Counter: who actually determines what a casual is?
Casual is meaningless anymore, because there seem to be so many different meanings among the playerbase. Like you could say you are casual and think this turns them off, another could say they are casual and like the system.
Ok, we had this discussion here on this very forum yesterday, to the point that I was breaking out links to online dictionaries describing the word “casual” then asking someone if the examples the dictionary gave would match up with what a mythic raider would agree with or not.
For me, casual means being able to step away from the keyboard whenever they need to, because WoW is a video game, and not a job. Its needing maximum player agency possible.
Again though, this is not content for healers. They are telling healers they do not care about them by adding timers… so sick of Blizzard telling me I am supposed to dps.
Lol I ain’t the one crying. People are crying about the debuff, I couldn’t care less.
Why would I be upset about people complaining about something they are overreacting to and haven’t experienced?
But what ever friend, sounds like you mad.
Yeah this something I mentioned earlier, perhaps in a different post, but yes the alternative is restricting use of long cds in Torghast, but personally I’m not sure which is the better option.
Either players have difficulty scaled over time or classes miss out on using some of their abilities.
Could honestly probably just have the sated debuff last the entire floor so you can only ever use lust once, but perhaps the issue there would be clarity and people not understanding the restriction.
Who knows.
Ironically what most people consider “hardcore” and “elitist” is probably the most flexible content available and running off to do something during trash isn’t punishing.
At the stage where someone needs to dash off and do something and pause the game at any second, potentially often, you kind of ask “is playing a live game right for you?”
And if that is the case, the answer is probably no.
There are tens of thousands of games available where players can hit a button to pause and grab the door, or see to their child, or take the dinner out the oven, but they are not live games.
Luxthos tested this all day and he went from loving Torghast to hating it. He gave a great solution to this whole “we are adding these so people dont wait for cooldowns” nonsense. He suggested that while not in combat, your cooldowns freeze and the countdown doesn’t go down unless in combat.
The fact these debuffs stack higher each floor is contradictory to their reasoning to adding them.
They are adding them because they know they can’t balance this properly and they are running out of time. It’s obvious they are behind on development of Shadowlands and this always their answer.
Don’t worry, they totally didn’t say they’re interested in feedback and that they’re going to tune as necessary to avoid this “timer” you all are scared of.
Wonder what’s going to happen with all the “timer sucks, Torghast DOA” posts now. Betcha a bunch of people without Alpha access are gonna start spouting off about it. Anyone wanna take that bet?
I guess it’s hard to follow links that redirect to Blizzard posts asking for specific feedback on how Torments feel.
Believe me, mate. I have my beef with Blizzard. This particular subject is a rather odd hill to fight on for the playerbase when there are much greater concerns to be had in the Covenants and ability balancing. But what would I know?
The problem with the Alpha only people who got access are mostly streamers and not the casual or long time continuing players who continue to keep the subscription active. This means feedback will have errors or to be wrong since the general population isn’t being represented on Alpha. Most streamers are high-end players, and only very few players are casual or middle of the pack, maybe on Alpha. They need to open those Alpha keys to long time players with an active subscription for more than 13 years to seek more honest feedback.
Not all long time players are casual and not all casual players are long time.
They want people who know their classes well and will push them to determine how they want things balanced. I don’t want my content balanced around Johnny Petbattle cause that will drop the skill ceiling faster than an earthquake.
This elitist esport “skills” crap has completely destroyed this game. I hope you’re happy.
You’ll get everything you deserve with the crapfest that Shadowlands will continue being, a rushjob expansion pieced together and shoved out the door on a budget that has done nothing but get smaller and smaller because all the monthly subs from the “Johnny Petbattles” out there have long disappeared.