Timers added to Torghast

no, in true partisan fashion the hill this is stupidly going to die on is arguing over the basic definition of timers, apparently.

Still, I agree with you.

wow, that didn’t take long to change. “don’t worry, there are no timers”
to “it’s only a soft timer”

i knew it, visions 2.0. there goes shadowlands. oh well, what can you say.


No timers, please! Timers turn fun into stress.


It’s actually random based, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to get 8+ items based on available WQs. That was before we had evem more options in 8.1 and 8.2. /shrug

Blizz does this all the time
they will tweak it by the first patch. But I think people will give up on it by then. Happened with warfronts and island expeditions.

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You won’t be getting these debuffs until floor 10, which is roughly 30 minutes of playtime.

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Its random, but I just geared five characters over a month from 120 to WQ’s and each X amount of hours (don’t know exactly what X is) you’ll have two gear specific WQs, sometimes four but its the duplicate of the same two gear items that are always “unique”, and one/two caches that gives you something random.

That’s what my observations have been, having just gone through it (finished my pally just a few hours ago).

you probably won’t be getting much else either.

You mean I can’t watch all 3 extended edition LoTR movies in between each pull??? BLIZZARD HOW DARE YOU!

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“General Discussion?” more like “General Reeeeeeeecussion” :joy:

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Yeah, it was too good to be true. Hard pass from me. Will surely refund the preorder. Torghast was my most wanted feature, but I hate timers in games with a passion. Any timed session in anything is stupid.


I really couldn’t care if someone wants to spend hours waiting on CDs. If the rewards at that point are simply to see how high someone can go then who cares?

I absolutely hate any form of timer. I was very much looking forward to taking my time without any pressure for a change. It’s a huge deterrent for me and mythic+. Sometimes I have to afk randomly due to irl which sucks in visions and this looked like content I’d avoid that issue.


BTW to all the people complaining about this, you’re expected to farm the Maw zone for keys into Torghast.

It’s not free 24/7.

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I can’t wait for this to not impact me at all, while thousands whine on the boards about falling off a cliff because they felt rushed, or some garbage.

Ya, waiting on your cool downs to come back is so fun
 let’s be real, you were never going to spend HOURS upon HOURS in one run.

They did a reasonable change. Stop whining.

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Torghast is tuned around each specific class. You’ll be fine.

Not to mention
 Tank = bigger pulls.

This specific point is also addressed in the most recent interview: What the developers are currently playing with is using keys to access the “rewarding” Torghast while letting players do a “win-nothing” funsies Torghast anytime they please.

Also, y’all really need to start reading before you flip the rage switch. These affixes and “timers” are strictly connected to your time spent out of combat, they don’t penalize you for low DPS or slow kill-times.


How can you use CD’s then? They’re on timers too.

That sounds like it is working as designed
 gets easier with better cloak and buffs.

Way to figure that out.

It’s a soft timer that starts a certain amount of time after leaving the start of each floor by way of debuffs. It doesn’t even kick you out, it just makes the floor harder if you take too long. So you can’t take 45 minutes to clear a single floor, it doesn’t sound like a big deal.

This sounds like outrage for the sake of outrage. Just gotta have SOMETHING to be mad about