Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

You just straight up are not reading.


We already said it doesn’t matter if it’s usable or not for whether or not Frostmourne can be usable as a tmog though… Not usable or accessible now doesn’t mean it should ever remain like that if artifacts and exploring new lands taught us anything… And besides, a transmog doesn’t have to follow lore at all, like we all already said countless times… But if you’re not listening to ALL of what we have to say, and only the parts you want to so that you can shoot down our arguments, then we might as well start ignoring you like you have ignored what we said to shut us down.


Oh no, im reading. While you are right with not being able to get stuff until they release it, how are they going to release Frostmourne? Hmm? Its broken and shattered, how would they give that to you as an artifact like they did with other weapons listed?

The forge? Even though it was created by demons who as far as we know cant go to the shadowlands and just have this endless cycle of being reborn after they die.

The demons DID go to that forge in the Shadowlands to create the helm and Frostmourne in the first place though! How else could they have reached the Forge of Domination anyway!? And we already said we can reforge Frostmourne to truly allow it to be reborn there! The current owner of the forge could have been forced to aid the demons in creating them and remember all too well how it went anyway! And you said you’re reading our comments fully, but what you just said has left me seriously doubting you as usual.

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Exactly, how can they reach the Forge of Domination? They dont die and go to the afterlife, they go to the twisting nether. And according to Blizzard there was no way in or out of the Shadowlands, until now.

So how? Its a pretty big flaw in the story. Maybe, it wasnt created at that forge, or if it was it wasnt in the shadowlands. Again, you had to die to get there, no way out. Seems like it wasnt thought out.

I’ve already answered that, which is further proof of you just straight up not reading.

Please stop trolling.


theres nothin wrong with transmogin Frostmourne so it looks like i got a 2h so I support this cause


By reforging it right? But again how? The story is that these items were created by the Nathrezim demons. And again, they go to the twisting nether when they die and get reborn, or summoned again. By Blizzards own words, the only way to get there was to die, and there was no escape. The breaking of the helm is what is allowing the living and the dead to combine. If there was another way to get in there then its not really the afterlife.

The Nathrezim were able to travel to other worlds, and could have opened the way to the Shadowlands for Kil’jaeden so that they could together use the Forge of Domination. Did you really forget about those guys, and other ways the Burning Legion could have forced their way in without mortals and their other enemies finding out? And without having died themselves too.

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The Shadowlands isnt another world, its the afterlife.

Even if it’s the afterlife, it still counts as another world though… Regardless, the Burning Legion always try to find a way to get what they want, and the creation of the Helm of Domination, Plate of the Damned, and Frostmourne, were all no exceptions.


So a handwave and everything is fine?

If you can only get to the afterlife by dying though, according to Blizzard, then how? They are tied to the twisting nether, Immortal beings. If death is the only way in, and no way out, then what exactly is going on other than bad writing? Maybe they just retconned existing lore because “new expansion that deals with the new lich king yayyy”.

Any DK player would give a finger to use the frostmourne as a transmog, its THE, Death knight weapon, like the Doomhammer is THE shaman weapon, She being Against just straight up proof she is not a DK player at all

its comic how she is trying by any means give reasons of why this can’t be possible

the same way the demons did, if they did we can.

why its matter? if they were able to go to the shadowlands to create, and we are going tot he same place, we can do it again.

the entire next expansion is going to be there, its us going there, are you up do date?

there is others way to go there, without dying, by portals and other magic, we do that sometimes, we as DK enter the shadowlands to get our horses, do you remember that?

WE are going there, WE could forge it back to one, or we could forge a new one identical, we could even find another one with other the same style, but who look a lot like it, there is so many possibilities.


my god you are so annoying with this stupid argument… first off, the reason frostmourne becomed the twin blades of the fallen prince is 100% because frost dks cannot use 2H weapons so blizzard had to reforge the weapon in a shape dks could use it, SECOND we DID get frostmourne the form did changed however the fallen blades were REFORGED after frostmourne pieces themselves you can say that the fallen blades are a recycled altered version of frostmourne, and the name of the weapon changed because its 2 weapons now and also because a new name represent a new path for frostmourne, if you read the damn book in the dk class hall where tells the artifacts history its says clearly that the fallen blades are the new chapter in the story of frostmourne.
And also “frostmourne isnt a legendary”, no of course not, the most iconic blade in lore must be what? green, purple? OH I KNOW, GRAY how about that??? if frostmourne were an weapon obtainable by players at ANY TIME before legion what type, what color do you think FROSTDAMNMOURNE WOULD BE??? ORANGE LEGENDARY YOU IDIOT!!!


I would give even more than that I think to right the wrong we’ve been condemned to in Legion that Kelliste and Monkiy, and those two girls I can’t forgive, Kusarii and Manarri, and Outbreaks and Magicke following in the latter two’s footsteps, all want to absolutely stop us from correcting at all. Those guys all only succeeded in making me feel quite pissed off instead. I just want Frostmourne to be properly reforged, AND to get a tmog of it, to right the wrong we’ve been forced to deal with ever since Legion! Which was 4 frickin years by now, or more! Is that too much to ask from Blizzard!? God I hate those guys so much, I seriously feel like crying sometimes out of pure hate and despair… And that was why I left WoW until the anniversary anyway…


it makes any sense lorewise? NO
where its the glaives lorewise? either disappeared, or a “bunch of adventurers” get it, which if we look at the example at legion where they used an random NPC to retrieve thunderfury from its dead body at a random whatever cave in the broken isles in the rogue secret appearence outlaw artifact quest to give it to thunderaan…based on that example the glaives would probably show up on a random npc if blizzard were to show up the weapon on the story for some reason.


Thank you so much for saying all that Darknessgodd. Kelliste said I was the stupid one so many times for wanting 2h Frost and Frostmourne back, as well as to others, but man she’s such a stupid hypocrite. I’m really glad you said all that to point out that it’s still very possible to get Frostmourne as a transmog, we just need it to be added in the first place. And all her arguments to shut us down are rendered moot by the Glaives, and the other artifacts too. As well as so many examples out there that the guys opposing 2h Frost from returning, as well as Frostmourne, all appear to conveniently forget or outright ignore to stop our arguments for them.


There was a lore hole left for what happened to the shards of Frostmourne. That’s why it was introduced. Blood and unholy had other weapons.

Say a weapon breaks, and I took the metal and created new weapons, is it still that original weapon? No it isn’t. Just like you said it’s a new chapter.

Except it is a grey. It’s not a question of what it would be, it’s a question of what it is. Like other people have said it’s in the game files but unobtainable, it’s a grey item. Grey items aren’t on the transmog table, neither are whites. If it were gen blue or purple you could actually transmog it.

But currently, it doesn’t exist except for in the metal used for the frost dk weapons to close a lore hole. I don’t think Bolvar would even want the weapon. All his purpose was to keep the scourge in check and Frostmourne had no role in that.

Quit lying. Never said you were stupid unlike the person you were responding to who called me an idiot which is against forum rules.

Just like you did in your post as well.

The glaives argument also helps my argument. What had to happen for dh to be able to transmog them? Kill illidan with them on whatever character you got them on? They were legendary items, which opened the door for other legendaries?

What is Frostmourne now? Nothing?

And again because you don’t listen, not opposed to 2h making a return.

Because you can actually get the glaives. Question answered.