Timers added to Torghast

You can disagree with me and not be trolling, you can’t make inflammatory comments, strawman people or ignore their arguments entirely and expect to be taken seriously.

You don’t retort you just reiterate what you’ve already said which is not a whole lot in terms of quality.

We have tried it all of BFA with the M+ system a system many players were relieved to get a breath of fresh air away from in the upcoming expansion, a system many players are upset with because of the constant need to grind the same dungeon to get stacked gear (titan forge, war forge, tertiary, socket corruption lottos) for content that they actually want to play. we have a timer system for players who enjoy that content. this was not content designed or advertised for those players and now that blizzard has those pre order payments in hand they are going back on their word yet again (see WC3 REFORGED)


They did the same thing for flying pre-WoD. They hemmed and hawed until the pre-orders and new subs were done, then they tried to take flying away from us.

Really scummy of them. :confused:


“…It’s frantic because you are punished for doing anything that isn’t gogogo…”

This, it’s the exact reason I stopped queuing for dungeons toward the latter part of expansions. It’s also why I don’t run any sort of mythic. I like to take my time and relax. It’s fine, just another aspect that we can’t have it both ways (regular tor and timed tor) so its not for me.


same but unlike you i meant it.

All can have lust via drums or other consumables. Also there are buffs/abilities in Torghast that could provide things like reduced CDs, permanent “lust”.

The thing is, they might be able to more surgically target the issue, but it might thrown off other aspects.

More like people can ignore or not sweat the timer.

Currently perhaps, but this is also subject to change. The can also add anima powers that limit the effect of torments.

You stopped because you can’t prove your claim. You read what you wanted to instead of what was said. Not uncommon here on GD.

I run only what I need to survive…that is all I do of mythic plus on this alt and my mains.

However that doesn’t de-value my opinion in this topic in the least. Go back to Mythic plus and keep your timer’s there.


My fiancee refuses to play content with timers. They stress her out. She will never do a Mythic+ Dungeon. I was happy that there will finally be some content made that we could play casually together. I know this seems small but this makes the expansion a lot less appealing to us now.


Ah, so we disagree on what qualifies as content and what qualifies as harder.

I don’t really like your suggestion because it will, I think, overly incentivize slowing down on higher floors to wait for cooldowns. I hated the downtime between MT attempts and I would hate knowing that my best chances at finishing a legendary for the week means waiting for Meta every pack on the last floor of tower area.


Auto correct knows better than Blizzard!

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I think you are right that it could throw off other aspects but they should at least make the attempt to fix it in a way that makes it as close to as advertised as can be.

they can’t ignore the timer if ignoring it kicks them out of the dungeon directly or indirectly.


Just make cooldowns useable once per floor.


I have to switch char’s I keep running outta like’s for the people who dislike timers as much as I do.


Uh huh. Again not uncommon here on GD. So far I’ve got 2 people who have a hard time understanding what’s said. Do I hear 3?!?!

If that’s the case there isn’t a point to having it.

Well we should be giving feedback to what is there not what might be there. Currently the majority of them are stacking regardless of combat.


so glad i scrolled through to read this post. Freaking spot on.

This was in response to an M+. The thing is, the only thing I have seen this “soft enrage” do is make it more likely that the thing that spawns after so many deaths is more likely to appear and block your progress.

The timer is there for those that really enjoy speed runs or maximizing efficiency. For those that are more the one a week, they might prefer to make the timer but can deal with not.

Correct, but which would be easier? trying to convince them to remove the timer, even if it is a soft enrage, or getting them to tweak the torments so they only apply out of combat or after certain conditions are met (x number of deaths, time based on floor size, etc).

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Please everyone who has ALPHA access report the timer’s as some sort of game bug because it literally should not be there at all.

They sold us a pre-order when they said no-timer and I say NO take-sie-back-sie’s! Channel you inner Vanilla and make it ME vs a Monster again…I don’t need the overall soft timer as a 3rd wheel.


I only pre ordered because of the timer. Fingers crossed it remains

If they don’t remove the timer they better prepare to refund lest they have another WC3 REfarted on their hands.