Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

Keep digging your hole more and more.

Why don’t you do so as well while you claim I’m at it in that case? Seriously, I really feel that your own grave’s far deeper at this point.

Because you are lying about me. About what I say while calling me stupid or an idiot.

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Dude, the very tittle of the thread is timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog, do you even read the things before start your rant, or your only purpose is comment in any topic related to the subject to be against? jesus

Again, the very tittle of the thread is “timewalk ICC with frostmoune transmong” and you are saying everyone here is talking just about shadowlands, you are the liar, and a hypocrite


Where did I say I was against it, or against 2h?

i didn’t say about 2H i said about the subject, and you seem very against the option to get frostmourne as transmog, i wonder why


Am I? Where?

are you going to play dumb now?

you did here:

and every post after it, always bringing up nonsense and ways of saying its not possible

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What does that quote say again?

Let’s take a trip down memory road!

Now to end this wall of quotes.


In any of those quotes does it say “I don’t want Frostmourne”? Or are you just drawing links that isn’t there?

now seems like you are tripping balls now, admit what you have done or people will think you are bipolar

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Seriously? Are you trolling?


Not going to answer? You said that I said I’m against it and you quoted what now? Something that just states what happened to Frostmourne was it?

No. Where did I say I don’t want Frostmourne? You 2 are making a strawman. Those quotes are just factual statements about what happened to it. It is gone is it not? How exactly does that equate to “I don’t want Frostmourne”?

I refuse to believe that you aren’t trolling. You aren’t that dense.


now answer, are you not against it? do you want it? are you in favor of Frostmourne coming as transmog? or are you going to bail out by the tangent with an excuse to keep saying nonsense?

Answer properly to end this please

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So then why twist what I am saying? Factual statements about what happened to a weapon in game is just that. If you look into it and think there is something deeper that is on you.

I like how you guys completely ignored the part where I said they could make a green transmog item just for the sake of transmog while everyone else was talking about reforming the frost weapons in the forge in Shadowlands. Or just “give it to us”.

Why should I answer you and you not answer me first? Trying to bypass the fact there is no quote of me saying “I don’t want it” and asking outright if I want it. Truthfully I don’t care one way or the other if it is available or not. If I want it I would get it, if not I would ignore it.

The very issue was people were talking about “give me this” when you can’t even get it in game to be able to transmog it. One even flipped out because I said green item instead of the color they wanted which makes me question if they know how the transmog system works since it has requirements to be able to use the visual of the weapon.

You and other people took that point and somehow twisted it to mean "I don’t want it and don’t want other people to have it " the same exact thing you have been doing to me in other threads.

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HAHAHA see you are bailing out again, what a joke.

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