Timers added to Torghast

What prevents it from being challenging without a timer?


So you’ve never heard of a soft enrage timer. That’s what I’m getting from this.

Soft enrages that happen at a bosses % aren’t but m+, visions, islands, and bosses that occur on a timer are.

That’s cute but not realistic. If a player has a choice between taking it one encounter at a time and getting a large debuff by the end of the floor or picking up a big pack and aoeing them down to have a small debuff by the end of the floor they are going to do the later. History shows us this is the case.

You can go through as quickly as you’d like to but there is no reason to punish players who want to go slowly and take a different approach. This is just M+ game play rebranded with solo functionality. Pardon my hozen but It’s ooking stupid and so are you not because you disagree but because you are clearly trolling this thread.

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What would you add to it that would make it challenging to the point where you might have to give up and try again later?

It was literally a feature of the content: By and large, your failures in Torghast are measured in deaths, not with a timer.

The challenge should come from the mobs, not something prodding you to finish up.


Then make it harder as you progress, not a race to see who can get it done fastest.


So you’re saying that phase 3 Ra-den doesn’t put you on a timer before your tanks get one shot?

That’s not a challenge that’s just a DPS check.

You can definitely take as long as you want in M+ without penalty or punishment. You just forgo the reward of a higher key.


What does that have to do with anything that I’ve said? Also, I can give a more clear example of a soft enrage encounter in a boss fight if you want.

It’s not a race to see who does it fastest.

There already is and has been for a long time, ever heard of enrage timer?

Amazing! You can also pause between levels in Torghast! It’s the same thing. And any way to Sunday, its a soft enrage timer. I’m not sure where you’re getting these rules from where it’s every single encounter. Because the entire floor IS the encounter.

So again, it’s not different in any other content in the game.

I agree. Because I didn’t say “enrage timer”. I said soft enrage timer. Meaning that the run gets harder the longer you take to clear it.

Should look at what I said. Nowhere did I state “enrage timer”.

You’re playing word games, and causing anger and strife in the community, at a time when we really can use some good news and happiness instead. Stop it.

And no, the whole floor is not an encounter, its a dungeon. The trash packs, and the bosses, they are the encounter.

Yep. So you’ve never heard of soft enrage timers. Understood.

Now who’s trying to redefine words? :joy:

I mean, i suppose minors could still be a problem…but i just don’t realistically see people stopping and waiting 3 mins for all of their minors+trinkets to come off cd.

I get that whole “it just turns into a slog” argument…but at some point even the most ardent min/maxers will run into RL or just other in-game things they’d like to get done.

I’m not going to spend 1 hour on 1 floor just so i can pop my all of my cds for each of the 20 pulls. It’s just not realistic.


Amazing! You can also pause between levels in Torghast! It’s the same thing. And any way to Sunday, its a soft enrage timer. I’m not sure where you’re getting these rules from where it’s every single encounter. Because the entire floor IS the encounter.

So again, it’s not different in any other content in the game.

I agree. Because I didn’t say “enrage timer”. I said soft enrage timer. Meaning that the run gets harder the longer you take to clear it.

Should look at what I said. Nowhere did I state “enrage timer”.

You’re playing word games, and causing anger and strife in the community, at a time when we really can use some good news and happiness instead. Stop it.

And no, the whole floor is not an encounter, its a dungeon. The trash packs, and the bosses, they are the encounter.

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Your argument is that soft enrages do not put you on a timer. You’re wrong and i just highlighted why. hypocritical of you to criticize others for not knowing soft enrages if you can’t understand the example i just made.

Which ACTUALLY makes it better than the change you are in this thread arguing for. Thank you for the correction but it only serves to highlight my point here.

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Point out where I stated exactly that soft enrages do not put you on a timer. Quote me on it.

Adding a timer to it makes it a race, if not against other people, against the clock. It’s still a race not harder content. there are different difficulties in dungeons and raids, Not a timer, if you get it done this fast you get more drop or higher ilvl.