Timers added to Torghast

Amazing! Niche content as an example! I’m sorry but as far as I’m concerned, there are no rest points in the middle of raid encounters, arena/rbg matches and M+. So your claim about your irl responsibilities are really silly. Especially considering that they’re adding in a rest area for you to deal with your kids and phone calls. That’s NOWHERE in any of the content I mentioned.


It’s because the average General Discussion player can’t do a clock related challenge

It’s the same people who say masks are the most diabolical thing ever in visions


Better not do literally any of the content in the game outside of World Quests then. Because they’re everywhere now.

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Exactly. Each floor is equivalent to a boss fight, or a mage tower challenge – the floor is the encounter.


Apparently taking 8 hours to complete by waiting 10 mins between each pull is somehow more fun?

I’m with you brother, it’s hard to understand people aye.


Yeah, thats why I dont do M+ either. I didnt like timers when they were added and I continue to not like them.


For the record, I just want to say that healers should no longer have mana. Mana serves as a form of “soft timer,” punishing healers from using their abilities, and stopping them from being able to always keep their groups at full health.


That includes raids and PvP too. Guess there’s no content in the game outside of WQ that’ll appease you at that point.


We’d like Torghast to behave like an environment (a dungeon) we can explore at an explorer’s pace (see Bartle’s Taxonomy: "Killers / Achievers / Socializers / Explorers). In that regard, it makes sense to be able to stop and define rythm on our own terms. Urgency is not a definitive feature of Roguelites, either. I can absolutely stop in the middle of a Dead Cells level without losing out on more than a bonus gate.


But what are you wanting to explore? It’s procedurally generated. The capacity to actually explore is quite limited.

You’re also free to explore to your heart’s content prior to floor 10.


Mythic+'s timer makes it so you don’t get rewards at the end. All this timer does is make an enemy slightly stronger (literally 1%) every minute. 10 minutes? 10% stronger. You clear the floors? It’s reset.

That’s not even accounting for the anima powers.


“I don’t like mythic+ because of a timer”

Checks Arturas’ profile

374 item level


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You people will never be happy. This is literally the least disruptive way to implement a timer, and it’s not even a hard timer. It’s just ensuring you’re actually capable of progressing as opposed to sitting on your butt waiting for cooldowns/Time Warp every pull.


An enrage timer on a boss is perfectly fine. If they did that in Torghast I’d be fine with it. I’d wager if they added timers to raids where the entire raid got harder and harder the longer you were inside, people wouldnt care for it.

As for PvP, I havent PvP’d since Blizz killed AV in vanilla.


Excellent! You can sit crosseyed in the rest area while gathering yourself on each floor.


Stop having fun wrong.

Especially considering it was the only mage tower challenge that had tht pause, and ironically, the second phase of that challenge was literally timed as players needed to dps their way to the next room and kill the boss before the npcs were executed.

Ba news for OP then, the Maw has an almost identical increased difficulty timer to Torghast, so even their WQ content will be “timed” lol


Sorry but a timer’s a timer. Like I asked. What are you doing that’s taking you so long to clear content that pretty much allows you to be an almost unstoppable god.

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Anima Power builds. The fight mechanics themselves. How high I can climb based on increasing pull difficulty. Preferably without a constant alarm bell bearing down on me.


You’re seemingly not understanding the point of a roguelite. It’s meant to be random. You won’t have a perfect run every time. It’s about thinking ahead about what future challenges you might have.

Sorry, that’s a you problem. If you have kids, that’s just one of the sacrifices you have to make as a parent.