Timewalk icc with frostmourne transmog?

Will you please stop already for the love of god!?
We’re all aware Frostmourne isn’t available right now! But now, after artifacts, the pain we all felt from being forced to use toothpicks made from it’s shards while everyone else gets EXACTLY what they want; and the fact we’re going to the forge where Kil’jaeden created Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, it’s already about damn time we get Frostmourne! Even as a transmog!
But every time we try to ask for either 2h Frost or Frostmourne itself to return, you and a handful of others try to shut us down! And I can’t stand it anymore!
So PLEASE let us ask Blizz to both give us 2h Frost and Frostmourne back, and let us Frost DKs get to shine again! We’re already suffering in Frost, no need to suffer even more! And this doesn’t feel like “suffer well” at all BTW.
And another thing, you keep saying Blizz “can’t balance two different playstyles”, but it STILL feels like that in PvP and PvE, even after 2h got removed! That means 2h was NEVER the problem, it was Blizzard’s own laziness and unwillingness to fully rework the class to be fully viable and not have that problem anymore.
So please stop blaming 2h already! It’s like beating a dead horse at this point!


Where did I say I was adverse to 2h coming back you liar. You are just a complete and utter liar at this point and if you read my posts in another thread that you were responding to you should know that im not adverse to it.

So tired of people like you lying just to push your agenda.

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Why should you get Frostmourne?

Why should you get 2h? Even though Im not on the anti 2h bandwagon that you guys place me in and im tired of you guys just completely lying about it, just because you “want” something doesnt mean you should get it back and quite frankly with all the lies flying around, Im starting to hope you guys dont get it anything.

You arent puting forward any information on how to bring back 2h, you just want Frostmourne because “I want it” even after it was destroyed and the other weapons like the Glaives, were dropped by Illidan or crafted by the user, or some artifact weapons, which like I said before who knows how the Ashbringer got out of that pool of fel lava, were basically given away.

You just want Frostmourne because you want it, its gone deal with it. Why dont you guys actually spend more effort into fixing the spec.

And nice talking point from Hazzed. There is a major thing that he is ignoring, there is more to balance now than there was and they arent really caring about WoW pvp at all. There is just too much going on. You have the core spec, talents, Azerite gear, PvP talents and possibly more that they would have to balance around right now, if they couldnt balance DW and 2h, what makes you think they can balance all of that?

Ignoring factors doesnt help anything, seriously get your heads out of the 2h clouds and come back down to reality and work on something that is actually important to the health of the game.

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i didn’t say adverse i say averse, who is the liar now? :thinking:

i tend to ignore most of you say, since you are a troll(thats what you like to say right?) but i already read enough posts of how every time the subject come up you appear being averse to the idea, you are even bashing the frostmourne subject because its related to 2H

rly just stop, save your efforts to the alpha forums so you can give your feedback


This isn’t a 2h thread, this is a thread suggesting a Frostmourne mog.
Let’s try to avoid getting it locked for going off-topic.


see? you put yurself in a bad position, why should not get frostmourne??

why we should not get 2h?

you are so blind, we are talking about the transmog, people have being saying that since we were going to the shadowlands, the place were the sword was forged we could have a quest chain to reforge the blades of the fallen prince again, or create a new one, just for the appearance

And what is the problem of that? you want something because you want it, would be cool, nice, etc.

its for appearance only

balance means literally nothing to the transmog option that this thread is about, save your “balance feedback” to the alpha/beta forums


Not me because they hold almost the same definition. A strong dislike for “averse” and adverse is preventing the success or development.

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Frostmorne isnt a legendary, it was destroyed, no one could get it at all in game. Its like asking to get Sargeras’ sword as a transmog option.

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You have a point, but Kelliste keeps trying to shut down both 2h Frost and Frostmourne discussions. I honestly wish we could keep her from posting on this discussion, and others supporting 2h Frost and/or Frostmourne so that we don’t have to hear her pointless ranting while trying to shut down either. Her walls of text are just giving me a hard time instead of proving anything she wants to prove at all anyway.

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Neither was the Doomhammer.

And reforged into two separate blades, which could easily lead to a quest to combine them back into one.

The Doomhammer was also unavailable to players, until it was available. This is a dumb argument that would only work if they weren’t still adding things into the game.


Doomhammer wasnt destroyed either, and was turned into an artifact weapon. This change is allowing Legendaries to be used in transmog.

Why combine them back into one? What story would there be to do that? The green fire had a story behind it, what would the Frostmourne story be? People in game would want that weapon to stay gone and broken.

And no, its not a dumb argument since again, Frostmourne was destroyed. They wrote in why people got these things are artifacts. Frostmourne is gone.

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Maybe if you guys would stop lying about what I said, I wouldnt have to create walls of text to defend myself from you liars. How about that? And sorry but no, you arent going to keep me from posting. How would you like it if people wanted to stop you guys from posting about 2h?

