I don’t believe that we should take into account what’s going on in the world when discussing an upcoming feature in a video game. I sincerely hope you’re not trying to insinuate that the only reason I’m saying all of this is because of what’s going on in the world.
Your trolling and/or misdirection is what I am speaking about, not a video game feature.
Yeah but that evidence isn’t available yet.
Many here are alts and have indeed sampled the current content. Do not place judgements on those you do not know and no not de-value their opinions simply because they do not align with your own.
I do not like people who look up and shame other’s for their play. If you have to do that it means the position of your argument is weak to begin with.
Okay let’s for a moment pretend you aren’t moving goal posts and playing with words, you’ve still yet to explain how the (((soft enrage timer))) is a positive change or in any way shape or form as the content was advertised before pre orders… so who’s really making a strong case here.
You misinterpreting what I said does not equate to trolling. I’m sorry that angle doesn’t work with me.
Classes moves are already balanced around cooldowns so it really wouldn’t be. 6-10 minute cooldowns would be lumped together and 3-5 would be lumped together with everything else having no limit. They also have the freedom to set it to each floor or class. These torments are already causing a balance nightmare on alpha.
Your being intellectually dishonest in debating the issue is trolling and/or corporate misdirection.
And like I said, people are not in a good place right now to put up with trolling/misdirection right now, its not normal times.
At this point I hope it causes huge nightmares for the devs and they have to deep six it. Let’s hope they go as bad as possible.
you’ve said many words but contributed nothing to this conversation except the timers aren’t really timers because they are SOFT timers instead of HARD timers which again isn’t a strong case when the soft timer is more punishing than the hard ones.
I didn’t go into detail because you flew off the handle talking about something completely different. If you wanted me to discuss about the change in the content, then we should stay on subject.
For me personally, I don’t see a harm in a timer whatsoever because it exists in tons of content in the game. In many shapes and forms. I can pull from many examples from both newer content to ones ranging all the way back to Wrath. Maybe even in BC if I did some research (Didn’t play it)
Well not everyone can be right, and currently it isn’t casuals.
Nope. Sorry like I said, you’re not going to get me to back down on my stance no matter how much you hit the drum. I’ve been straight forward this whole time.
Things are looking good for it to be reverted. Every alpha streamer has been saying how they don’t like it and the problems with it. Only bad thing is Blizzard has been known to be very stubborn to take out a system so it’s possible Blizzard will keep it in despite everyone saying it sucks.
No you haven’t, and others as well as myself have been calling you out on it.
I can’t stop you from being intellectually dishonest in the debate, but don’t expect me to believe you’re not just because you say you’re not.
The proof is in the posts you’ve made.
BTW Gratz Blizzard, with one fowl swoop (of a take back on your word) you have created a new chain of threads that will more then likely equal High elf numbers!
I thought you were talking about M+, not Torghast with that. WHat I said I was applying to M+.
Hey, I never asked which would be easier, I asked which would be easier to convince blizzard to do. Think of it like this:
- you=“timer is bad, as it enforces gogogo, remove it” Blizzard="this is the way we decided to keep people moving.
- me=“the soft enrage is fine, but it could use tweaks, like the damage done debuff only applies out of combat and the stacking damage debuff possibly removed by dispells/healing” Blizzard=“hmm, some possibility there, we’ll look into it and see if we can’t tweak the system somewhat”.
I listed it as a possibility, and if they were, it would be something like the torments start at like 10 deaths, the blocking mob appears at say 15-20.
I still see no reason why this set up is inherently bad, depending on the randomness of the torments, one could possibly still hit the higher floors. Damage done reduced? you just kill things slower and have to potentially deal with more mechanics. Damage taken increased? have to try and avoid more damage, the biggest deals of which will likely be telegraphed. Mob spawn? another thing to take care of.
priceless quality trolling honestly
This comment is worth responding to.
You made the argument which is the exact argument against the timer and said it’s a good thing which is exactly what i said you would do like four or five posts ago on the post you “stopped here” on. The whole reason this content was welcomed warmly was because it was in direct opposition to timed/timegated content. It was an area to explore that was never the same twice and you would have as much time as you wished to explore it without punishment. The difficulty would be the dungeon itself not racing against a clock. There is plenty enough timed content in the game as it stands and this content was advertised to be an exception to the common rules of modern wow. It is dishonest as a company to take pre orders then change the terms of the content being put out so drastically.
No proof has been shown. You and “others” equate to really only 1 maybe 2 other people. That doesn’t mean anything to me because again I know what I said. You can requote me on it, keep using the same words over and over again and it doesn’t make it any more true.
Yeah, but I don’t even see 1 upside to limiting how much you can use your class mechanics and skills. So if a floor takes you 20 minutes and you use all your cds in the first 5, you’re stuck playing 15 minutes without your cooldowns? That sounds terrible.