Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

the devs can make anything lore friendly at a drop of a hat. just like how ret get to finaly be able to wield ashbringer.

so it could be tomorrow they could announce hey dks frostmorne transmog. which would go nice to that arthas skin thing with charges.

so help us trying to get them to do this instead of saying it cant happen cuz lawl lore you guys


And ashbringer was still around, someone was using it, Tirion, and was absolutely demolished. It dropped into a pool of lava and who knows how it got out, but since the original wielder died someone else needed to use it.

Frostmourne is gone. At least I’m using existing lore.

Aaaaand you’re never going to stop until us 2h Frosties are no more from Warcraft… aren’t you? B(
Krissignacia is right that the devs can make anything lore friendly at the drop of a hat, just like how we got Ashbringer and all those other stuff to happen. So stop trying to say we can’t do the same to Frostmourne. If you keep trying to shift the narrative to us being “liars who want something impossible”, when we keep trying to explain HOW it COULD be possible already, and whatever the devs can do to make it work, then you’re not welcome on ANY pro-2h Frost or pro-Frostmourne post at all. So PLEASE go back to your pro-DW forums already if you want to just cause this much trouble with your walls of texts every time someone makes a post that’s pro-2h Frost, pro-Frostmourne, or both. Seriously, I feel like I’m better off ignoring you like you have ignored us and instead tried to strike us down the countless times we supported 2h Frost or Frostmourne!
And another thing, if you’re so stuck thinking that we’re the delusional ones so many times, just cause we want 2h Frost, Frostmourne, or both, and we give our reasons to support it, only for you to try and cut us down like that and call our arguments useless, then I don’t wanna hear from you again with how you’ve just been annoying every last one of us 2h Frosties to no end.


Oh, shut up. You are just a liar at this point with your “you hate 2h frosties” nonsense. Cut it out.

Again, Frostmourne is gone, like you guys said, this is about “Timewalking” to get Frostmourne, stay on topic. Now that the entire thing is shut down in terms of that because like with the Glaives you actually had to get the weapons first, and then kill him with them. It had requirements in that regard. You cant have that with Frostmourne.

Sure, they can add in a reason later on, but what would that reason be? Like I said his purpose was to keep the scourge in check and Bolvar doesnt need the weapon to do that. The point of the Lich King initially and why these things were created was to create an undead army for the Burning Legion forthem to use and they were betrayed yet again by Ner’zhul. Now he just has to keep the Scourge from rampaging, the helm was broken by Sylvanas because she is a super being now because “plot armor” and then the people of azeroth is going to have to fight the scourge yet again.

Frostmourne is not needed at all anymore and who is going to reforge it? Is it going to have the same soul prison mechanic to it where it steals peoples souls? If so then you need the Nathrezim to make it since they have protection against it so their souls are sent back to the Twisting Nether instead of being consumed by the blade.

And again, quit lying. And me annoying you because you lie? Now you know how I feel constantly when you keep with this bs narrative that you have absolutely no evidence to support. If you cant make posts without lying then get off the forums because you help absolutely no one and nothing by doing so.

I have to agree, lore wise, frostmourne just isn’t available. The circumstances of its existence resulted in it being destroyed and reforged into two 1 handers.
Now…if they allowed the cosmetic option, I would be fine to see a 2h version of the artifact.
Not frostmourne per se, but similar.

its a waste of time trying to convince you of anything so i will stop wasting my time…in the end of the day its something blizzard can do in less than a day (by making frostmourne a transmog, not the icc event), and you are helping nobody by trying to stop us, blizzard do not change the agenda doing exactly what they were going to do anyway.
i want frostmourne as a transmog, the glaives dont make sense lorewise, therefore i dont care if froustmourne happens the same way…me and other death knights want it because its cool and epic, cause its fun, i dont give a damn if its not a long term healthy idea, timewalks black temple and ulduar are 2 examples of it but blizzard made it anyway cause its a cool idea to put IN A GAME for players to enjoy…thats all i have to say, you will probably gonna aswner a bunch of crap anyway, its not like its gonna change our wishes for even a second.


There are prerequisites for transmog items, you cant ignore them for the sake of “I want it and I should get it”.

You can get the Glaives, you cant get Frostmourne.

You can want something and wish for it all you want, but it doesnt mean its going to happen.

I also cant believe that none of you even suggested the obvious in terms of timewalking. You guys do know that they could just make a green item called Frostmourne and add it to the loot table right? Like what they did with enchant visuals.

But none of you ever even thought about it. Just said " I want it" and the entire point was looking at the requirements of something that is on the transmog loot table. Its unobtainable, its not a legendary in the case the changes in 8.3, its not higher than a white quality item even if you could get it since it “does exist in game files”.

But not one person even suggested it and rather spout off insults instead of actually trying to figure out a way to do something that even remotely makes sense.

And again, why do you think I was trying to “stop” you like im some boogyman that goes after what people like. Because I said its not a lootable item, not a legendary and therefore cant be a transmog item? Because I look at how the in game system works while you want stuff to magically happen? Or have exceptions to the rules for the sake of “we want it”… sounds kind of like self entitlement to me.

frostmourne a new GREEN item? if something like this happened i can already see the foruns outrage, making a green item frostmourne its like throwing the holy bible on fire in front of a church…and to be fair, you´re more opposed to making frostmourne a orange item than adding to the mog table, which its just makes no sense, why do you even care if froustmourne becomes an orange especially considering its not gonna be transmog locked in the future anyway.

yeah its true, im not confident this is gonna happen i never was…however since you need help to understand the basics, let me explain you something, standing in place and saying what u want increases the chances of getting that, blizzard cannot read minds players needs to tell blizzard what they want so blizzard can think of adding in the game, if players never spoked about it then classic wow servers would never be released and that is the biggest example you can get.

