Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

I think at this point it’s wisest to stop responding. Don’t feed the troll and all.


I answered you lol, what are you talking about?

Then you didnt read my reply.

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ner’zhul hasnt existed in the helm since arthas dominated his personality when he became the lich king.

This appears to have been at least partially retconned in Chronicles. Whereas it was previously stated that Arthas either eliminated, or absorbed Ner’zhul’s conscience with definitiveness, Chronicles changed that to Ner”zhul being reduced to a scream at the back of Arthas’ mind that he would just ignore. He can’t exactly be gone if Arthas had to continually ignore him (even with little effort), but whether or not he could function at all, or if his mind was completely broken and useless, is up to interpretation.


Actually, he does still exist inside the Helm. Just not as the dominant spirit. Though Arthas as the Lich King had traits of both still. We’ll see what became of Ner’zhul in Shadowlands though, but I still would like to see him become an ally with Arthas against Sylvanas.

Another option would be for the art team to actually do their job and put out more class-specific weapon models. Just google “dk fan art” and you’ll see such great examples of DK-esque weapons, some very similar to Frostmourne/Shadowmourne and others more unique.

More weapon models please!


And when you did the Frost Artifact quest Ner’zhul was still present… makes it hard to know what is established lore and what isnt at this point.

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You mean like how Shadowmourne is stated in the quest text to do the EXACT SAME THING?! It’s just a bit weaker because Frostmourne already had absorbed lots of souls and our Shadowmourne was starting at No Souls.

Please cease your mewling. You try and put out the same argument over and over to no avail when we adapted each repetition with a new way to accomodate your pointless argument. And then you go and try to say “You never said about” When it has been proposed or a similar idea proposed already. In this exact same thread. By someone else.

Begone with your hypocrisy. We don’t want you here.


Please try not to necro old posts.


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The good thing about you saying you don’t want me here, is I don’t care.

It also doesn’t start out with no souls, it starts out with 1000 as per the quest text. Shadowmourne also doesn’t steal the users soul which isn’t listed anywhere in the quest text.

Soooo, looks like you don’t know what you are talking about and wanted to necro an old and dead thread just to insult someone. Hmmm now who is the problematic one here.

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sucks to be you looks like dks are getting 2h option
nothing is balance changing about a transmog
it could just be a bonus cosmetic for ICC TW if they decided to make an ICC TW raid
you know
kinda like how they did with TBC TW raid

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“Please try not to necro old posts.”
i mean its still open

Tell me why a weapon choice should come with a balance change? Why cant that just be a spec option regardless of the weapon? I also was never against 2h, just how it should or shouldnt be implemented.

And this is a dead thread. Dont post on it just to gloat which does absolutely nothing because there are still fundamental problems going into shadowlands and bugs that arent fixed yet.

Please stop giving Kelliste, the resident court jester, a reason to pad their post count.

Thank you,

The DK forum community


Really trying to get yourself banned arent you? Here comes another locked thread. Could have just let it get locked because someone necrod it but now its turned into player bashing.

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Got kelliste on perma-ignore but I can already feel he’s malding.


Much as I have a difference of opinions with Kelliste…
You’re pretty definitely in the wrong here.

Just report them. They will get banned and this thread will be locked and they have no one to blame but themselves.

I find this intresting. These small retcons are very annoying and make lore hard to keep up with.

And no I did not necro this thread it was necroed before this post I just added to it