Timers added to Torghast

There is already timed content in the game for people who want it and they can still be good/go fast without a timer.

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You are contradicting yourself a ton again. If you become overwhelmed over time the reward is going to be better achieved through rushing through. You can’t keep saying exploration is incentivized in a system like this.


This response is 100% wrong. If you stay around and the debuff gets to the point that you get oneshot from any damage, then you a shut out of the run due to the timer.

Same thing with the damage debuff. Eventually the damage debuff TIMER will damage you and kill you and there would be no way to mitigate that damage.

You are a very dishonest person. Stating wrong things and also moving the goalpost whenever you are shown to be wrong.


So in your mind Prego is much better then homemade Italian sauce. Ok that’s on you. Is it ok if I don’t share that opinion?

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Just adding my two cents.

Adding a timer to the tower just makes it less appealing to me.

We already have Mythic + and frankly I think the timer ruins that experience for me personally. With that said, Mythic + is fine and should stay as is.

Torghast doesn’t need this though. Let people have one experience where they can play how they want. Use a build that isn’t min maxed and is just for fun. Not everything needs to be timed or a community tracked competition.


Then maybe people need to stop and think what “gogo rush content” is. For me, that content would be pulling big and pulling stupid just to make the timer, I.E. trying to brute force the content. I have seen this in both M+ and visions, most of the time it leads to deaths and wipes,

This soft enrage? I view it more like a chess game, in the sense I am thinking about my next possible move as I am completing my current one. Even in M+ the timer is usually forgiving enough to do this until you get to the higher keys. The ones I have been seeing? they are coming across like any kind of timer, soft enrage, etc is “gogo rush content”.

That’s a really strange comparison. It’s a soft timer, it isn’t the end of pasta.

WoW was a game that was all about the journey, the exploration and the time you spent in world. With the new timers and the go go go mentality it all about getting to the end, who cares about the beginning and the middle, it’s just trash that’s in the way in the race to the end. I miss the journey that’s what made wow great.


Repeating yourself doesn’t make you any less wrong. At this point you’re embarrassing yourself man. You really need to back off.

Just cap the number of times you can use heroism just like they do brez for M+.


You’re playing word games, and causing anger and strife in the community, at a time when we really can use some good news and happiness instead. Stop it.


I bet, we will get a hard cap timer. Just for the E-sports meta.

So you intend on continuing to spam instead of type anything of actual substance because you were found wrong in your assertion?

You can play the entire rest of the game as slowly as you want to. Heaven forbid you’re put under pressure for 15 minutes.

You have Mythic plus for this…go there, enjoy.


Not everyone sees it that way. This is just another timer on content that was appealing to a large swath of players who are trying to avoid timers. There is already enough pressure to go faster. It’s a better use of your time. You move on to the next thing faster.

The problem was people waiting for lust, so address that mechanic specifically and leave the rest alone.

you’ve got to be trolling… you’re one of those players who doesn’t remember CC back when it was essential to succeed in heroics.


I highlight the thread of your posts and you ignored them, so I’m repeating what I said to see if you’re stop ignoring it.

Sorry, you’re not allowed to redefine what a “enrage timer” is to win an argument. That’s just playing word games.

You need to stop playing word games, its the wrong time for them. If you just like to watch things burn, please don’t light a match right now.

Amazing! You can also pause between levels in Torghast! It’s the same thing. And any way to Sunday, its a soft enrage timer. I’m not sure where you’re getting these rules from where it’s every single encounter. Because the entire floor IS the encounter.

So again, it’s not different in any other content in the game.

I agree. Because I didn’t say “enrage timer”. I said soft enrage timer. Meaning that the run gets harder the longer you take to clear it.

Should look at what I said. Nowhere did I state “enrage timer”.

You’re playing word games, and causing anger and strife in the community, at a time when we really can use some good news and happiness instead. Stop it.

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What I don’t understand is that if people want to run around and kill creatures with no time restrictions, that’s what the open world is for. The tower is meant to provide some form of challenge not something that you can sit around in, clearer each level at your own leisure.

What does that have to do with Torghast?