At least Im not lying. I am not against 2h like you guys claim I am. Frostmourne however is gone, finished, dead, broken and the scraps were used to create a new weapon. Get over it.

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Bah, shaddup already will ya!? Besides, this topic’s main point isn’t about 2h Frost, it’s about getting a Frostmourne tmog in general! Yet you try to find ways to excuse it not being available anyway that are all rendered moot thanks to Legion! Remember Ashbringer, Doomhammer, Felo’melorn!? Legion gave those to us, EXCEPT Frostmourne! All cause they wanted to force us to be stuck as dual-wield! This is no longer a matter of if they CAN give us Frostmourne, it’s a matter of if they WANT to let us have it now!
But if you’re so dead-set on being all “fun detected” that got us into this mess in the first place, PLEASE stay as far away from the forums as you can!
And another thing, the original proposition was a Timewalking raid, but I think a quest reward for properly reforging Frostmourne back into it’s original form to give to Bolvar before the end-game raid against Sylvanas and the Jailer can work too for getting a Frostmourne tmog.


I never said it was? It was just an example of other things previously unavailable to players and not a legendary. I could have also said the Scythe of Elune, or the Scepter of Sargeras.

Dunno, not a story writer. Perhaps something along the lines of Bolvar telling us to.
As terrible as the lore has been lately, I’d still rather leave it up to them to write it.

Regular people, sure. The Deathlord does not care other people want if they stand to gain, as evidenced by the whole dragon shenanigans that went down.

I don’t think you’re understanding why that’s a really dumb argument to make.

“No one can get it right now, so no one should ever get it” is just plain stupid. No one could get flying mounts until they were added, no one could go to Pandaria until it was added, no one could use Artifacts before they were added.

Saying that it isn’t currently available, so it shouldn’t be in the future is just bonkers.


THANK YOU Mauden! What you just said made SO much sense! And yeah, Kelliste’s way of thinking that not available now should mean we can’t ever get it in the future is so stupid. And I already was thinking that we can properly reforge Frostmourne to be truly reborn as it’s old self for Bolvar to end Sylvanas with it would be quite epic already.


Honestly I’d love that even if we didn’t get it as an appearance.
That’d be a perfect ending for her, first and last death to the same blade.


Like people said were are going back to the shadowlands, the place were they forge the sword and the helm of domination.

The perfect place to reforge the sword again or create a new one with the same look, there is plenty of possibilities.

And since its a transmog option only, lore mean little here.


My thoughts exactly, but I’ll be even more happy if we got it as a usable appearance as a reward for recreating Shadowmourne’s forging process in the Shadowlands, using the same forge it was born from. Still, I agree that even if we don’t get a Frostmourne tmog, permanently ending Sylvanas with the very sword that killed her the first time would be awesome. I hope Arthas returns also to enact his own justice against her to make it even better, maybe even pulling the same stunt Bolvar did at the end of WotLK, and becoming Sylvanas’s own jailer, not just the new Jailer of the Damned to replace the current one. Hope the Maw turns blue as a result of that as well, like how the Helm of Domination turned orange until Shadowlands.


Actually I did bring up Frostmourne intially. The very first thing I said was "Because Shadowmourne is actually a usable weapon unlike Frostmourne.

The first person that mentioned 2h that I can see was Syegfryed. I am not taking any blame for someone elses actions. And I have already addressed why Frostmourne wont be coming.

There is also a difference between Ashrbinger, Doomhammer, Felo’melorn, they werent destroyed. Frostmourne, as a weapon, couldnt be wielded by just anyone. The lore of the weapon wouldnt allow it, what are we going to do, just steal everones soul that it happens to touch?

Are you going to change it to something else, but then its not really Frostmourne is it? The timewalking argument links to the Illidan fight and the Glaives for DH, you had to defeat him with his own weapons to gain access to it. If you cant get Frostmourne then what are you going to do? Just get an appearance for beating him? Is that what you would want from an iconic weapon?

There is another, slight problem with the location of where these things were created. The Lich Kings armor and Frostmourne was created by the Nathrezim. Unless they are able to go to the Shadowlands even though they are seemingly immortal like other demon souls go to the twisting nether, it would seem like theirs do too so do they have another way to get there or are they just retconning established lore?

Looks like someone at Blizzard doesnt know their lore. So was it really created there? From everything we know, you have to die to go to the Shadowlands and demons dont go there, soooo how did they get there if they went there at all?

Frostmournes fate was already decided. What are they going to do? Make a transmog out of a weapon that you could never get, it was destroyed, and somehow Dk’s get it because “we want it”.

There was a requirement to getting the Glaives transmog, what would it be with Frostmourne, or do people just say stuff and not think about implementation?