This is actually a really good idea. I would be ok with stopping if it’s only denying myself a good buff and not killing me.
Also it’s a good incentive to move forward.
This is actually a really good idea. I would be ok with stopping if it’s only denying myself a good buff and not killing me.
Also it’s a good incentive to move forward.
There are video games which provide a singular experience in which I kinda consider FPS games to be in this category. Shoot em up and keep doing it till you win.
WoW is not like that, which is why I love MMO’s. I can do just about anything. My point is there is things in WoW with and without timers. They try and cater to both worlds, however ugly it may be at times.
I feel we should respect that and try to keep it going. MMO’s are about variety and not just one singular experience. Stop pushing options away and start opening them.
Edit: Variety is the spice of life.
Exactly why Ion the lawyer has to go. Hes so clueless about his players.
True and this tower having no timer would add that variety at end game that we need. Currently all solo and 5 man content on the high end is timed.
what else would we expect from this company at this point?
Just more content I wont do…again.
I am tired of Ion and the way he is leading the game. The lawyer needs to go now.
This has been blizzards issue for a long time now. You play how THEY want you to or they remove it.
I just find it so hard to believe that all the rewards you need are on the first 10-12 floors. Why make a endless dungeon to go into and collect stuff to make a Legendary Item and have them mats needed on the easiest floors. That is the complete opposite of what Blizzard normally does. Mounts are on the hardest mythic boss not the easiest LFR boss. Cores to upgrade legendaries are on the last and hardest boss of the raid not the first and easiest. Best gear is on the hardest mythic bosses, not the easy LFR bosses. I’m wondering if the mats are only on the first floors because of testing. I agree though. If i ever do step foot in it, when the legendary rewards stop I stop.
There were timers in The Burning Crusade. Yes, as far back as 2007.
Trash in some of the raids would begin to respawn after two hours. The intent was to give raiders a mental breakpoint to give up after working on the same boss for two hours without success.
I remember being in a guild that wanted to keeping working again and again, so we actually were willing to clear the same trash twice. But because of the respawns, absolutely no one thought it was a good idea to go past four hours.
No debate, no question. Once mobs started respawning at the four hour mark, we all knew we were done.
For this reason, timers in modern content can also be healthy. Mythic Plus timers discourage players from bashing their heads for 2-3 hours in pursuit of a slightly better weekly reward. Even if you go through that exhausting effort, you are actually prevented from going further because your key downgrades.
Are the timers mis-tuned and pushing you too fast? Maybe.
Are the timers not giving enough opportunities for breaks for real life and/or discussing a new strategy? Definitely.
But in the same announcement that started this 1500-post thread, Blizzard announced rest zones at the start of every level. I have yet to see a single rest zone anywhere in a mythic plus dungeon where you can pause the timer… so in some ways, this is a massive improvement.
I didn’t mention the word single player there. Good design can be used by mmos you seem to think because it’s an mmo it has to have a timer when even in WoW content like this has been done without one. Old WoW solved this exact problem with respawns for example.
So you’ve seen “thousands of MMOs” do these types of things better? LMAO
I’ve not seen this “cap”. Source? Changes things if so.
One of biggest reasons i got sl is cause there was finally content i can do that didnt have timers (blizzcon they specifically said no timers), islands m+ visions all had timers. I was gone most of bfa cause of all the timer contents. I guess till they remove torments im not even going to bother with sl, especially since it is core part of the content and required to do. Its shame too i was looking forward to sl but i do not do timers of any kind.
Why? that is the point for the soft cap/weekly set up, can go farther if skill, or time (not a timer as much as time you can put into it) allow. There will likely be a hard cap for repeated runs or those that push, and in the latter case that might come in at like floor 20, 30, etc.
To make sure, especially if it is a key part of expansion gearing, that the lowest common denominator of player can get it.
Mounts are vanity items, not key to progression. More so since once can get mounts in other ways. Key progression set ups are seldom tied to the hardest content, vanity items often are.
But one can do a full clear, no mask vision and get the upgrade, At a full ranked cloak, max research that might take some RL time but the timer? practically a non issue.
Well, debatable, loot pinatas are still a thing. I will say that the highest ilvl gear is from the hardest mythic bosses and mythic + up to +15.
Torghast is not the only “endless” set up, Mythic + also scales to no end, but the gear reward caps at +15. Why allow it to stack beyond the +15 if that is where the rewards end? because there are those that will push as far and as high as they can to challenge themselves
I’m not sure how well I can explain this, but I will try.
I am a adult and I do not wish to be manipulated into going at a specific pace just because they feel it would be heathly for me.
They sold me a game based on the concept of a tower with no timers. That is what I expect them to deliver. Or else they will be liars. And anything that punishes me because I have to get up a minute or 2 and attend to something is a TIMER. ( I DO NOT CARE IF IT’S SOMETHING SMALL!!) The torments are NOT the way to approach the hero issue. Currently what they are doing is taking back their word because they did not wish to solve the problem without the ease that is timers.
Torments are exactly that… a Torment that will make the player base not wish to play in these towers any longer then what is demanded. After that it will be dropped like a hot potato. Then when Blizzard asks “what went wrong” most of us are gonna put this junk on the list.
So you’re mad because they keep you from afking? Lame, blizzard shouldn’t design the game around your afk needs. I also would not enjoy getting into a torghast run where everyone is randomly afk because nothing else matters.
NO…If they sold me these towers and told me they would have soft timers from the start I would NOT BE ANGRY.
However they SOLD us on a tower with no time constraints and then Went back on their word. Letting people dream of being able to look at the TV and play wow content back and forth. Not having a computer malfunction kill their runs and being able to get up and bio and NOT having it be the end of the friggen world for anyone. They sold us ON that dream and then ripped it away for a lousy 1%er gripe that would resolve itself in a few weeks time.
THAT is why we are pissed.
Nothing more I hate than liers.
Sorry but there is so much stuff out there to do already that’s easy with no timers go afk there all you want. But when you step in a game mode you should play the game.
This is something I don’t get, me going afk, how does that hurt someone else? Does me logging and exiting the game hurt too?