic weapons in this franchise next to (not behind, NEXT TO) Frostmourne.


Let’s not forget THE Legendary Ashbringer (technically twice in this games history). Then there’s Ragnaros hammer (also twice).

To argue that Frostmourne shouldn’t be at least mogged because of its status would be contradictory considering everything else we’ve gotten over the years that’s equally as iconic as Frostmourne.

There’s currently people out there running around with two Ashbringers (technically).


so say it is to dangerous and we do use the blades to reforge Frostmourne and give it to the Ebon Blade or put it in ICC somewhere on display and when we chick on it and gives us a level 1 item for mog

hows that sound a mog that’s all high res and hd n purdy


Bumping this, cause I would love to have Frostmourne as my two handed mog.


The Blades of the Fallen Prince were reforged magically.
Your post is not an argument, it is a lie.


Where is the lie exactly? Its like you dont want to face reality.

Frostmourne was shattered by Ashbringer - true

Its remains were basically swept off the top of ICC to be forgotten - true

Frost Death Knights go retrieve the shards to forge a completely new set of weapons - True

The artifact weapon book also says Frostmournes story is over - True

So where does the lie come into play exactly? Sorry that I dont have the same obsession you do over a weapon you were never going to get despite your many lies saying that they were going to give people Frostmourne based on absolutely nothing but an updated model for some cinematics. Just like the people saying DK fire spec because of a flame version of a sword forgetting Lichbane existed.

Frostmourne is over, its done.

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“Frostmourne is broken” is not an argument, it is a lie.

No, its not a lie. I dont know why you posted that clip, but does nothing for your argument.

Show the ICC cinematic with Frostmourne shattered into pieces and try saying that Frostmourne isnt broken. It absolutely is, and the metal from that sword was used to forge a different weapon.

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I foresee that frostmourne would be a purchasable transmog in the future.

OR they will make an extremely lengthy achievement chain to acquire.

However frostmourne is shattered and arthas is gone according to lore.

“Frostmourne is shattered” is not an argument, it is a lie.


You are just trolling at this point. Frostmourne is no more.

Kelliste: We see that shattered swords are used with magic.
Kelliste: We see Frostmourne’s shards magically reforged into two swords with more mass than Frostmourne originally had.
Also Kelliste: I will lie and say Frostmourne cannot (and could not) be used because it is shattered, and that the two swords (that were magically reforged with more mass than Frostmourne originally had) could not be reforged into Frostmourne proper.

Dreadmoore: Constantly misrepresenting what was said.

Never said that.

Never said that either

Never said that either.

What I did say is

You have this unhealthy obsession with Frostmourne and to say people are lying about something that they arent lying about all in some attempt to guilt Blizzard into getting what you want.

But lets see what Libram of the Dead says about Frostmourne.

The very first page about “Blades of the Fallen Prince” says

“Icebringer and Frostreaper will always carry this history with them, but they will not follow in Frostmourne’s path. They will make their own future. As one legacy ends, so another begins.”

Looks like Frostmournes story and legacy ended according to Blizzard.

Oh… look at that, part 11

" In the fenzied assault that followed. Tirion once again met Arthas in battle. The Ashbringer crashed against Frostmourne, steal howling like a bitter wind. After a single bone-shaking strike, Tirion did what so many other great heroes had failed to do. He shattered Frostmourne. He ended Arthas’s reign.

The breaking of Frostmourne…"

At some point you have to face reality. Going around calling people liars when what I have said about it is factually true just shows you to be the troll that you are.

Are you denying that we see shattered swords used with magic?


Heading off your next predictable lie:
“See the shattered sword was weak it couldn’t cut Illidan.”

What are you even talking about?

Are you seriously trying to link Turalyons sword with Frostmourne? That thing is part crystal for crying out loud.

You are really digging, when one argument doesnt work you dig and dig and dig until you find something else that you think might be an argument for your obsession to come true.

Strawman much? And you are pretty bad at predictions.

What are you trying to suggest? That frostmourne could have been held back together with duct tape and bubblegum that would be some form of magic that this partial crystal sword has?

There are many crystal weapons in the game that look to have 0 magic at all and have cracks, chip marks, floating bits, parts that arent even attached to each other and this is what you want to use.

Magically put Frostmourne back together because crystal weapons?