are you even a developer? i dont need to think about how they can do that, they can do it anyway they want…to give you an example, before legion ashbringer still a not obtainable item like frostmourne do have an item in the data files of the game, when blizzard decided to put ashbringer for paladins to use do you think they made ashbringer by using the ashbringer they already put on the files? no, they made another item called ashbringer and gived to the players, the old ashbringer files are still within the game data blizzard even changed that item color to the same as artifacts, for no reason, they just did…

if blizzard decides to make frostmourne into a transmog, do you think any of the reasons you gived us for them not be able to do the mog thing will get into blizzard way? if blizzard want they will do it, its not a matter of finding “excuses” for them not to do it, blizzard do stuff that doesnt make sense to the players all the time since vanilla sometimes is good and sometimes is not.
do you think the System rules over blizzard, OR blizzard rules over the system? blizzard made the system, changed the system, who do you think are in the control here?
why do i think you´re trying to stop us? cause first 1- you´re not helping it, you never tried to, second 2- all you did until now was giving us excuses, for what reason? trying to convince us to give up, cause things cannot happen because reason a,b and c and then we spend time trying to convince that the reason a,b and c are dumb, but you refuse to listen and then complain for being called out an idiot…of course, idiot meaning is " An idiot , dolt, dullard or (archaically) mome, in modern use, IS A STUPID OR FOOLISH PERSON." thats the definition of the word.


For someone who gets very uppity at “misinformation”, you sure are spreading it.

If you’d have read about, or done the Ret artifact quest, you’d have learned that Tirion died from being tortured. He was not killed when plunged into the fel-lava.

The Ashbringer was fine throughout that entire period, just separated from Tirion.


Make it whatever color you want, green is the lowest quality that is even considered to be on the transmog table and you still find issue with it. See again, I put it within the bounds of transmog and you went off on some other argument just assuming stuff with no basis other than I just said “make a green item” WHO CARES WHAT COLOR IT IS. This is exactly what im talking about with you guys, you made an argument out of something nobody said.

You do understand that player feedback does not mean “i want something make it happen”. Those types of feedback have hardly any value at all, if it did then you would have 2h by now after almost 4 years of complaining about it.

In terms of timewalking, since it is technically a form of time travel using the bronze dragonflight, they can “add” it in like that but not one of you even thought to bring it up. Why not? Were you too preoccupied in just hating me or do you just not care and want to complain that you dont have item x or cant use weapon y?

The system is created by Blizzard and depending on how it works it can rule over what Blizzard can do with it. Its not then endless stream off possibilities and it has limitations.

Yes, im trying to make you guys give up while trying to make you think. I didnt just give you the best possible solution out there other than rewriting history using some Forge that no one in the living world had access to unless they retcon the lore some more, that they just announced at Blizzcon.

Go ahead, call me what you want, but when you are banned from the forums dont go crawling around begging to get back on. Bye, have a fun time not communicating with others because you dont know how to interact with people.

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Did I say what you are saying I said? No I didnt. I said he was demolished, aka owned. And he and the weapon was at the bottom of a pool of fel lava… how did they get out exactly? Or was that never talked about and he just magically ended up outside of it?

And that’s incorrect. Misinformation, if you will.

I wonder why we didn’t ask the demons how they did it, I’m sure they would have told us.


we did that, its literally the thread tittle…? but you are blind in your frenzy against 2H to see

because we did give enough reasons and possibilities of how it could happen

its time to stop Kelliste, drop this facade


He wasnt owned by the demons? And he didnt fall into a pool of fel lava? I just watched it, Gul’Dan was holding him and a demon breathed fel breath all over him and then Gul’dan dropped him into the lava… hmmm. Misinformation where exactly?

Stop lying.

i mean, you are the ones saying no one here give options or examples of how it could happen, just that “we want it” when this is clearly a lie, and we did talk about options.

Now your move is to accuse people of what you do?


everyone, is frostmourne, orange its A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, literally everyone agrees on that, you´re the only exception.
GREEN ITEM FROSTMOURNE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, did you still not understand that???

say that to all the players who got what they wanted by doing this for years…again i bring back classic wow servers example

this right here, its the proof that you literally didnt read what i said before

and now you are admitting that you are opposing us…solution? where? because that green item thing you just spoked about, i will say it again, everyone is gonna outrage if this happens, you are clearly unaware of how other players would react to something like this.

by others do you mean yourself? literally everyone here on this thread is agaisnt you…


Quit lying. The only thing that you guys did was talk about shadowlands.

Because text on an item really matters when you want the skin? Wow. And again, since you clearly dont understand, make it whatever you want, orange, green, purple, it doesnt matter since it just allows it to be put in the transmog table.

Got what back exactly? You mean all the stuff being removed? Even Pillar of Frost had an actual argument other than being an iconic ability.

I read your post, it held nothing of significance other than a bunch of complaining about what I said over stuff that shouldnt even matter to you like what rarity Frostmourne drop would be.

Dont understand sarcasm? Too bad for you, not my problem.

And no, you broke the rules of the forums by insulting others. Have a nice day.

Aw, Jesus jumped up Christ! Kelliste keeps writing off us all as selfish liars who refuse to listen to reason, when she’s being a perfect example of all that! The stupid hypocrite! Can you PLEASE leave us be when we’ve already have been doing all that you said you yourself were doing, yet claimed we didn’t at all!? Like providing proof, talking about it reasonably, and whatnot!? I really feel that she needs to be banned from the Death Knight forums if she keeps this up without end honestly guys. I’m starting to feel like we’re all Harry Potter, and she’s Umbridge now at this point.