Timers added to Torghast

Putting the devs on a timer is LITERALLY what killed BFA’s potential. Stop clowning.

Have you actually read the timers?

4 of the 6 are active even in combat.

3 of 6 actively decrease your damage done or increase your damage taken the longer you are on the floor. In combat and without.

BFA is a good game if you actually play it.

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and think about how much better it could’ve been if they had the time to do with allied races what they did to class halls, if they had the time to properly replace tier with azerite abilities, to actually fix the gaping holes left in the class design at launch (disc priest for example) due to the dev timer.

Oh, keep doing so sensibly, just keep in mind, what is sensible to you is not to blizzard or others.

Know how some do that? they don’t let the timers get to them. I am a more casual player, but I still do a weekly M+ and all that.

Most of the pressure I have seen comes from either themselves or other players, not from Blizzard.

In this case, how noticeable will it be if one does not keep an eye on the debuff unless they start noticing damage that can’t be anything but the torment coming into play? or the mobs that are spawning?

you aren’t arguing in earnest so why should the rest of us? There are 0 arguments that can be made to properly justify putting a timer on this content in any way shape or form. You can’t do it because it’s directly opposite what was promised AND IF IT COULDNT BE DONE WITHOUT A TIMER THEN BLIZZARD SHOULDNT HAVE PROMISED SOMETHING THEY COULDN’T DELIVER ON BEFORE ASKING FOR PRE ORDERS!


If they have responsibilities at home (changing diapers, etc.) they avoid putting themselves into a position where they may have to stop what they are doing to go take care of the responsibility.

Again, if it exists, they have to deal with it. Its not a mental issue, its a reality “Life” issue.

Hard to believe, but what we are doing is not a job, its playing a video game, and has a lower priority to those with responsibilities and/or interruptions.

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So no point in ever going past floor 10. A endless dungeon that has no meaning past the first 10 floors. Sound boring and not fun. And I will not do torghast if it has a timer. I refuse to do mythic+ and visions because of the timer and I will refuse to do torghast because of timers. torghast is DoA for me if timers are involved. The timer crowd has mythic+ keep the toxic go go go go go in there.


Torghast is going to be dead content for a lot of players.


Maybe I am not arguing in earnest because the only good arguments I have seen are tied to the exploration aspect, everything else comes across as timer sucks, even if it is so forgiving that I can still make it to the higher floors.

There are 0 reasons not to have something that keeps people moving/active. Hell, I have seen some good ideas, like tying CDs to being in combat.

Safe Zones are listed as being in, maybe ask for something to make your own “safe zone”? or for there to be more throughout the floor, especially if it is a larger one?

The reason to go beyond is to test yourself, I cap at M+15, when it comes to visions, I could do just a weekly full clear with no masks, but I do 3 mask clears and would like to do 4 and then 5. There will always be reasons to do things, it is just after a certain point it is up to the one doing them to come up with the reason

If something is not in the mind of players, maybe they need to decide what they want and go for that.

I think that those dungeons were designed with that timer in mind and it helped add to the feeling of fearing for your characters life fleeing from the master of undead. those are examples of timers that were well placed and served a purpose of immersion that benefited the players. Well applied timers are fine but they don’t belong everywhere and they certainly do not belong in this tower plus what we have now is opposite of immersion it mostly takes you out of the game, lessens your experience and is a detriment to the player.

Pause between pulls and pause between levels is NOT the same thing. Are you saying each floor is one pull?


Yeah, those dungeons were built around the timer, it wasn’t arbitrary like this one will be.

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The #NOCloakClub is going to morph into the #SayNOtoTorghastClub


Honestly, having a debuff that limits how many “big abilities” players can do (per class) would be what I would ask for (in lieu of what Blizzard has now), as it would alleviate the need for any safe zones, and allow players to pause at any point on the floor, but still allow Blizzard to balance things game wise.

There are 0 reasons to HAVE it either. It just comes down to dev choice. Do they want to make a procedurally generated dungeon CRAWL accessible to everyone? Or another iteration on Visions with that precious “sense of urgency”. Which is it Blizzard? I want to pay to play one, but not the other.

Yes, that’s what he has been saying. He equates a single fight as the whole dungeon, or as he puts it, “an encounter is the whole dungeon”.

I had no idea enrage timers worked out of combat. The things you learn!

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I’m onboard.

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I wouldn’t even compromise that much. If method wanted to wait for lust before each trash pack in a mythic raid, is there a mechanic stopping them? No? You mean it’s not game breaking? And is a custom group finder group of people going to wait for the mage that wants to take 10 minutes between pulls? No, we will police ourselves, as always? Then what is the horrible game breaking outcome of just letting that shaman who wants to wait ten minutes between each pull in his SOLO CONTENT go to town! It’s his play time! Let him do what he wants!